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Everything posted by Thisistheyear

  1. Funny, my bookie has a website. No more phone calls and he always pays on time. Gotta love technology. *edit - of course, I'm usually the one doing the paying.
  2. It keeps us all rooting for a football team that hasn't made the playoffs this millennium.
  3. It's a short marketing video, not a comprehensive look at the region. Nike doesn't show footage of low paid workers in third world countries making sneakers in their commercials. Why would the producers of this video emphasize anything but the best 10% of Buffalo?
  4. My favorite TV is a Panasonic Plasma. It's 4 years old and def beats my Samsung. The Panasonic had some burn in from the ESPN crawl which was noticeable when watching hockey due to the white ice, but it seems to have disappeared. I think I may have run something from the menu that got rid of it. I'm at 25 missions and am thinking about withdrawing from society for the weekend to get some decent playing time. Trevor is a dirtbag. It doesn't help that he's constantly blowing snot rockets. I don't mind playing as him, but one of the best things about GTA is creating your own character development along with the story line. I play Franklin as a decent guy. He returns stolen purses, chases down bike thieves and generally does the right thing. He drives tuner cars and Motorcycles. Michael is middle of the road and drives mostly luxury vehicles, except when he goes to the Strip Club when he takes the vette. Trevor, I play as a complete maniac. He kills prostitutes, drives through crowds of people and dresses like he found his clothes in a garbage can.
  5. The Bugatti will spawn in front of a store in the Rodeo Drive type area. It only spawns if you're driving an Infernus (Lambo looking car) with a spoiler. I've done this with Michael and Franklin and it's, by far, the best handling car I've driven so far. Plus, everyone keeps complimenting me. I haven't had any problems with losing cars. In fact, I took the Bugatti (Adder) out and stupidly did some off roading. The car flipped over and was pinned against a barrier. I switched characters, played a bit and when I switched back, it was waiting for me in the impound lot. I think it helps to not only save the car in your garage, but to upgrade it. Just a tip for the stock market...There was a random encounter with a some dude broken down on the side of the road. I drove him to the airport and he gave me a stock tip. The shares went up 30% in short order and I made a few hundred grand with Michael and Franklin. I didn't let Trevor get in on the action because he's a scumbag. I'd try to avoid doing this encounter until you have some dough.
  6. Absolutely written by a guy. That was the first thing I thought. There's too little attitude and too much coherence.
  7. If you click on the globe on your phone, it takes you to the web. There is a link on your home page that says financial services or something like that. There are two exchanges, LCN and BAWSAQ. Certain missions affect stock prices so pay attention to what Lester says. I've done one where I assassinated a CEO and before the mission I invested most of my cash into the rival company's stock. The stock gained 70% in short order. Make sure to buy the stock for all three characters and dump it when it settles.
  8. My Xbox is at least four years old. The 20g hard drive is even older and everything is running fine. The only thing you definitely need is 8g of hard drive space for the install disc. I believe that means you need the model with the 20g hard drive as they only make a 4g below that. I saw some refurbished ones for like $200. I think they run $249 new. Not sure. If you go used, make sure it has the HDMI connection because why would you run this beautiful game and not use an HDMI connection. Kind of like a real strip club.
  9. Have about eight hours in and am having no problems. In fact, I haven't even thought about bugs since I started playing. It's kind of like O-line play, you only notice it when something goes wrong. I normally install games to my 360 hard drive, but Rockstar recommends not installing the play disk. The downside is that my 360's disc drive sounds like a jet taking off. I read about a workaround where you can install the play disk to a USB drive and was thinking about trying that out. I've never been able to get into multi-player, but based on my experience with single player so far and reading about the features of GTA online, I'm definitely going to try it. You can take the strippers home??? I've been to the strip club twice. The first time I got thrown out for touching, but the second time I was more discreet and ended up getting a two for one dance. I think I'll need to try again.
  10. I was being serious. It's good content and much appreciated unlike some of the self promotional garbage that people try to pass off as a post. Certainly no sour grapes here as I have nothing worth promoting. My point was that good content won't be viewed as self promotional bs. The OP has separated himself from the damon talbots and pat morans of the world by providing worthwhile information. I hate that I even know who those two are.
  11. Good stuff. Funny how posting links to ones website doesn't seem like spam when the content is good and the poster is genuine.
