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Everything posted by Thisistheyear

  1. Another, black and white, broad stroke, blanket statement. I do. I do everyday. I do by running a business that employs 15 people directly and makes a point to keep its vendors local and American. I also just took my $104 check from this settlement and deposited it. So, I guess I'm a doer and a taker. The truth is that it's talkers, not takers who resent the doers. The takers are generally too lazy to resent anything. However, as a doer I greatly resent the talkers. We live in a nation of dilettantes and arm chair QBs. It's not just about the license, it's about the fact that the license allowed EA to effectively make it impossible for any other video game maker to produce and bring to market a football game. This lawsuit wasn't about price gouging, it was about stifling the competition. The MJ logo wasn't so powerful that it caused all other sneaker manufactures to cease making basketball shoes. So, in your scenario, saying go and buy another video game to play is like saying go and play basketball wearing track shoes. Look, I love the free market. I think monopolies are both a scourge against competition and a driver of growth and technology. These opinions are not mutually exclusive. I run a business that competes against two huge national brands and I've had to work my butt off to carve out a niche that keeps me in business. I spent years treading water and am finally thriving. My competition has the advantage of economy of scale, tax breaks I could never dream of, corporate lawyers that could put me out of business for sneezing and more. Yet, I don't begrudge them for one second. I have no idea if EA was monopolistic and neither do you. People that know way more about it than you and I declared that it was a monopoly. Yet somehow you're boiling this down to takers take and doers do. I find that a little insulting and a gross oversimplification about a hugely complicated issue that has been debated since the dawn of capitalism.
  2. Booooo....logic and a basic grasp of the situation. Yeah, because corporate law, monopolistic practices, price gouging and unfair businesses practices are all simple matters that Cellino and Barnes could handle. Maybe it's time to stop painting things with such broad strokes and start taking things on a case by case basis. I'm willing to bet you have read very little about this and are merely voicing your uninformed opinion. And that is truly what's wrong with this country. An uniformed populace thinking they know everything about everything.
  3. What a simple point of view. Not sure who peed in your cheerios, but you pretending you know something about this topic is as absurd as some of the people around here thinking they could be the gm of the Bills. You join lawsuit you bad. It's absurd.
  4. I remember filling out an online form that listed all the Madden games I bought. Unfortunately, I only have three correspondences in my email from the law firm and no confirmation that I submitted. I hope I didn't forget to hit the submit button. There's also a good chance I got distracted by some other website and didn't finish filling it out. Stupid shiny internet. Did you receive any notice after you submitted the claim?
  5. I don't think Rick is threatened by Carol's strength, I think he sees her as having lost compassion. A major theme throughout the series is Rick trying to maintain his humanity in this inhumane world. He is desperate to instill a sense of morality in Carl and Judith. He sees Carol as a threat to this. Rick spent his time with Carol evaluating her. He saw too many indications that she had grown cold and was no longer moved by a sense of right and wrong, but merely by what she and those around her had to do to survive. Compassion is integral to the human experience. Those without it are sociopaths. She sent those two hippies out to scavenge supplies as a test of their strength and was not concerned if they came back. When she saw the woman being eaten, she showed no remorse whatsoever. As a former sheriff, I'm sure Rick had seen this lack of empathy before in criminals. Carl showed a similar and disturbing lack of remorse after he shot the kid in the woods last season and in other instances. Rick's purpose in life is to keep his family safe and to give his son (and daughter) a reason to live beyond just staying alive. The questions he asks when vetting potential group members are as much about the morality they will bring to the group as they are about how safe he feels around them. How many walkers have you killed? He asks this because he believes that as necessary as killing walkers is, it is very similar to killing humans and can lead to a lack of respect for human life. How many humans have you killed? Why? It shows that Rick still understands there may be a good reason for having to kill in this post apocalyptic world. It's interesting to note that Rick doesn't need to ask Carol these questions because he knows the answers.
  6. Stop being logical and using actual precedent to form an opinion!
  7. I guess I don't know what you personally would be saying, but if the Bills ran it and got stuffed there would be a thread with people complaining that we're too predictable. Most judgments around here are only made with the benefit of hindsight. I was fine with a run or a pass. Just make it a good call and execute. I can't tell you if it was a good play call, but I can tell you that we didn't execute.
  8. Why anyone would care what a radio show host says about the X and Os is beyond me. What expertise are they bringing to the table? In most cases, especially this one, absolutely zero. Hockey Heaven baby!
  9. There are six ducks out there and they all want sunchips.
  10. Wish - Nine Inch Nails. I was 13 or 14. I distinctly remember staring at the screen thinking this is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
  11. I rarely post, but read a lot here. I feel it's time to point this out. You are constantly wrong. Constantly. I realize personal attacks are frowned upon, but the frequency with which you are on the wrong side of things is astounding. Are you doing this on purpose?
  12. Crow's Nest in Getzville. The King of all Fish Fries.
  13. So glad he hates the legend of Kiko stuff, because it's weak. It's retread Chuck Norris stuff that was barely amusing to begin with. See ball - get ball....now that is awesome.
  14. Bocce's is what I would call "Buffalo style." Not too think, not too thin with a sauce that's on the sweet side and the crispiest, most amazing pepperoni known to man. Zetti's is New York style (for the most part), thin and delicious. I love Zetti's, but Bocce is where my heart is. I would recommend ordering well done if ordering from Bocce, but that might just be my preference. Also, I'm not sure if Bocce has a dining room. The one on Bailey might.
