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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. I dont think he is bigger than Johnson. I doubt spiller is an honest 200 pounds. I dont think he is as thick as Thurman.
  2. Do you remember those old "Bo, you dont know Didley" commercials? Thats why I said you dont know didley. But I took it down after.
  3. I think it is clear the attack was directed against her fetus, which is not a person. He should go free. I mean, if he weren't a fins fan.
  4. I came across some Dave Megget highlights, and I still have an old Eric Metcalf poster. It got me thinking. Marshall Faulk? I saw Spiller standing next to Drayton Florence, and Florence was a bigger man at the same height.
  5. Why would they even hassle him? I mean, buggies cruise at what, ten mph?
  6. Every other year they say it is the hottest ever, and they have been doing so for 20 years. Its because they fudge the data, compare it to other fudgey data, and make lengthy pronouncements that are also total B.S.
  7. I was watching some corny documentary about a con artist where he explained his success. "I went where the stupidest people had the most money: Washington, D.C."
  8. They have nice gear for kids with a cute bear on it.
  9. I have done a couple batches in a plastic bucket from Lowes with an airlock and an aquarium thermometer, and ended up with surprisingly good results. I can recommend Brewferm company's kits. I made a tripel style in said bucket and the results were comparable to Chimay. I do not exaggerate, I tried them side by side.
  10. I cant help root against the environmentals. They might have a good cause and all, but they just piss me off.
  11. Rfey, I really think that government has more to gain from cap and trade than business has to lose. Big business will be rewarded, and taxpayers will lose. A cap and trade scheme will hit similar industries in a similar manner. You have called that argument unreasonable, but I think if you look at who funds the majority of climate research you will find that government bodies are a major contributor. I think you are looking at this from a partisan or political point of view rather than a scientific point of view. I noticed that in your many posts you did not once address any factor of natural science at all.
  12. What seems apparent is that if we cant beat the pats*, fins and jets, we are going to have a long season.
  13. I am sure not going to comment on that hot mess. I think there are real factors to be considered, including solar activity, the earths electromagnetic energy, the different layers of the atmosphere, surface changes on the earth, ect, ect. Pendulum and accelerator stuff sounds like superstition to me. Promo, I called them liars because I did the research myself, not because I agree or disagree with their political bias. Go google Lord Moncktons climate change site or one of the many that explains how they arrived at their data, and stop accusing me of things. Promo, I am amazed that you think denying climate is bigger business than supporting it. I have never heard anyone else voice that opinion. I really dont want to talk about this anymore.
  14. Liars can get on panels. Nobody is paying scientists not to find global warming, but lots of people are paying people to find it. I looked at the pool of data they had, and found that they simply eliminated all of the coldest data. You dont need to be an astrophysicist to see that. All you need is 20 minutes and google to find out the same thing for yourself.
  15. Promo, I looked at what data they kept and what they didnt from the pool of what they started with on some astrophysicists website and came to the conclusion the data was blatantly falsified. I didnt hear it on televison. Do you really want to be that guy who brings Fox News into a discussion that has nothing to do with it? I dont watch that channel. Promo, global warming is big business. There will always be a panel to support it. There will always be 50 panels who know what to say to get funded. Rfeynman said something about arctic ice. The stated goal of the Soviet Union and later Russia's weather modification programs was to warm the arctic.
  16. Part of the climategate fiasco was the falsification of data. It is a fact that they simply threw out temperature numbers they didnt like. This is the climate data the NOAA and ICC both use this data. They move the thermometers into warm places, like cities, and compare them to historical data. In other words, they lie. So many sites expose this it doesnt take lomg to find one. Wattsupwiththat.com is an easy one.
  17. Yeah, that Penn State game cemented my opinion of him. I thought calloway looked better than bulaga, and the announcers were all over bulagas balls.
  18. Lynch admitted he wasn't in great shape last year, as did the coaches. It was widely commented in the media. Lynch looked heavy so far this year and dodged questions about his weight. He has missed some practices, and after his requests to be traded his work ethic could be an issue. You should know this. Your stupidity does not make me a troll. Get it together, man.
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