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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Just water...I'm getting a colonoscopy Monday... poor planning on my part
  2. It's all the gambling commercials and tie ins for me...it's really annoying and so toxic
  3. I know, I'm making a joke that it takes the opposing coach to help you get in position to make a last second long field goal as time expires... You're saying our coach needs to be better to get a kicker into those situations, and I'm saying we actually need an opposing coach to help us get in those situations. Which, is tongue in cheek on my part, but adds a nice layer to the joke
  4. Opposing coaching staff you mean?
  5. Yeah, I mean there's no way he would get caught criticizing refs or other teams publicly calling games on national television...
  6. My hope is they start looking like they did from the second half of the Cardinals game through Jags game, but against basically all styles of defense, because they now have an answer to win on the outside in press man, single high when the middle of the field is shut off...and not just have an answer, but a receiver that can absolutely torch you for making that mistake.
  7. Did you read the article?! The cowboys sound like absolute morons... which they are
  8. I know, part of me wonders if Beane always had this in the back of his mind when he did the Diggs trade in the first place. Plus the potential to get the 3rd back as a comp pick, where if the Bills have a good season, a 3rd round comp pick after the 3rd and before the 4th isn't all that different from where they'll be picking had they kept this third (granted a year later), especially since there are so few 3rd round comp picks.
  9. No, disagree...3 million in dead cap on diggs deal because his salary only 3 mil less than the dead cap hit...plus you are getting Cooper for under $1m...while the Browns pay his bonus...what was his bonus for this year? Offset that from the $30 mil please
  10. Your use of cheesy cringe nicknames is significantly more brutal
  11. Is this why with the power of the masses approach (or whatever it's called when you have a jar of jelly beans and ask people to guess and then average the amount and you tend to get the best answer)...is what you're saying why you use average instead of median?
  12. You mean like when he played badly in the second half and after the Green Bay game last year, suddenly and inexplicably?
  13. He got hit really hard last week too...
  14. Aw man, I was more excited about the Hook reference
  15. I wasn't looking at the TV until right before the ball was snapped on that play...seeing Samuel in shotgun and then watching that play go down without having any context whatsoever...definitely felt like pure lsd a bit
  16. Ru fi ooooo I mean they run Allen on power sweeps all the time
  17. Writing the same thing at the same time, but you got there first...ugh, Monica had to call me about something for work or I would have been first
  18. Looks to me like the play was supposed to be for Allen to do an end around and to be rolling to his right, but he got cut off by the early penetration and the pitch from Samuel being behind him.
  19. He did a post game wrap up with the studio team on a game I watched a couple of weeks ago, and he actually said something interesting during one of his answers...i think he has potential, but he comes across as a cardboard cutout of a personality and says super obvious clichés during the game
  20. My hope as well, and just trying to see if there was a type of player you would pay at that position and kinda where that line would be. What about a Barkley type running back? He's more in the Derrick Henry and Adrianne Peterson mold.
  21. I hear ya and perhaps this is a bit of devils advocate, but what about paying CMC? I don't know that I'd call him a running back, as much as a versatile weapon that can be used in a variety of ways at a high level. He's not just an above average rb, where you can get that type of production out of late round rookies, especially with a top level oline...Cook is a different type of player arguably, and hopefully could maintain a high level of play through the end of a second contract.
  22. Yeah, it's been really cool to see though for sure. Can you imagine having all these new receivers this year and having them all saying this offense is the most complicated they've ever tried to learn and just not contribute at all...everyone eats has a slightly different meaning when looked at through that lens too
  23. Not sure I'd necessarily call that complimentary in the traditional sense...what I'm talking about isn't really balance and making sure the game scripts are aligned between offense and defense, but more in the philosophical approach to system design.
  24. You could make an argument that the key to McDermotts success on defense is ultimately simplicity and allowing players to execute. Obviously this is the NFL, so it's a relative simplicity and I know they do a lot of pattern matching and there is thinking involved...but this isn't Rex Ryan's defense. With Daboll and Dorsey it felt like the offense was super complicated, which was mentioned time and again by receivers coming from different teams, and there were miscommunications over and over, especially in key moments (Gabe Davis and others). The offense this year sounds ultimately super simple, but highly nuanced and multiple. It's simple, but becomes complicated to defend because of the ability for it to be so multiple and you can't tell what they are going to do, because they can make the same thing do so many different things and get it into it in so many different ways with shifts and motions. That sounds exactly like the defense McD has been running for so long right! Allowing players to play well above their perceived abilities and allowing players to come in when injuries happen (or key players leave the team in terms of the offense) and keep the level fairly constant, both by keeping it simple and letting players play fast, but also by tailoring the gameplan around the players strengths and how they allow them to use those strengths to exploit the other team's weakness.
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