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Everything posted by SAM HARRIS

  2. peters for all pro. U R THE BEST! PETERS.... COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The pats have been domination since 94 there first playoff appearence in a while. parcells took over and so far they have been to 5 sb's and 3 wins. ever since polian took over the colts in 97 look at them...
  5. LETS GO JASON !!!!!!!!!!!! UR THE BEST!
  6. COME ON JASON WE MISS U AND WE NEED U THIS YEAR!! THIS IS THE YEAR BUT WE NEED U JASON!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt5lBE32jOY...feature=related
  7. ONE HELL OF A OFFENSE!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ0ToPnIZiE...feature=related PT 1 2 AND 3 R HERE!
  8. totally agree and like i said before love is truth and that is the answer its funny if u go to the stadium wall i did a assay on belief and how people respond with the everett thread and when people granted creedence to what i said quickly people became very hostile. this is scary because this is a false thread yet since people believe it...... well just take a look and read the reactions.
  9. well if u dont intend on proving it than dont preach as if the bible is end all be all. i think thats fair and is in your field on rationality???
  10. bias bias bias i love it still mcgahee was great and still great let go of the ego people.
  11. dude the guy shredded his whole knee and still became a pro bowl back. what r u smoking?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBa0sgRzaks
  12. it should b such an easy answer if god loves us and wants us to know him and take part in his plan.... it shouldnt be round and round and round.
  13. i will say this then if the question cant be answered then i think there might be either a problem with ur convictions or with god existing in the first place.
  14. if u really think that a god does exist do u think he is omniscient and omnipotent?
  15. i also never made any claim about everything being random and coming together by chance. i have made the claim i dont know how life started because there is little evidence. this is safe ground, and i just wish u can tell me what god is. please.
  16. the argument from design again gives no proof. who created god then and what r u calling god?????? a child being born..... ok cells working together..... ok u do realize there is a thing called natural selection.
  17. here !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjhbccXIp4c
  18. would it b dogmatic or close minded to call into question racism, communism, astrology, santa. get my drift, this is not being close minded, or i want to win some argument out of strife. its becasue some of these beliefs really r on the level of the easter bunny.... come on people. i hate to b so strident but seriously its annoying when i here people say i am the one thinking in the box when someone says i am going to some place called hell by someone with a pitch fork.....
  19. translation: what is ur personal email, i am a stalker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. keep in mind, someone is right and someone is wrong. its that simple. and for the most part people like being right and knowing reality as it is and not as they wish. i can wish that there was a god who loved us and hey he is up there in heaven with streets of gold but sry to say i have a brain that has a few questions. so please stop with the political correctness and other generalities that get people of topic and onto emotions. facts r facts and so far nobody can give any.
  21. ahhhh and here we go with the political correctness, i call into question the existence of god and now i am putting down people, not being open minded... westside, lets make this a little easier for u to understand lets say i got into a car accident with u...................... later in court i say my car magically appeared in front of westside's and i am not at fault, the car just started moving by itself. in fact i wasnt even in the car i was busy healing amputees in africa....... look man i think its time that these bibical beliefs be held to some skeptical scrutiny and to say its close minded to do so or putting down peoples beliefs is missing the point. if u and i r together as doctors and we r about to perform heart surgery dont u think it might matter just a little bit that we r correct and honest and know the truth about heart surgery??? same thing here. go bills!
  22. r u his trainer?? last time i checked i dont think u r....
  23. GET THE F--- OUT OF HERE MAN, do us all a favor and dont b a scout!
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