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Posts posted by Thisistheyear

  1. I guess I was wrong. I thought Rex Ryan was the reason our D has regressed from the being the 4th best defense in the league to looking like a JV squad. I thought it was Rex Ryan who couldn't manage a game. I thought Rex Ryan was the one who confuses swearing every other word for actual coaching. I thought Rex and Robby were the ones who put last night's horrible defensive game plan together.

    Turns out this was all Greg Roman.

  2. I bet no other team came in at 100%.

    7/10 players in the NFL are black. I don't find it that hard to believe that a team would draft all black players. I really don't feel like doing the research though. The simple truth is that your statement is either trolling or racist. Why would you care what color the players are? Unless you're racist.

    Edit - Oh because Doug Whaley is black. That's super racist. A black man can't be in power without being reverse racist. Right?

    BTW, I'm white. I just happen to be a rational human being.

  3. I'm not saying he shouldn't have it, but to have social media and not be prepared to deal with lunacy? Pure lunacy.

    I am on his instagram right now. The messages people are leaving, on pictures of him and his family at Disneyworld, are ridiculous. I am actually ashamed to be a Bills fan. (Well more than usual anyway)

    Would the high road be better? Yes.

    Would setting his Instagram to private be advisable? Probably.

    But nothing he does or doesn't do justifies the vile statements being made towards him.

  4. Because nobody forced Sammy to have a Twitter account in the first place. He could delete it and eliminate the psychotic criticisms any time he wants. Unfortunately, I can't delete his ignorance.

    So, because he's a professional athlete this 22 year old kid shouldn't have twitter or Instagram? How about people grow up and stop anonymously attacking someone because they aren't performing at their job. Do yourself a favor and follow these guys on social media.


    Every adult is responsible for his own actions. It's called accountability. Attacking him for being hurt, in my opinion, is stupid. Attacking him for being an unprofessional baby, in my opinion, is warranted. He opens himself up to it whenever he DECIDES to say something stupid in a public forum.

    Attacking an athlete, or anyone for that matter, is warranted?

  6. I've been watching Sammy's highlights, if Boyd drops all the way to the 7th or is even an UFA, I would now be in favor. Reminds me of a bigger version of .......wait for it, Thad Lewis. :flirt:


    I spent an hour watching Watkins highlights last night and I kept thinking, Boyd really reads the field well. I thought of the Thad Lewis comparison too. I'd be fine with taking him in the 5th. Backup QB should be a priority. We're all rooting for EJ, but health is a concern.


    Addendum - I'm no scout, only saw a few Clemson games and was somewhere between drunk and very drunk last night.

  7. My Droid Razr Maxx just bit the bullet and I'm considering the One to replace it. All the reviews I've read have been effusive in their praise, but do any of you have any real world experience with the HTC One? any input would be appreciated.


    I see you already pulled the trigger, but I love my One so much that I thought I'd offer an opinion...


    I don't know of a consumer product that I would recommend more highly (maybe my google chromecast b/c it's so cheap and easy to use). I'm on T-mobile and never have any issues with connectivity. I'm almost always on 4g LTE and the browsing speeds are excellent. As far as the phone itself, the thing is gorgeous and super durable. I refuse to put a case on it, have dropped it a bunch of times and it still looks new. The aluminum is not only what sets it apart in terms of looks, but contributes to the phones durability. I wouldn't test it on tile or concrete, but it has survived my hardwood floor. The phone feels great in the hand. It's slightly curved back makes it feel ergonomical and sturdy. There is something about the weight distribution that I like. It just feels right. This may sound like a small thing, but the One never slides around when I set it down.


    As far as blinkfeed, I don't even know it's there. I can't remember as I bought the phone last April, but is it set as the default home screen? If it is, I must have changed the default. I only see blinkfeed when I scroll all the way to the left.


    I only have three negatives. 1.) the camera is great in some aspects and only ok in others. It is rated highly in low light, but I completely disagree. The camera software is amazing, in particular the highlight creator which is awesome in concept and execution, but I've only had occasion to use it a handful of times. 2.) It doesn't work well with the bluetooth in my car. I had the entire bluetooth module and Mic in my car replaced and it only provided a slight improvement. I rented a car recently and it sounded fine. For reasons no one can explain (HTC, T-mobile, my car dealer) it sounds awful in my car. 3.) While I was on vacation, T-mobile didn't have 4g LTE and the data connection was unusable, but I'll chalk that up to the carrier's lack of network in the area. At home, it's more than fine.


    It's too bad no one at HTC knows anything about marketing or the One would have been a game changer. I've used the Iphone 5s, the Galaxy S IV and while they are both more than capable neither compares to the One.

  8. Hahha. Thats great! He mustve been sick to his stomach.


    I'm sure it was an insurance promotion and he paid the premium regardless. It's actually in his best interest to see a shutout. Way more publicity.


    *edit - I have a habit of skimming. I actually read the article and he paid $7,000 for the insurance premium. Not only did he drive business but Seattle is talking about Jet Chevrolet. All for $7,000.

  9. Mother-in-law partial to reds, particularly Merlot. Most of the rest of us are more white wine folks although prefer not-so-dry.


    Thoughts on some nice wines to try? I'll be wine shopping this evening...


