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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Are you using shinyR for the interface? Also, really freaking cool!!
  2. I don't think those Pats teams were lucky...*
  3. What are the rules for having to declare something like this on the injury report? Any draft picks at risk?
  4. Based on the reactions after the Rams game... I'm gonna have to say for many, all signs point to not really It's so crazy how the rams game and the lions game was basically the bills being on both sides of the exact same coin/game script and it's so encouraging seeing how the team intentionally made adjustments to be that team in control against the lions by being much more aggressive early...not really hearing too many of the same people saying it was an example of self scouting and growth
  5. High ankle sprains are a very different animal...I know he played on one last year iirc, but if they're more than very mild, playing on one can risk long term damage as I understand it...might not he his choice or just a pain tolerance situation.
  6. My dad got diagnosed at basically the same exact age with I think the same cancer what I think would have been him being diagnosed 20 years ago this past August. Felt fine until he got jaundiced and felt really tired...he got tested and for a second they thought it was just a clogged bile duct, but then they did the actual conclusive test and it very much wasn't. He got chemo and was in a clinical trial for some immuno therapy...didn't get the surgery (it wouldn't have helped)...they had given him months, but with the immunotherapy he made it over a year and half...but yeah, basically same age of diagnosis and bile duct cancer as well. Bigger reason I'm sharing is that immunotherapy has come incredibly far since then...I often think of what would have happened if it was now instead of then...also think a lot about the fact I'm 40 now, and in seven years I'll be the same age when he got diagnosed
  7. Instead you could never quite finish
  8. Totally dead and I would imagine you have to do an onside, but I'm not super familiar with the rule. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/nfl-new-kickoff-rules-onside-kicks-touchbacks-returns-2024/c0f89e14b7ea2e3f4c4eddb0
  9. You can only do an onside kick while down and I believe in the 4th quarter now (since the new kickoff rules). Agree with everything else
  10. Bile duct cancer will do that as well... Got my dad before he turned 50
  11. Cancer in that area can very much cause that as well...
  12. I played varsity lacrosse in high school...I now live in the raleigh area and go to Duke and UNC lax games, which I saw some crazy high ranked matchups, the quality of lax within a bit over half an hour from me is insane. Anyway, the speed and intensity of D1 lacrosse...it's really basically a different sport, it's insane
  13. I want a Superb Owl so freaking bad now!!!
  14. He's got a bunch of injury guaranteed money, so yeah I mean it was his call, but they'd be silly to risk an injury so just good gm'ing Edit: to clarify the good gm part I am referring to is the benching to avoid an injury guarantee, not the deal they signed him to. but.... didn't they also build in an out into that contract or am I remembering things wrong? Are we sure this isn't kinda part of the plan in a way? Have Jones as a bridge to get a new qb after the rest of the team got built up a bit first...if they're not fired, it could give a bit of a clue.
  15. Anyone know if he has offset language in his contract?
  16. Oh I want them to get this done so bad! No way he clears waivers...bring him in on the practice squad as the 4th qb
  17. I honestly didn't even celebrate the way I normally would (jumping up and down and in 360s) while watching that run, at least not in the moment...just fist pump when he got the first, stood up when I realized he had a chance to score, big fist pump, a huge sigh of relief and then grabbed my 7 year old while he was flipping out and gave him a big hug. I think mostly I was waiting to make sure he wasn't hurt before celebrating, but what a freaking play!
  18. Lol, that's where we disagree...0-4 doesn't necessarily mean we need major change at all...it depends on how they lost and all that...also, what was Tampa Bay's record after 12 games the year the won their last super bowl? What I'm really saying is that I saw somewhere the bills were -5000 to win the afc east...I feel like there is a better chance than that that the bills lose their next four and the dolphins win their next five and they are tied in the loss column than the odds of -5000...there might be some value to hedge there potentially...I don't gamble on sports though, just pointing out a potential value bet to toss a few bucks on something that is unlikely, but feels more likely than the odds
  19. Not at all what I'm saying... what I'm saying is there is a possibility that they lose all of these next four games and the result is not that they are not a competative team that can't go far in the playoffs or that they should blow it all up.
  20. So I'm just inherently more of a process over outcome type person (independent of McD coming in with his process talk). To me right decision isn't based on if it works out, it's if it was the right decision in the first place with all the available information without hindsight. We're probably never going to fully agree, but at the same time I don't think we need to, it's just how we enjoy watching sports differently.
  21. It's realistically possible the bills go 0-4 over the next five weeks and the dolphins can beat all those teams and they'd be tied in the loss column with a half game head to head. Not saying I think it's going to happen, but it's very much in the realm of possible...it also wouldn't necessarily be a massive meltdown for the Bills to lose against the chiefs, 49ers, rams, lions if they are all close games and both teams play well and the ball just bounces funny four times.
  22. I think the point is more it might be a mirage and they have some tough teams on the schedule coming up, and let's wait to see how they finish the regular season before we start puffing our chests. The bills could realistically go on a 4 game losing streak or lose 3 of the next 4.
  23. Yeah, I interpret it as they're cool with letting the offense try and get a 4 or 5 yard run and get a first down at or near the sticks, because eventually one of those runs is going to be stopped and they'll be behind the chains. Then good luck being able diagnose the coverage presnap and getting the ball out on time and to the right receiver in a clear passing situation when they need to get the ball into the second level with the defense set up to prevent a catch short of the sticks getting the yac needed for a first and taking away the deep ball. I think it's they don't care much about giving up first downs on 2nd and 5 for example, because they would rather have a chance to get you into 2nd and 12 and then best of luck
  24. I think people might get a small pass for teams with bad offensive lines that ended up worst case scenario (though also could have been a highly likely scenario at the same time)
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