  12. I got my copy Tuesday and played a couple hours each of the last two nights. So far, it's incredible. I generally play one or two video games a year. This year it was BioShock Infinite and now, of course, GTA V. BioShock was an incredible game. Yet after a few hours of playing GTA V I remembered that Rockstar is playing in a different league than everyone else. At one point I left the room, set my controller down and left my character standing on a sidewalk. When I sat back down I just watched what was going on around him for five minutes. The city seemed like a living, moving painting. Traffic flowed as pedestrians waited on crosswalks sipping their coffee. A woman walking past me took her phone out, pointed it at herself, smiled and took a selfie. The juxtaposition of leaving scenes like that, entering a mission and reengaging the hyper violent, misogynistic world that is GTA is both jarring and utterly satisfying. There is a category of entertainment and art that include only the best of the best. I'm talking about the genre defining, groundbreaking things that insert themselves into society. In my world these include things like The Beatles, The Simpsons, Star Wars and The Sopranos. The GTA series and Rockstar have certainly earned their place in that pantheon.
  13. He can't sign an extension with us, but I'm pretty sure he can if he's traded. Which is what the original poster was asking. I'm only basing this on what I've heard in reports and the above quote which doesn't seem to preclude a franchised player from signing an extension with anyone besides the original team.
  14. Some words of advice on the way out. Learn the basic rules of grammar and own your self promotion. Most people don't have a problem with those who are trying to make something of themselves. However, acting like you weren't trying to increase page views to your site or get more Twitter followers or build the damond brand is disingenuous. And that's what rubs people the wrong way.
  15. You must be forgetting about the Crusades, WWII, the Mongols, The plague, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the 1918 flu, Holomodor, The holocaust, The Taiping Rebellion, ...I could go on and on. Humans are not getting worse nor are people dying at a faster clip. Death, disease, war and evil have always and will always be around. The level of these things fluctuate over time and vary by location. Really, it's determined by affluence.
  16. Interesting. I would think most people would put Deion and Reggie White ahead of Bruce.
  17. Heck yeah. Sidebar - It's pled. Why is everyone switching to pleaded? I don't care if it's in the dictionary, nothing about pleaded sounds right.
  18. Murph has great guests, but I'm more impressed with his ability to toe the company line while still sounding objective. It's funny that the two best broadcasters on the station, Sylvester and Murph aren't even employed by the station. And unfortunately for Sylvester, he has to talk about hockey all the time. With the NFL there's intrigue year round. The NHL...not even close. Don't get me wrong, I love the Sabres. I have season tickets and have played hockey since I was 3, but the thought of hockey talk in July is absurd.
  19. I'm not sure who that orthodontic commercial is for, but it sounds like they grabbed three people from a Catholic Church Choir and asked them to sing "The Wise Choice" over and over. And to the OP's point, I tuned in to hear about OTA's today and they were talking about hockey. I waited twenty minutes and nothing about the football team. I realize we live close to canada, but I can't understand why they ignore basketball. I'd like to see a comparison of the TV ratings for playoff hockey vs. playoff basketball in the area. Does WNY really care that much more about hockey than hoops? I love it. That's exactly what I think when I hear that commercial. Don't lie to me. The last thing you want me to do is come in and waste your time. You're in business to sell cars, not give out free coffee and shake hands and if I'm looking to buy to a car, I want to get a good deal, not make friends with my salesperson.
  20. The only thing worse than the incessant hockey talk on WGR are the awful commercials. Every commercial has a horrible jingle and/or the writing is pathetic. I know these aren't nationally produced, but c'mon get someone who can write a commercial or at least switch it up once in a while. Half the jingles sound like funeral dirges. I was just in the market for a new car and avoided buying a Passat because I hate the Volkswagen of Orchard Park commercial so much. Buying a car is nothing like taking a trip to the grand canyon. There's a roofing commercial that sounds like a fifth grader wrote it. William Rott. And get some new advertisers, these commercials are on so much that I find myself changing the station the second they take a break. I used to think there was no such thing as bad publicity. Apparently, having an annoying commercial on WGR is the exception to the rule.
  21. Ever wonder what your neighbors are watching? Google just introduced a new youtube trends map. When I first looked yesterday, almost the entire country was watching Charles Ramsey. Buffalo was watching the Habs-Sens brawl from Sunday. Right now, it looks like Charles Ramsey is dominating everywhere, except in Twin Falls, Idaho where Glenn Beck seems to be very popular. Note to self...never, ever go to Twin Falls, Idaho. http://www.youtube.com/trendsmap
  22. Absolutely hilarious. That's the one word I think when I've seen him in interviews, on Gruden's QB camp and in this piece - Genuine. It has nothing to do with QB play, but I like it.
  23. I'm hoping Geno is massive bust.
  24. Just another reason I can't stand this Bills Mafia moniker. Douche's use it at the end of their douchey tweets and all Bills fans look like douche's.
  25. You're missing the fact that where you get drafted/not drafted has very little to do with how much money you get five years later. He led the league in all purpose yards in 2010 while catching 85 balls and has show flashes of greatness on the field. Don't forget, Wes Welker was also undrafted. Can you imagine paying him 6mil a year?
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