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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Yes, some people are cheering...but more so getting entertainment from it. The article is slanted...saying McD is jealous because he didn't have that relationship with his players, when he believes coaches shouldn't have those types of relationships with his players, but never brings up that the reason McD said that about the truck is because it goes against his coaching philosophy and instead "jealousy" It's a character hit piece
  2. We're a crappy fan base, sorry, but it's true. This is basically like cheering an injury.
  3. Based on his reaction saying how hurt he was by reading it, my guess is very few if any of the sources actually said any of this to his face in a constructive way, but just a guess.
  4. And McD started all the way at the bottom himself and worked his way up and I'm sure is mentoring based on experience and where he saw other coaches with a ton of potential flame out.
  5. Use whatever means possible to get him fired...Tyler Dunne, is that you?! Of all the sports, fan support matters by far the least in the nfl... very few home games and the vast majority of the money comes from the TV deals and league wide revenue sharing. I could see ticket sales being important for cash flow stuff, but the Pegulas seem to have plenty of liquid money that they can fund the cash flow until the league wide dispersments are paid, and for all we know they might not mind operating at a loss because it helps offset gains elsewhere. Now other sports with regional TV deals and 41 or 81 home games and much more limited league wide revenue sharing, sure, but not the NFL. Also, how do you know that Pegula isn't fully supportive of and wants coaches that have boundaries between player and coach?
  6. Absolutely plausible and a good point and kind of implied in the article. I had read the part on the low salary and basically the whole section on the Hall truck story...McD also came up from the bottom and I'm sure worked with many coaches who made it and even more who didn't and he was trying to make sure Hall was in the make it batch and he was so hard on him because he felt it was the best way to push him to make it. Not that paying him a low amount is right, but it might have been part of a larger vision to get him to be a head coach some day. My point isn't that I know what happened at all, it's that only one point of view was offered when there could be a lot of other viable explanations for his behavior...McD being a jealous attention seeker...I dunno, I could absolutely him being way too high strung at times and freezing as a result and I think he should have coffee with Tom Caughlin asap probably, but to explain his behavior as being jealous, when at the same time him saying things like it's not your job to be friends with them. That's not someone who is jealous of someone's closeness with players, that's someone who is saying that as a coach on his team his expectation is people have a boundary between player and coach...like if that's his perspective on player coach relationship, it literally means he would not be jealous of the relationships he isn't planning on having with people. Ugh, the more I think about this the less and less sense the article is making from a logic perspective...how is he jealous of something he doesn't want to have?
  7. People should not be giving lavish gifts to people that have decision making power over them. Either said or unsaid (this doesn't need to be said though, it should be part of their organizations annual compliance training) McD: either says above or says something like that wasn't appropriate, or again doesn't even say it because he assumes it's obvious to people why you shouldn't accept that gift Hall: I don't know what to tell you, they just really like me I guess McD: but you're not here to be friends with them, you're their coach... Or Hall: I got this truck from my players! McD: when, I didn't see them give it to you here? Hall: at my house last night, we had a party McD: (during covid restrictions) What do you mean?! I am paying you to coach the players, not he friends with them ___ Neither of those sound unreasonable to me as a reaction
  8. I mean Rosebud my guy, Rosebud... Someone having money doesn't give people the right to warm their hands as they sit around a person's reputation being burnt down and him seeing everything he believed was true about how people think of him being torn up and looking around and having people cheer. It's morally gross
  9. I've read parts...I think you're missing the point... the fact that a source had their perspective, but a completely valid and pretty obvious alternative and reasonable explanation was not provided as a counterpoint is problematic...that is the point I am making
  10. I haven't read it yet either...my cousin sent me that piece with the truck story as a screenshot and when I read it yesterday, my initial thought was what a jerk...but then I thought about it more and put myself in his shoes and tried to understand if maybe there was a different reason and I realized it was a potential perceived conflict of interest and that the source was probably being completely honest, but was looking at it from their perspective and not McDs. Then I read about and listened to him saying how much it hurt him to read people saying stuff about him like that, and I couldn't stay quiet about it and here I am
