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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Maybe you, conner, dc tom and I could all hold hands and skip in an alpine meadow. Then we could have a picnic and dream the summer day away. I will be wearing lederhosen, you guys can just wear whatever is comfortable. Conner and tom can bicker, then makeout, and you and I can have a watermelon seed spitting contest. Its going to be great. I hope you guys like egg salad!
  2. This is a tiny drop in the bucket, but sure, yay law and order.
  3. I believe this joke was tasteless and offensive, but let's not pretend it wasnt funny.
  4. You really dont matter to me, tom. Every time you have taken issue with something I say, you have been wrong. You have a secret reason why you disagree with me, and you think I care?
  5. Is your sarcasm detecter broken, booster? Magox altered a quote of mine that made it look like I was in favor of teaching kids nasty things. The reality is that kids are learning about group sex, anal sex, fisting, circle jerks ect in schools. I had to hear about it in health class. If they can teach it in school, I can joke about them teaching it in school here. I was being facetious, I am not in favor if this stuff.
  6. I am easily baited, and you have a crush on Prince.
  7. You think it is wrong because it isnt normal? Why are you such a bigot? I think we should have the children practice on realistic sex dolls. I think we should have then act out group sex and circle jerks with their life size sex dolls.
  8. I am actually not interested, it just seemed a courteous thing to ask because you went through the trouble of asking me a question, but I didn't know what you were trying to say, so I answered you literally. I asked why you are interested because I found it odd that you were interested. I didn't really want to tell you to mind your own business or explain at length why I don't feel that my actions are inconsistent, as your question seemed to imply. I think I sort of killed this issue. Let's move on.
  9. My motivation in enlightening conner was altruistic. His first post was short, and caught my eye, so I read it. Why are you interested?
  10. Conner, I see you have responded to my post, but I did not read your response. I am telling you this to save you the effort in the future.
  11. I am aware some other people on this board work in finance. Your sarcasm shows that you are too.
  12. Yeah beebe, other teams, such as the steelers, sign young talent and teach them so they get better. I know, that sounds strange around here.
  13. I am so done with this discussion of how young is too young to teach kids about ass sexing. Sage, get real, nobody here is saying they dont like gays because they arent normal.
  14. Check it out ho: this entire thread is dedicated to making fun of you. You think this will make me less popular? I am going to try a different approach. Conner, we all like you very much, but we like you best when you dont say anything at all.
  15. The big market team had to get in the playoffs. When a number of things had to happen for the Jets to get into the playoffs, I knew they would.
  16. Just when I get done cursing this guy out, we find something we agree on, that the dolphins are fags. Oh well, there were probably some good Nazis just like good Jets fans, just not many.
  17. I dont know this Channing Crowder. If his sister is younger, I will handle her myself. I hear she is all tatted up, so she might be a slut.
  18. Why do I want to punch some guy on the internet just because he is one of millions of jets fans? Because they are all scum, thats why. Rex, I will definitely !@#$ you up. It is going to be agony when you are solidly beaten by the Bills twice, the team picked by absolutely nobody to be good. We will beat you so badly that you will thank us for making providing you with the virtue of humility. I dont even feel anger toward jest fans. I feel pity. I am embarrassed for the human race that New Jersey exists at all, never mind has a football team to flaunt its classless mediocrity.
  19. Jerry Sullivan will find something bad to say about him weekly for his entire stay here. He sure seems like a swell guy to me, though.
  20. You know, I always say, dont show me the c-section scar, show me the baby.
  21. Perversion. Mere chance dictates he would be right sometimes. But not only is he always wrong, he supports his obviously wrong answer in a way that shows he knows it is wrong.
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