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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Fair, but the super quick sub three second pass plays likely offset much if not all of that probably.
  2. Bomani Jones is one of the smartest, most educated and knowledgeable people around, not just in sports, but in general. He's flat wrong here, and frankly I'm not sure what his issue is, but it might be the text messages fwiw. That said, his takes generally are extremely well thought out and supported by a crap ton of historical reference and knowledge. Dude can name every #1 pick and hiesman winner going back to like 1965 off the top of his head...it's insane.
  3. The league used to run a lot more on first and second down, when the bills would have been in their base 3-4 defense. So, guessing the majority of his sacks came on third down...so were they running three on the dline on third down too, or switch to a nickle with two lbs and 4 dline? I was in 4th grade during the last super bowl appearance, so I definitely was old enough to be a true fan of sports, but I had no idea what I was watching scheme wise (I still largely don't, lol), so genuine question.
  4. The second half of last year was basically all super windy games, which had to impact his deep ball accuracy no question. How has Allen compared against the qbs in the same game, that is the real question in super nasty weather games.
  5. Back when Madden 25 came out (25th anniversary, think it was for the 2013 season), they had an option to buy the "anniversary" edition for $100 and the extra $40 got you a code to get Sunday Ticket mobile. I just connected my computer to my tv with an hdmi cable and was good to go. The quality wasn't the best at first, which makes me think they did it as a one year pilot to test their streaming capabilities and the bandwidth data. Whatever the reason, it really sucked they didn't continue it. I had already cut the chord then and basically paid $100 for the ability to stream bills games, plus I got a mediocre Madden game, which apparently is the last mediocre Madden game, and they have really started sucking the following year and for the last seven years when they really started going the micro transaction route with Ultimate Team. I'd say that Madden going downhill is a tangent, but it's not...another example of the nfl doing a single license thing, and the entity holding the rights to that license looking to maximize their immediate value without worrying about the brand they in many ways are tarnishing (look at what EA has done with Star Wars as an additional example).
  6. I think that's kind of my point (your first paragraph), you need to be in the right place scheme wise in order to miss a tackle. I don't remember many players even having a legit shot at a tackle for a loss much this season until yesterday, and maybe the second half last week against the Jets. If we are talking about legit missed tackles for losses (more than arm tackles where the guy is schemed out of the play but sticks his arm in the gap), then the defense has made a huge step forward. Keep getting players in position to make those tackles and they'll make enough of them to start forcing third and long and then you can get creative with your coverage and get some more interceptions and sacks. The Pats had a bunch of 3rd and longs. Anyway, I know it's easy to look at outcomes and see the continuation of the same thing, but hopefully the defense has rounded the corner and are about to tighten up.
  7. It felt like a few unfortunately timed missed tackles led to drives being extended, where in past games there wasn't anyone there to miss a tackle. I believe that is a huge step forward for the defense, and is a very positive sign for significant improvement over the next few weeks.
  8. I have no basis of football understanding at an actual Xs and Os level to know if what I'm saying makes sense, but I feel it's more elite qbs can play at an elite level in various different systems and high level schemes and that allows coaches to design offensive gameplans that take advantage of the actual players on the field, which could be even different on different sides of the field, or by formation/player grouping. You can make players better by being good, but they'll be even better if they can do what they do best, and with a fixed system qb it is limiting because it's hard to find players that are all good at the same thing.
  9. Bledsoe was a stop gap short term, and I'll definitely give you Losman, that was a good QB draft and they just missed out on big ben, and JP very well could have been ruined by the org more than being a bust. Who were the available qbs the year they drafted Mike Williams? Edit: ooff, bad qb draft. David Carr, Joey Harrington, Patrick Ramsey in the first round...amazing talent at other positions scattered in that first round though.
  10. Allen is the only qb taken in the top 10 by the bills since kelly...they never seriously invested in trying to get an elite qb, and the goal always seemed like it was to overpay for Fitzpatrick, which is exactly the point op is making.
  11. Don't think it's a bad take. Isn't the list of super bowl winning qbs the last 20 years basically Brady, Rodgers, Manning, Manning, Big Ben, Wilson and Mahomes? I know there's a random Foles mixed in every now and then, but the vast majority of super bowls the last 20 years have been won by very few QBs, and they're the elite of elite. I think the point is the goal is to get one of those elite qbs (which I am hoping Allen is), if you don't think you did, don't compound the mistake and give out an elite level contract. Edit: I left off Brees. Other than that the only three other winning qbs since 2000 have been Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Joe Flacco and Nick Foles.
