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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. We cannot pay our debt. Government has zero percent chance of reducing its size by say 75% in perpetuity to allow us to do so. Raising taxes a few percent will do nothing. It will likely not even raise revenue. The dollar will crash. It is only at its current level because it is the worlds reserve currency. Our government is purposely spending our currency to oblivion. They know what they are doing. They will not stop. Debating the tax level to a few percent here or there means nothing. I am a finance dude.
  2. I will start dressing in all white and strutting with a cane very soon.
  3. brett johnson, whom the eagles just claimed from the bills, was a good safety prospect. I think he will be a good player in this league. The front office doesnt have the stones to cut Maybin, like they know they should. Of course, we have to pay him either way. Fitzpatrick is gone, he costs too much.
  4. What the !@#$ do they think music is?
  5. I am going golfing right now, out at concord crest. See ya, suckers!
  6. Yeah, I had a geology teacher who had absolutely no fear of germs explain it all to me while wearing a pair of socks she found on her hands and eating a piece of pizza I had already bit off of. How did all that magnesuim get into the limestone?
  7. Yes. I dont understand women, but I love them anyway. Maybe it is similar.
  8. Corbomite, yeah? Interesting. The first expedition to be allowed to enter Lhasa in the modern era claimed to be in possession of the "all-killing box," which they would use if denied entry.
  9. Mediocrity. The whole team has to learn to play together. But mediocrity is better than we have had lately.
  10. You no-business, born-insecure, jock-jawed mothaf@#er! Trick, I am Joe Blow, the lover man! You should be payin' me, B word! Ho, sweet ho.
  11. In some districts he had more votes than voters. I dont think our elections are real.
  12. I have a 1 iron, for very windy days. It is hard to hit.
  13. Buttsex lessons for first graders are a good thing, Sage? Where is my Dakota Fanning icon when I need it? I am not against health classes and sex-ed. But we need to be sure we don't have a prurient interest in pushing sex, masturbation and gay sex so much that we unnecessarily sexualize young children or dwell on sex so much that we seem to glorify it.
  14. The jets didnt look better than the patriots or the dolphins last year. They werent a juggernaut of talent when we played them. Just a bunch of bedwetters.
  15. I read about the espys in OSQ, obscure sports quarterly.
  16. Yeah, he looked much different at the open practice this year. The other day, my friends were talking about how someone from high school "made the transition". I had no idea that that meant a sex change.
  17. is my name, and effing up muther!@#$%rs is my .
  18. The odds sure do seem against him losing weight and gaining quickness at this time in his career, but Carl Lewis ran under ten seconds in the 100m dash when he was 39, so anything is possible. I like that Stroud has embraced the role, instead of gaining twenty pounds and mailing in an average season in the middle. He seems like he is having fun with it. I am going out on a limb and saying Stroud succeeds.
  19. I have been to a rodeo, and ice cream church social, and a country fair, and I have never seen anything dumber than the espys.
  20. I love preseason because you get to evaluate players in simple schemes. You see players doing basic things. It shows whether they understand the concepts or not. Does the Linebacker key on the offensive line, read pass and drop at a 45 degree angle with his head on a swivel, looking from his number ones to number twos? Does the defensive back have a smooth backpedal, does he backpedal until the last second when he has to turn on a post pattern and then defend with his inside arm? Does the safety take the bait of a tight end in deep coverage, or does he play the deepest man on the field like he should? Does the running back understand where the hole should be and when it should open? Does he take counter steps, and look sharp, or just give a token fake? Does the linebacker or defensive end chuck the tight end in an obvious passing situation, or get greedy and let him go in order to rush the passer? Does the linebacker have the courage to take on a fullback on an iso? The first time I saw Jason Peters in preseason I wanted to make him our fullback.
  21. Ditto even if she isnt quite old enough to drink. Or tall enough to ride the big roller coaster. And she doesnt need to be fine looking either. Anything above a 4 out of ten is fine. Its a short walk to the stadium, and I make a really mean squash soup. Let me know, fellas. For real though, have a great time.
  22. I understand that it is very gay.
  23. Jauron was doctrinal with the tampa2. However, I will give him credit because we really played it well. Our defenseive backs were very disciplined and had very good footwork. Our games were a study in the properties of the zone defense. The way to beat a zone is to use seams and crossing patterns, especially with big receivers, and that is what we saw all year long. If we ran man coverage, we would have seen timing patterns and a lot of vertical routes with fast guys. Fans have been down on whitner because he looks bad tackling a running back with a full head of steam. That shouldnt be his job. Donte doesnt get a lot of interceptions, but he is an excellent cover safety. He doesnt blow assignments and give up long passes. Whitner in a nickel safety role is good enough for an all star team. You dont fine many strong safeties that can cover one on one and play centerfield. He is a good tackler and a thoroughbred football player.
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