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Preston Ridlehuber

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Everything posted by Preston Ridlehuber

  1. The "books" ideal scenarion is as you stated in 1. They would be extremely happy if bets were placed evenly and they made their vig with no risk at all.
  2. Don't know if this has been discussed. Sorry if it has.
  3. Mike Williams finished 8th in the Heisman voting as a sophmore and despite being forced to sit out a year by the NFL was still the 10th pick in the draft the following year. He was as highly touted as Crabtree before everyone realized that most Trojan recievers were products of the system.
  4. Whether you like him or hate, he is the same off the air as he is on the air. I know matter was waiting for me.
  5. If I am wrong sorry, I could of swore they are at 90 right now. I dont remember them cutting loose 10 at all. I am gonna count them up. They never were at 90. Training camp rosters start at 80. Its why all teams are cutting 5 guys. In your defense, they did change the cut procedure about 2 years ago when the first cut was the biggest.
  6. Thanks for the math lesson but unless they got a league exemption. their roster has been at 80 like everyone else.
  7. Nice list everybody but they only have to cut 75 by Tuesday.
  8. Like this one best but Hamdan beats out Baker, Sanborn beats out Neil and Jenkins makes this team with initially Hardy on PUP and after that I'm not sure. They love him on special teams though.
  9. I sure hope you mean 2008 or I have more problems then I thought.
  10. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/200...a-plane-to.html Another example of how covering Owens and Evans in practice will help our corners. Lesson learned with no downside.
  11. Jade's on Broadway near Borden has always had a great fish fry although it can be kind of a wait on Fridays.
  12. You really thought Anna Sorenstram was a hottie?
  13. Total price of ticket is actually up this year because of both preseason games being here. It really is a tribute to Brandon and his people, as you have already stated.
  14. Travis Brown started at least 1 (Miami) and maybe 2 games for the Bills.
  15. Anytime you want to come out from behind that keyboard we will compare expense accounts and my knowledge of facts and then we can let the rest of the posters decide who the idiot is. You have turned this thread into more then what initially was and in a typically cowardly fashion don't take me up on my first challenge and again avoid the second challenge because typically don't want to dare get facts in the way of your agenda. Good bye and enjoy your little fantasies.
  16. You can keep taking shots at me in your post or purposely keep mis-spelling Schoop's name but I challenge you to listen to the audio vault with regards to the two biggest Bills' stories of the summer and tell me that he is constantly negative. He has repeatedly lauded the signing of T.O. and praised Russ Brandon for making a quick decision in trading Jason Peters. All this was done before the statement that started this thread. In fact, it was the Bulldog who was critical of the Peters trade when the deal was announced. Two other facts you may or not care about; 1)I am not a "fanbois." In fact my schedule only allows me to listen about once a week and no, I don't always agree with the show's content. 2)Mike held season tickets to the Bills for many years even after he was assigned to do the post game show and he couldn't use the tickets. He gave them up when like I, he couldn't give them away during the Donahoe era. How many of you "great fans" support the team with your wallet? Sorry J and L
  17. Kelsay had 5.5 sacks his rookie year and people are calling him a bust. If you were around for Smith's first year, you will remember he was benched his first year and while he did have 6.5 sacks, he was hardly dominant and quickly realized he needed to get himself into shape and re-dedicate himself to be the greatest.
  18. If you are talking about Smith, he was hardly a stud his first year, which I guess makes your point.
  19. Two specific examples, Jerry has been taking grief for being too excited last year at the 5 and 1 start. Schoop loves the TO signing and says so whenever its brought up
  20. Yep. Not only did he call Morris down, he flagged Toomay for unsportsmanlike conduct and the next play the bowling ball Nottingham went like 40 yards down to near the goal line and the game was over.
  21. For what its worth, I enjoy your work very much and Jerry is one of my favorite reporters. But I read everything I can and listen to as much as well, even if I have a personal distaste for a particular writer or talk show host. The older I get the more I realize that some of my best business ideas come from those people who I share nothing in common or sometimes don;t even like. Likewise, some of my most memorable conversations come from those whose opinions tend to be the polar opposite of my own. As one of my favorite song writers once wrote, we all did see it the same we just saw it from a different point of view.
  22. Sorry if this has already been covered but is there a place in Western New York that is known as a basketball hang out? All the places I frequent seem to consider it an after thought unless nothing else is on.
  23. When Baltimore signed Beck, they cut Todd Bouman who has since signed with Jacksonville. Still puts Willy behind 3 veterans, Flacco, Troy Smith and now Beck.
  24. That is all I am talking about. If Schoop is so bad that, according to one poster more people listen to him in spite of hating him, then why pay him when they could just hire someone for half his salary or maybe even less? ( I have no idea what local guys make) And why pay Bulldog if all he is is Schoop's lap dog? My only two points throughout this thread has been a) the whole premise of the thread was buillt on either inaccuracies or outright lies. b) their ratings and add revenue justify their existence.
  25. Again, given that it is all about money, don't you think they would go with close to minmum wage call monitors if they would get the same ratings and thus the same add revenue? Hell, if all I had to do to get the same ratings is hire 6 guys from this board for $25K per year and put them on the radio answering phones and talking about whether a 6th round draft choice was a value pick, I could put the money together to compete with GR.
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