  12. The "only thing he can catch is covid" jokes are in poor taste and not really clever at all. There is a chance he develops long term impacts from this, but good to know who doesn't value players as humans...classy...wonder how many people laughing about Knox testing positive were indignant when others were saying someone else had it coming to him. Do better please.
  13. I was thinking the same thing the other day, but it's still too early...not too early for this thread though, definitely something that needs to be followed the rest of the year. That said, with the difficulty of this schedule, I'm thinking there will be a lot of close games if their record will be good, which most likely doesn't mean a huge positive point differential...anyway to find point differential by strength of schedule maybe?
  14. Is libel able to be included in a conspiracy charge? Have to imagine bank, insurance and tax fraud committed by increasing or decreasing valuations to get loans/pay less taxes definitely would be. Totally hypothetical question, not asking specific to anyone.
  15. I haven't read this whole thread at all, not even one post, but heading into his third or fourth season, and he was primed for a breakout year...then tore his acl in the preseason, because it was already partially torn and he opted against surgery...didn't want someone beating the bills, but I had a lot of dolphin friends and am not rooting against them, just that the bills would beat them (I'm not going to kick mediocre teams while they're down, give me fun competition!). I was living in South Florida his entire career, so was following him pretty closely...dude was on the verge of breaking out that year and had a lost season because he chose to rehab instead of have a lost off season basically, which I'm not one to judge that choice, Bruce made a similar choice I believe. I'm not surprised he's playing like this, it's what I was expecting him to do the second to last season in Miami...that said, I'd much rather have Allen.
  16. You want the NFC West to win to help the bills strength of common opponents for non-AFC East tie breakers. That's where the classic/infamous "logic" a few years back of the bills losing against the nfc team helping the bills more than a win.
  17. I'm usually rooting for a loss against an nfc team, because increas'd playoff chances...
  18. Absolutely, and I'm not going to get into a discussion on incubation period, but just look at it logically. He tested positive on the Monday test after testing negative on the Saturday test. That means he likely would have tested positive anywhere in between those two days...right in the middle...that's Sunday at 4pm. They should pause for a week to prevent a potential issue that could be contained from spreading and being uncontrollable in my opinion. I truly and really hope that is the case. I mean makes sense, but I would think a sneeze in the face more than equals 15 minutes talking in a closed space (feel like an nfl play could cause someone to breath out real hard on contact on the lines). I'm not a doctor or a scientists though, but man that would be great to see no Bills players test positive because of what it means in the larger scheme of things with this virus. Also, agree, I thought Diggs got the first.
  19. No, they were exposed because they played against someone who tested positive a day or two after the game. I'm not saying the Bills Raiders game should have been postponed because of the charity event, most likely that did not lead to an infection, though for sure a chance...I'm saying the Bills Titans game should be postponed because they played against someone who tested positive on the first test following the game and their last negative test was from Saturday, which was farther back in time than the test they took after the game.
  20. Maybe I'm basing it too much off the season ticket holders I was sitting next to that got tickets the year they started and go to every game (super nice too). Like I said I'm basing it off a super small personal experience so definitely could be a little, or a lot off.
  21. Why we moved from South Florida to Raleigh three weeks ago (well one of the many, but a significant factor). I think the lack of a state income tax is really causing issues, especially where the majority of the taxes come from tourist taxes (which I'm guessing that stadiums fall into). Why they don't just come out and say that is anyone's guess, and not to be pondered here, but everything is geared around tourist taxes basically. Like the Marlins baseball stadium...funded by tourist taxes...believe guarented by Miami, or Dade County or something...could get real ugly if they default on that debt, and that's the main reason they're doing this in my opinion (not just Marlins Park, but lack of tax revenue).
  22. Nah, was at the Bills Jags playoff game in 2017...they have solid fans and the stadium wasn't more than 20% Bills fans. They can't fill the stadium, sure, but their die hards are solid and there's plenty of them (obviously probably a bit of a reach to base it off a playoff game, but I saw enough to get a feel).
  23. They really should have cut it to a 14 game schedule, getting rid of the two games determined by your record against the two conference divisions you aren't playing against. Then split the league into two separate parts (you could even do more parts with a bye week after each quarter of the season), but let's go with two for now. If there is an outbreak in Part A then pause that half for the week, but you still get games from the other half of the league (I think splitting it into more parts with the schedule segmented for when the parts within the half of the league switch). Ex. Have the AFC East play the NFC West then bye week break. Then AFC East plays against themselves the next three weeks followed by a bye week or even two (remember only 14 games). Then AFC East plays the AFC West bye week. Then finish the season against the AFC East. If there is an outbreak, you know in advance which teams have crossover and you can pause that entire part of the league while still playing games in the other segments.
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