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Everything posted by lilannie

  1. I've never heard of "Tori Holt" is she Torry Holt's sister?
  2. 97 Rock doesnt stream?
  3. That was Losman's excuse last preseason why we was playing poorly.
  4. Does Green Bay still do the Milwaukee thing?
  5. One of the headlines on the frontpage of Yahoo Sports. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/recap;_ylt=Anh...002&prov=ap
  6. We won't have to be worrying about this...........
  7. Advantages- Less public officials means less salaries, benefits, pensions etc to be paid out Reduces redundancy of local services Disadvantages- Less representation Small local issues may become more difficult to adress
  8. Sage Rosenfels had the best 4th quarter!!
  9. http://blogs.usatoday.com/gameon/2008/08/c...s-altius-f.html
  10. ??????????????????????????????????????
  11. What's JP's win loss record again????
  12. Look who started it......
  13. Not a reason to keep him, just some trivia.
  14. Did you know Rosoe had the Bills only rushing TD that wasn't scored by Marshawn Lynch?
  15. Hahahaha, I'm not going to take that bait!
  16. Looks like this is escalating.
  17. It's based mostly on a hunch more than anything. Really?
  18. That should read- HAHAHA!! Making fun of someone else's grammar and then using a word that doesn't exist.... priceless. Explains a lot.
  19. I agree, I really don't think he'll make the team.
  20. Who is someone that unexpectedly won't make the team this season. Mine is Robert Royal with Josh Reed as a darkhorse pick.
  21. That would have required Bush to have been on camera for approximately 500 minutes of the events 240 minutes. I'd give him a pass if he was doing an amazing job as president but he's not ManRam, he's not TO, he's Anthony Hargrove.
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