  15. This and only this. I like the way Thad Lewis looks, but EJ has more upside and need reps when the bullets are flying.
  16. http://www.nationalf...-the-Bills.html I found this article pretty telling last year. Remember the game against the Titans where we got torched on the ground? This article by former safety Matt Bowen only dissects one play, an 83 yard TD run, but it definitely calls out Byrd's positioning on the play. I have nothing against the guy and would love to keep him in a Bills uniform, but if he's deficient in the run game, maybe he's not worth top safety money. Just some food for thought.
  17. Yes man to Wilson? The perception that Ralph Wilson has anything to do with the operation of the Buffalo Bills anymore is ridiculous. Do you really buy the fact that a 94 year old guy is controlling the organization and the president and C.E.O is merely playing Smithers to his Burns? The notion is laughable. It's amazing to me how people can take a situation as complicated as the front office/organizational structure of a billion dollar NFL team and boil it down to what amounts to nothing more than a caricature. The front office has done some very good things this year. The draft day trade, the hiring of Marrone instead of the hot coordinator of the month, getting rid of Sheppard, acquiring Thad Lewis, hiring Pettine, drafting Kiko (actually the draft as whole looks to be damn good), signing Manny Lawson, paying for Mario Williams (last year, but still)....my point is I've suffered through 13 years of some of the worst front office decision making in the NFL and we finally have what I think is competent and forward thinking management. Yet, we still complain. I understand why. 13 years of awful decision making has left many of us jaded and expecting the worst. However, I think if you took a step back and looked at the Bills objectively most would agree the ship is pointed in the right direction.
  18. You don't have to keep it open. I don't ever have the app running, but I elected to receive the pushed notifications and they show up as an alert. You won't be missing anything. Btw, I'm on android. The alert is a little bills logo on the top of the screen. Not sure about iPhones. I assume it's the same.
  19. They're trying to increase engagement with their app.
  20. We are a very big hockey market. However, if they decided what to talk about based on TV ratings the proportion would be 4:1 Bills:Sabres, maybe more. Look, the station is very interested in promoting hockey. They should be, they have the broadcast rights. I'm a huge hockey fan. I have season tickets, I love the NHL and I do want to hear about hockey. However, the sheer amount of hockey talk, the frustration I have with the Sabres and the overall annoying sound of that radio station has turned me off. Maybe I'm the only one. I doubt it though.
  21. Seriously, there are way better options. I gave up listening to that college radio station prior to training camp. I always had a disdain for some of the shows, but it's the local sports station so I had put up with it. For a few years I listened intermittently, but over the summer the commercials were so bad and the lack of real sports talk was getting so annoying that I decided enough was enough. I have probably listened for a total of an hour over the last three months and I couldn't be happier. I don't even miss the Bills talk. I can get enough of that here or elsewhere on the web. If you're a sports fan Sirius is a very wise investment. NFL radio is phenomenal, all the national shows from ESPN, CBS and Fox are available, there's a fantasy football channel and, even though I was never a fan, Howard Stern has totally captured me.
  22. This speech is one of those things that I am compelled to click on every time I see it. So good.
  23. I get it. This is the internet in America where you're allowed to be wholly uninformed on a topic and still voice your opinion. (I'm pretty sure it's encouraged.) BUT HAVE YOU SEEN MATT FLYNN PLAY? Sorry for shouting, but this is ridiculous. I hope no one suggesting Matt Flynn actually watched him play this year. I'm not sure how it's possible, but Jeff Tuel played better against Cleveland. He was awful. Atrocious. If you took how good Peyton Manning has been and asked me to describe the exact opposite, I would say either my 3 year old nephew or Matt Flynn. The guy will get another chance somewhere, but if it's here the FO is truly as incompetent as some of you people think. If I knew how to meme, there'd be a very annoyed Jean Luc Picard embedded in this post. Because that's how I feel. Between this and some of the other QB suggestions, I just can't take it anymore. Bills fans are supposed to be informed, knowledgeable football fans. Please, can we step our game up?
  24. The NFL should, and probably does, care if the audience can tell if it's a flag or a towel. Knowing that a flag was thrown is part of the viewing experience. Not being able to tell if it's a flag or a towel or some other random flash of pink detracts from the viewing experience and is annoying to me. However, the NFL is run by very smart people who are phenomenal marketers. They didn't decide to use pink flags all willy-nilly like. In fact, I would argue that the NFL loves being part of conversations like these. If we're not talking about the game, we're talking about the flags. I'm sure that the NFL raises a ton of money for breast cancer research and has helped many people. However, their decision to make Breast Cancer Awareness their signature cause was about marketing and it was a genius decision. They are raising money in the most visible, public way possible...in a way that wouldn't be possible if the cause was prostate cancer, heart disease or autism. On one level it endears the NFL to women, an area of huge growth potential. On another level, men love boobs. The pink flags further the conversation and increase the NFL's connection to the cause. As much as they annoyed me last night, unless they hinder game play, they're probably here for October.
  25. I often wonder, would I trade my ability to think critically for an upgrade in athletic talent? Because, in many cases, it seems that these are mutually exclusive traits.
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