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Everything posted by Thisistheyear

  1. If you read this and thought it was serious, please refrain from having any further opinions. Your inability to comprehend the simplest of sarcasm can only mean one thing, the part of your brain that comes to conclusions is broken beyond repair.
  2. The coaches are adapting to the talent. The size and speed of todays d-lineman and linebackers would shut those 70s and 80s power running games down. Also, the college game produces athletes whose skills translate to a spread offense. I like that football is and always will be a dynamic sport. Defenses adapt to offenses and offenses adapt in kind. Its the eternal tug of war that keeps the nfl fresh.
  3. Who is worse, the idiot who is trying to sound like an idiot or the moron who has no idea he sounds like a moron?
  4. 26 carries? 122 yards? Do you just make up stuff? If you had looked up the stats, you could have made a good point and actually been credible. Or are you too lazy to open a new window?
  5. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. Every single chinese knock off my friends have bought has something wrong with it.
  6. No thank you. You know what they say...once you go ginger, you vomit.
  7. I'm going to assume you didn't take a long look at that picture. Yuck. Take the makeup off and that's a man.
  8. Bowers? Really? I like gambling, but not all bets are worth placing. Teams took him off their boards completely. You know that right? His knee shows signs of a degenerative condition? Are you familiar with that? Experts say that his problems would be exacerbated by playing on turf. Have you read that anywhere? He may never be as explosive or fast as he was in college. Does any of that matter to you or would you be happy wasting a second round pick because you've heard of a guy? Do some research before you type.
  9. All the words seem to be in the correct order. Can we use a lockdown corner? Sure. Do we need one? No. Do I believe that drafting a corner at 3 is a big mistake? Yup. Peterson would be the only pick to aggravate me because we don't NEED him.
  10. Patrick Peterson is a shutdown cornerback with amazing return skills. He can lock down the side of a field and take a receiver out of the game. He can break a huge return and change the complexion of a game. He's still a horrible pick for the Bills. We play in the AFC East. Look at what the Pats did last year. The Jets re-sign lockdown corner Darelle Revis and the Patriots jettisoned their vertical passing game for an offense that favors slot receivers, slant routes, and a timing approach. Brandon Marshall is a non-factor with no quarterback and Santonio Holmes is too busy puffin' on the Chron and can be handled with scheme. As far as returners go, why do we need another one? We have Spiller and McKelvin. Plus, with the change in kickoffs this year, we are going to see more touchbacks than weve seen in years. As far as Im concerned his kickoff return ability is a non-factor. We don't need a lockdown corner or a kick returner. Can we please be AHEAD of the curve this year? Please.
  11. Is english your first language? I feel like I'm reading a google translation.
  12. I thought that line was hilarious. Also interesting given the Sabres current playoff series, Jackie D was wearing a Flyer's tie earlier in the episode.
  13. Entercom owns wlkk. Cummulus does not currently own Buffalo radio stations. And the lakes ratings were rarely above a one in any demo that matters.
  14. A couple of thoughts... Read Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point. There's an interesting anecdote regarding teen suicide in a polynesian (if I remember correctly) country. The argument was that teenage suicide, like smoking, is socially contagious. My other thought is big pharma is to blame. It seems like half the anti depressants on the market CAUSE suicidal thoughts.
  15. I'm really hoping this is sarcasm b/c it's the best use of sarcasm I've seen in awhile. The thought of an NFL scout changing their opinion based on PTI or Mike and Mike is classic. Just think, teams could save hundreds of thousands of dollars by firing their scouting department and signing up for satellite radio.
  16. Buy the new one. You're basically getting a refurbished model otherwise. I sent mine in and eventually got the rrod again. The new ones are thinner, a lot less noisy and, as far as I know, not susceptible to the red ring of death. Well worth the extra hundred bucks.
  17. She had time to cook a 100k a plate lunch to benefit the hamptons, but not an afternoon to fulfill a dying kids wish? The scheduling conflict excuse is a poor attempt at damage control. My guess is that she can't handle being around a dying child. That makes more sense, but is still selfish. Eventually, she'll release a statement claiming ignorance. The blame will be placed on her representatives.
  18. RJ suffered from deer in the headlights syndrome. He'd drop back to pass and the slightest pass rush would freeze him. I was team RJ in the dumbest qb controversy of all time, but we all make mistakes. Trent, I'm convinced, developed anxiety after the first concussion (adrian wilson?). Even when given time he'd end up hitting his checkdown. It was almost as though he developed tunnel vision, a common effect of stress and anxiety, and had trouble seeing downfield. JP was guilty of being an egomanaical douche. I had the displeasure of having a mutual friend and was forced to hang out with him on occasion. He was rude to people, disparaging of his teammates and ridiculously entitled. Plus, he talked like a girl. Leaders of men should have authoritative voices. Despite his douchery, of the three, JP was the one who could have been a passable (no pun intended) nfl qb given a decent situation. He probably would have thrived in a chan gailey offense.
  19. I was listening to Mike and Mike this morning. They were discussing how it will be incumbent on the leaders of each team to keep their teams focused and working together in the event of a lockout that stretches through OTAs or even training camp. I didn't get to listen to most of the discussion, but it got me thinking. If the lockout is prolonged, the best teams in 2011 may just be the teams with the leadership to stay focused throughout the ordeal. Teams like Green Bay and Pittsburgh may not miss a beat, while teams like Cinci or Oakland may have a lot of players who lose discipline and are not ready for the season to start. Where does that leave the Bills? I'm not sure, but I'm starting to like their extension of Chris Kelsay a bit. Without being inside that lockeroom, it's impossible for any of us to determine who the players look to for leadership. The coaches, however, do know. Is it possible that part of the reason for keeping Kelsay in the fold is because of the lockout factor? Donte Whitner's a free agent and not going to pick up the phone to make sure his teammates are in the weight room. Marcus Stroud is gone. Where is the veteran leadership on D? Poz? Kyle Williams? McGee? Without doing any research whatsoever, I'm going to go out on a limb and say we are one of the younger teams in the league. I was once indifferent towards Kelsay, but leadership is a more valuable commodity than ever right now and if signing him was part of a bigger plan then I applaud it. I know the signing took place months ago. But looking at it in the context of the lockout makes me think this organization may finally be taking care of the little things and are courageous enough to do what they think is right, not what will sell tickets or placate fans in the short term. It's possible, likely even, the front office knew they would take a PR hit for the move and did it anyway. I like that kind of thinking.
  20. A few thoughts... No. When I was 17, you betcha. Victims? They're 17. They pulled off the ol' eiffel tower. Unless she put a thumb where it didn't belong, I wouldn't call them victims. Are these incidences increasing or are we just paying attention? I remember several of my friends slaying older, married women when we were 17-18. No teachers though.
  21. First rep. Lee, then mubarak, now corto...
  22. Aaron Rodgers v. 2.0.
  23. The chances of the Bills switching to the throwbacks on a permanent basis is miniuscule. Teams change jerseys to sell jerseys. We've been buying the throwbacks for years now. On a related note, after seeing the new Sabres' jerseys on fans over the weekend, I've gone from liking them to hating them. They are atrocious up close. What is with those awful name plates and the stitching on the numbers? Not a fan. Also, some advice to way too many people...DON'T TUCK YOUR JERSEY INTO YOUR JEANS!!! You might as well be wearing shorts, business socks and sandles. Nerds.
  24. Wow. You have a problem with him saying, in essence, I screwed up...Buffalo deserves better? ***EDIT*** It looks like he sent this before the game. So, I guess that wasn't what he was saying. Pretty prescient though.
  25. An actual cowboy from Dallas could buy it.
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