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Everything posted by SAM HARRIS

  1. he have the same year with walker dockery fowler butler chambers royal blocking for him?
  2. 30 years... ok not sure what that does for u yes the dead sea scrolls show the accuracy of the old test writings r beign passed down but not that living in a fish is true or that killing homosexuals is right... not sure what u mean here. what do u mean i will find god in my heart or soul, do u mean conciousness or mind???? peace
  3. against owens yes not so much against moss respectfully
  4. also not to b distasteful but nobody respects anyones beliefs on anything, they respect there reasons. i will give u a perfect ex if i said the moon doesnt exist or the holocaust never happened u would b under no obligation to respect my belief, why because it has no facts, proof, reason and common sense about astronomy or history...
  5. probably got me on the dude comment, yes i am a young 24, what do u mean u know god or the christian god is true becasue u know its true, i dont understand. i am trying to point out that faith is a failed science per say and u people keep answering well faith is the answer. i used to b a christian and have read all of lee strobels books and john pipers books. the cannon of scripture was finnally put together in 396 at the council of hippo something i thinks thats it. thats just the new testament, the gospels, apart from paul were written 60=90 years after christ, historically speaking i think jesus was a real person but i doubt he had magic.... this is a great conversation and thanks so far for all the input and civility
  6. for some reason u change the rules when it comes to ur religion and u believing it to be TRUE. i sincerely disagree and wish that u could recognize that. u say faith isnt outdated and does make sense but then u say well i or humanity cant answer those questions yet, seems a little bias to me but cool
  7. cool, but do u think i am going to hell becuase i dont believe jesus is god or the resurrection or living in a fish or a talking donkey or adam and eve or a talking snake or jesus healing lazurus... logic and reason and common sense tell me this isnt true. its not my job to prove god doesnt exist just like its not my job to prove that zeus isnt real and taking a interest in human events. u r making the claim so u need to back it up like any other claim, like in a business meeting like telling your kids about std's like taking directions like giving directions like talking about astronomy like where to buy a book. u make the claim that something is true and it obviously needs to b backed up by facts. i dont understand what is so terrible or politically incorrect about this. as a christian u should b willing to have this discussion 4 ur whole life, at work, on a thread and give ur reasons... go bills!
  8. i agree dude 100% all i am doing is asking questions about the dangers of theistic beliefs and are they true or not. i never advocated bashing someone or outlawing religious belief just like we dont outlaw belief in elvis. they r just questions which is good. thats how monetary systems and other ideas get outdated and we move on in society. i think its good that we r recognizing that christianity has some problems with some of its claims.
  9. seahawks look sharp, it will b a good test but i think the talent of the bills will win in the end!
  10. this explains my concerns a little better
  11. yes go bills!!! i think to make it simple yes i do have a interest in faith because i think u would agree its a failing argument and dangerous especially for beliefs that entail a transcendental division among human beings... it makes me different from u becuase i dont subscribe to jesus or hell or the 2nd coming... someone is right and its good that we dialogue and conversate on what is true and how we agree something is true, not just in theology but in everything agree? its cool if u cant explain your certainties in a post but it really should be simple if your god want us to know him... just doesnt make sense to me in the slightest way why god would give us a brain of reason and common sense (which science is) and then say.... nope ur going to hell becuase u didnt go against ur brain and logic... i dont know man.
  12. its not a question of arrogance or being close minded. its a question that everyone would ask with any other claim, except for in faith and religion, and i am not talking about faith that jason peters will come to camp, that already comes with beliefs that r TRUE.... Jason peters exists... he plays for the bb he is a LT JP DOES WEIGH 340 AND SO ON everyone is in the business of claiming truth with boundaries around it. why do u think ur truth is correct?
  13. What do you mean science becoming a religion? elaborate, because science just isnt say for instance biology... its also common sense and being honest with yourself. now you say the christian god does exist but you cant give me any logical or scientific answer... let me reverse this for a sec... lets say your christian faith is just as important as your family correct? at least on the same level... what if i told you that while u were at your house that your family had been killed in a car accident. obviously questions would start incompusing logic... where did this happen? how do u know? who r u? when did this happen. or my family is here what r u talking about... and so on the point is u wouldnt accept that belief on faith, and that doesnt even include metaphysics in it. beliefs have consequences because if u did believe this claim u would act accordingly. so once again i will ask the question. you r making the claim that the christian god does exist, jesus, the ressurection, the bible being inspired by him, hell for non-believers... please explain your beliefs and then tell me why its true in a way that makes sense. like if u knew my family was hurt or something. go bills!
  14. let me get away from such a broad subject of what is god or does he exist. the better question where we can come to a logical agreement is does the CHRISTIAN GOD EXIST? this is more specific and has a myriad of claims and certainties... its either true or false, one or the other people.
  15. if the startin o-line and te opening day r walker dockery fowler butler chambers royal thats not to bad thats comparable to the o-line ricky williams had in 02 dixon nails ruddy perry wade mcmichael so i think with peters yes we can b even better but without him we can still make a run and b just fine. plus bell looks like he can be a good player.
  16. cool cool but all i am saying is that in every area of discourse people use the same tools to find truth... in the court room, in science, in school, in mechanics, everything, but then when we talk about spirits or god anything goes. that shows that there is a real problem with having these specific beliefs about metaphysics especially if they are very hateful like in islam. thats all im just saying its not a bad thing for anyones beliefs to questioned or proven to be ridiculous, thats how society moves forward. THATS WHY WE DONT BURN HERETICS ALIVE ANYMORE, its a good thing......
  17. Pascal's Wager doesnt do anything and is outdated because the first question must be answered. u can apply pascals wager to anything... its better to believe that elvis is god because i can be happier... it doesnt make sense because firstly u must know what god is. this is basic metaphysics.
  18. this is really a matter of common sense and u wont answer the question... first math or nuclear phyiscs are facts. i might not know everything about physics but i can look it up and learn the FACTS about math specifically. i will ask the question again. what specifically are you calling god? where is he? and what is GOD made out of. give me some facts in your discourse so i can be forced through reason and common sense to believe that this entity whatever it is exists??
  19. What is the exact link to justintv or xssports go bills
  20. just a question, i never understood this logic but what is outside the universe and how is that argument make it true that god exists?
  21. at least we can agree that its not to soon to say that love is truth for humanity and that nonbelievers and theists can come togther on this subject outside of doctrine and contribute to a world that is lacking morality.
  22. what r u calling god and where is he? its a simple question and should be clear for all humanity especially if god cares about us knowing him...
  23. Pasqual's Wager is one of the worst arguments out there. the idea that well if im wrong it doesnt matter because i will be dead but if im right i have everything to gain. most importantly u dont know who god is or what he is just like all of us. Pasqual's Wager is a tacit endorsment of intimidation and makes no sense because with the variety in religion u could be wrong just as much as me. its horrible stone age logic. http://freethoughtpedia.com/wiki/Pascal's_Wager here is more info on this type of philopsophy that is outdated and a trick theists use. no pun intended here is what ur argument really is and it has severe consequences when u use people's fear. "When it comes to God, most scientists are doomed. You will never have your proof until it is too late. A person with faith however is accepting to the fact that there is a good chance God exists, and looks at the world assuming God plays a part. It is only then that one will start to see and feel things in the eyes of God. You have to be willing to give up your borders though."
  24. yeah i am almost sure this whole terrorism thing is just another way for the bankers and powers that be to make more money. same bs different generation. they tricked us in vietnam and they got us again in iraq, but thats for another post. thanks man!
  25. i agree 100% its just a video that might explain my point a little better thats all. go bills!!!
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