    PS - I'm leaning toward a Riesling for the white bottle.


    I just picked up a couple bottles of Ghost Pines for tomorrow. It's a California red blend (can't remember the particular grapes) and wherever I bring it people rave. It's about $20 and well worth it. I'm no sommelier or even that knowledgeable about wines, but I think it's delicious. I found this...


    Ghost Pines red blend draws from multiple winegrowing regions counties to create a wine as unique as the Ghost Pine itself. Composed of Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Sirah, Zinfandel, Merlot, and Syrah this wine exhibits rich flavors of red and blue fruit framed by soft, round tannins with a long, complex finish.

  10. More people building whatever narrative fits their own personal belief. Yup, Brandon is saying up yours. He's a liar and thinks you're all schmucks and evilly laughs as you continue to buy tickets while he waits to move the team. I've heard Brandon say several times that the results of the Toronto series have not been perfect and that a winning team is needed to capture the audience and capitalize on the huge population in Southern Ontario. Yet, all you see is a giant caricature counting money.


    The painful truth is that without a winning team, without a strong fan base in Southern Ontario and without corporate money from Toronto area businesses the team is gone after six years. So keep rooting for the Toronto series to fail. Maybe the Bills will move and you can say "I was right!"


    I'll keep saying this because it's extremely relevant as precedent is all we have to go on. The Green Bay Packers played games in Milwaukee (118 miles away) from 1933-1994. It kept the Packers in Green Bay viable. As a teen in the early 90's I thought it was a joke and would have been devastated if the Bills played games anywhere but Buffalo. However, I grew up, learned about business and learned to have an open mind. Without those games, Milwaukee becomes a Chicago Bears town (92 miles away) and the Packers in Green Bay probably don't even exist.

  11. The absolute bigotry in Western New York and specifically Buffalo Bills fans when it comes to southerners who have an accent that is different than their own mid-western TWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG is appalling.

    You parochial hicks think the world begins and ends in Erie county are the epitome of snobbery and you should choke on your own vomit.


    Wow. That escalated quickly.

  12. A sick and twisted part of me wants to see him tear it up if only to reinforce my own disbelief in the Bill's FO judgement. It's the same sick and twisted part of me that morbidly wishes to see Geno Smith throw the game winning TD to David Nelson. I think I'm just a bad person.


    I don't know if you're a bad person, but if you'd rather be right than have the Bills be good, then you're not really a Bills fan. I don't think E.J. Manuel is going to be a great QB, but I'm hope I'm wrong. Unfortunately, I rarely am.

  13. I'm loving this season so far. I'm wondering if anyone else feels that the lack of Andrea has vastly improved the show. In a show full of phenomenal performances, the actress who played Andrea stood out like a toothbrush in a bag of Halloween candy. Her odd facial expressions and overacting would often take me out of the show. I haven't experienced any of that so far this year. I will giver her credit for one thing. Let's just say there was a scene where they focused on her putting her pants on from behind. Hominahominahomina.

  14. I couldn't had made my point any better than you have!


    Thanks. I'm good at making points. I hope I also made my point, which is that you don't know as much as you think you know and the world is made up of varying shades of gray. People who live in a black and white world are doing themselves a great disservice. On this particular debate I will only say that my $104 is going towards a very nice dinner tonight and I have no qualms about it.

  15. You can define anything as a monopoly if you zoom in enough.


    Here is where I am for sake of discussion then I will relent:


    If you open a lemonade stand on the corner of third and main with water exclusively licensed from the house on the corner and sugar from Brazil then you have a monopoly on lemonade sold with water from the house on the corner of third and main and sugar from Brazil.


    Since, your lemonade is so damn good or convenient people are willing to pay a premium for it rather than iced tea or soda or even lemonade but not made with the licensed water from that house elsewhere.


    The licensing exclusion is legitimate business practice, barrier to entry and investment protection. Is it ea's fault no one went out and made a Canadian football game or brought back a non licensed NFL game like techno bowl?





    You can't make something seem overly complicated by saying its complicated. The documented claims are very clear, just look it up. The settlement made did not accompany an admission of guilt by ea or an agreement monopolistic behavior was engaged in, or a drastic substantive policy change in licensing practice resulting from the ruling.


    There was no impediment identified to creating football video games. None. There were no federal anti trust charges. There was no guilty verdict in court. This was a money grab.


    Like I said, I have no idea if this was a monopoly or not. In my opinion, there was a definite impediment to creating a football game. I can only point to the lack of other football games as evidence.


    Settlements are often agreed upon to blunt future action. Why would EA agree to acknowledge they acted like a monopoly? They are protecting themselves.


    We are debating whether or not EA was monopolistic in it's approach to the football genre, but I'm only playing devil's advocate. I don't know nor do I care if they were. I am only commenting on this because I actually partook in this and benefited from it. I got an entire $104 back. Someone said that lawsuits like these are what's wrong with society. I find that absurd. And I absolutely believe that America wouldn't be where it is without certain monopolies. I think you can point to Standard Oil and Microsoft as two examples. Without those two monopolies the growth of the automobile, the nation's infrastructure and personal computing would have been severely stunted.


    Anyway, I have doing to do.


    Go Bills!

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