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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. Football nomenclature varies, so please excuse my version.


    X is the split end who plays on the line. Tends to be the number one guy, also.


    Y is the deep threat who plays off the line


    Z is the slot who is quick and runs good routes.


    H is the halfback in a receiving position for my purposes. In a bigger package a fullback or tight end in a halfback position is often called an H-back.


    FL would be a wing back sort of guy in the classic sense of the position. A tight end, fullback, or utility back. A big receiver is the modern day fit.



    I submit that our z is Roscoe Parrish. Candidates for Y include Easley, Chad Simpson, Steve Johnson, and Felton Huggins.


    As FL or Z, Donald Jones fits the bill. He has explosive strength and power for a receiver. He is similar to Josh Reed.

  2. The one the story links to with a 200 count going is hotter:



    I have met some nice girls online. It wasnt necessarily my intention to fill them all with semen. If you are a good looking girl or guy and like to party, you can see how you would rack up many more sexual partners than normal.


    That isnt my thing, though. It seems like a lot of effort to go through just to get a nut.

  3. not news, we have had increasing income inequality since the early 70s


    Lots of reasons for it- the principal-agent problem, CEO board collusion, rise of the globalist... the brain drain from science and engineering into finance..., and the end finance being an agent for productive growth by lending to business as it was found to be more lucrative to churn investment capital and skim off the top.


    We agree on some things, bob. Honestly though, at this point anyone who uses the term trickle down economics identifies himself as a novice.

  4. I have not been programmed by the other fans here to say that we dont have a left tackle and a quarterback. We may be surprised by how well they do, and we have a lot to be excited about.


    I do love snow games. I was out there in two down jackets watching us beat the Colts last year, loving every minute of it.


    We have speed on the defense too.

  5. I am surprised by the responses too. Not by tom's, though; he is always a prick. Whether the article is perfect or not, the issue remains. There is more to this issue than plebian jealousy. Much more wealth is controlled by a smaller amount of people than ever before. This affects our economy because they are buying different kinds of goods. It is also a political story, because it means there are more have-nots to vote themselves the largesse of the haves. A greater concentration of wealth at the top means fewer people are more powerful, and increases the incentive to maniplulate markets, politics and form business cartels.

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