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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. kind of a combination Gayle Sayers/Jim Brown with a little Cookie Gilchrist and OJ thrown in...I think he is probably the greatest running back of all time. Is he in the hall of fame yet?


    Yeah, you have a point. But nobody said he was as good as marshall faulk. The jist of this is what type of player is he, I think. Its just offseason speculation.

  2. I'm one of those 65%, by the way. Way to take yourself far to seriously.


    Of course, I already knew you took yourself far too seriously. You've decided to go on a pants-wetting crusade against me over a point of Nazi German history you're too stupid to get right, and offered to "settle things offline"? Are you !@#$ing serious? :w00t:


    Why does everything you write sound like it was said in Big Gay Al voice? Shut up, you whiny little turd.

  3. Good God, man...you are one of the board's most useless posters. :rolleyes:


    Check it out girlfriend: 65% of this board thinks you are less valuable than a tapeworm in my survey thread. I would wish one upon you, but that would apparently increase your value. Go !@#$ yourself, parasite.

  4. Every year they change the rules so new loopholes can be exploited by big businesses in the know and not by everyone else. These regulations are simple licenses of favoritism. Nothing will be reformed. The financial system will not be more transparent, the rules will not be better enforced. It will not serve our economy better. The big banks will become government holding companies for cheap credit. Currency will inflate because of it. In other words, nothing will change.


    This is the third or fourth wave of supposed financial overhauls for this administration. The hoopla will continue endlessly, nothing will change. One party will praise big business as American and prosperous, the other party will demonize it, the stupid masses will bicker, nothing will change. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

  5. Y is the tight end almost 100% time in offensive playbooks. Y is always the tight end from a defensive perspective.


    I don't have a tight end listed. For what its worth, traditionally the tight end has been Y, but in the absence of a tight end, in a four receiver set, y would be as described. I purposely did not include tight end in this discussion. We know who our tight ends are.

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