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Everything posted by Thisistheyear

  1. I can't tell if this guy is a troll or just mentally feeble.
  2. I don't do it for the accolades.
  3. From now on, when someone fails to be clever while beating a dead horse in the wrong thread its a So-Cal Surf.
  4. I'm betting its an NFL thing. The league prohibits players from promoting third party companies on the field. Stevie's tshirts, despite being handmade, could be construed as an advertisement for his personal business ventures.
  5. Fake? I can usually spot the fakes a mile away, but this one is confusing me. It seems plausible, although I've never had my airbag go off from a slight tap. Also, the camerawork is a little too steady and too focused on the events at hand. I would expect a much bigger reaction from the person with the camera and the skateboarders. I'm pretty sure its fake. If it is, it's a really good attempt at creating a viral video. I wonder who's behind it.
  6. That sure was a lot of words. Scientific theories are generally backed up by research, not "scientists have long accepted." Prove to me that the Bills have more player in committed relationships than other teams. Then tell me if this low testosterone thing has affected Tom Brady? That guy's married and gayer than the 1890s.
  7. All these teachers have the crazy eyes. A woman's sanity is inversely proportional to the amount of white in her eyes. Fact.
  8. You should write a strongly worded letter!
  9. Actually, I think Pinky and the Brain is awesome. Fitzy has a huge noggin.
  10. Scott Chandler "Bing" Just spitballin' here...
  11. It could simply be that Maybin was a lazy POS when he was here and only started working when he got cut. Gailey has said that he had trouble figuring out how to motivate Maybin. One could assume he was threatened with being cut several times. Sometimes threatening doesn't get through. Some people need to be fired before they understand that 75% effort isn't enough.
  12. Note to self - grab milk on the way home because I have nothing to do tonight and that sounds awesome. Still, I was conditioned from an early age that White Russians were for the ladies. It always seemed like the beverage of choice for jaded life-long waitresses. It was only after The Big Lebowski opened my eyes that I actually tried one.
  13. White Russian. Even the Dude couldn't make ordering a white russian acceptable for guys, but they sure are delicious.
  14. Yes. Sight unseen.
  15. On a team full of great stories, the Senator's might be the best.
  16. Sooner or later, Mr. Irrelevant is going to make a team and become a story. Hopefully that time is now.
  17. Not even in his top 10. Have at it whiners. Another meaningless power ranking for the great unwashed.
  18. Someone tell this girl that the internet is 80% free porn, 10% wikipedia and 10% other. I'm not even sure how porn is a sustainable business model anymore.
  19. So, you think the players on the Bills don't try as hard when they're favored?
  20. Yeah, because starting a topic and backing it up with arguments is always indicative of sarcasm. You might want to invest in sarcasm for dummies, because I don't think you truly understand what sarcasm is. Seriously, look up sarcasm and tell me how he was being sarcastic. Maybe you'll learn something, although you seem pretty smart so I doubt you need it. (That was sarcasm. Did you catch the biting tone? The caustic nature? The fact that it was properly framed because I already called you a dummy?)
  21. I wasn't exactly calling you a moron. Your post read as serious and not everyone in this or similar threads are kidding around. Some people (way too many) actually believe the NFL keeps the Bills down for various reasons. I did not believe you thought Kraft was Satan or Goodell actually sold his soul. I assumed the statements were figurative. I just re-read your post and I still don't see the joke. Seriously, nothing in your post indicates that you are kidding. From your initial statement about trying to determine the refs motivation to your "makes sense to me" it all sounds serious. You also make two specific points backing up your argument. Hopefully you'll excuse me for confusing your post with the myriad of others by actual morons who think the NFL is out to get the Bills. Edit: Please see several posts prior to mine for evidence of people who actually believe there was something shady going on.
  22. Yup. And 9/11 was a hoax. Do you actually believe what you're saying/typing or do words just come out and form their own moronic sentences?
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