  11. Gotta love people gleefully tearing a person down because the sports team he coaches is making you disappointed. I'm just confused by the entertainment people are taking from this, especially after he came out and said that he's really feeling hurt by it. Celebrity gossip culture is gross and between this and people being excited Von Miller was potentially going to get suspended because he's not playing well on the field (I saw all the second reactions after people's initial reaction of saying that behavior is awful, then switching to "ooh, now he won't play because he stinks") Just I'm not sure what happened after being so freaking proud of being a part of this fan base with the donations and the playoff drought ending and even during the drought the vast majority of people being reasonable if not passionate, and then how everyone said they were changed by the Hamlin injury, but just empty words and it's gotten worse. Now people are gleefully sharing gossip with one another to justify absolutely ripping the joy out of someone who it's never justified to do to someone, but by all accounts is a really genuine person who maybe has some quirks in his personality. Seriously, imagine what it must be like for him tonight, knowing all these people have awful things to say about you...he's a human and is trying his best on top of it... it's gross
  12. People on my team wanted to give a gift card to my manager on Manager Day...I pushed back on that as well...gifts shouldn't flow up the chain, plus I know for a fact it would have made her uncomfortable and my company has rules against thinge like that. I also get that he makes less than most of the players and you could argue that both are labor and not management, but Terry P is the one responsible for giving gifts to his employees/coaches, not the players. Also, the number of players that go bankrupt after their careers end...it's because of stuff like this. I think it's incredibly nice that they bought him that truck, but McD needs to handle that firmly and directly, which is what it sounds like he did... now I'm not sure if players give gifts to coaches already and this is just a huge one, but they really shouldn't because that can go down a very very slippery and dangerous slope very quickly. My issue is that you might fully disagree with my point of view, but it honestly is valid, but the source never thought of it that way and applied his own perception on the situation, when McD was likely concerned about stuff like this.
  13. Anyone else think there is a reason people don't buy coaches trucks? The source said he's never seen that before... you think that's because no coaches were ever super well liked by players? This isn't them tipping the support staff in the organization at the end of the season...a position coach has a ton of input on how a season goes for a player and subsequently their career and future contracts.
  14. Except I'm very much not and if I was in McDs position I would be pissed as well.
  15. You're missing the point, it can be perceived as such, that is all that matters...and that's not laughable, it's totally plausible that a player might try that... maybe pay for a coach's kid's private school...I don't think for a second the truck was given as a bribe, but again it could be perceived that way and especially if that type of thing is normalized within an organization, it eventually will happen. But i can look up the exact FCPA laws, but I'm pretty positive they simply require a perceived conflict of interest to start causing issues
  16. Um, rich people bribe super low level beaurocrats all the time, I'm confused how it matters how much money someone is making...they are giving a decision maker who is a gatekeeper to their future earnings not just a gift of value, but of significant value. It can be a perceived quid pro quo and even if it's not the case, if it's perceived that is a conflict of interest and is an issue, potentially an issue with significant monetary consequences
  17. Exactly, I would be really upset as a CEO if that happened. It doesn't make what the source said untrue, but it makes it very obvious the source does not understand the big picture or what might be going through McDs head when he's acting the way he's acting...the source said it was because McD was jealous, when it likely has nothing at all to do with that. It raises a lot of questions on if the sources have the proper big picture view to understand the motivations behind McDs behavior and maybe them not understanding the true reason for it...it's concerning in terms of trusting the article
  18. No, the perceived conflict of interest is equally there...it's gotta be a near $100k gift He has a ton of say over gameplans and playing time and who is being featured in the passing game though and if he says he doesn't think someone is a good culture fit they're absolutely gone.
  19. So subordinates buying a new truck for a supervisor that has massive decision making power and control over future earnings is at best a massive perceived conflict of interest. The source saying he "thought it was the coolest thing ever, but McD was jealous of the relationship the coach had with his players because McD did not have that type of relationship..." So that really makes me question the lens through which the sources are seeing things through... I'm not saying the source is being at all dishonest, but I would be livid if I was a CEO of a company and found out that an employee bought their manager say a $5k vacation as a thank you for helping them do so well and get promoted. It doesn't raise into question the honesty of the source at all, but it makes it very clear that that source does not have an understanding of what might have caused McD to behave how he behaved and attributed something to jealously, when I think it would be more McD felt subordinates giving gifts of value to supervisors is a huge at best perceived conflict of interest and there are potentially huge civil liabilities for that type of stuff/even if not the case, would absolutely be something I personally would not want as a part of my organizational culture...gifts should not flow up stream in an organization for a wide range of reasons
  20. Staley, Saleh, dude for the Bears previously, Rex Ryan, Hackett, dude for the Cardinals a few years back...I could go on and on and on, but that's off the top of my head thinking for a minute...head coaching is sooo much more than just Xs and Os
  21. Did anyone compare and contrast Dorsey's reaction to that missed pass when they lost that game and Brady's when Davis and Allen didn't connect? My guess is after that, Dorsey got some sports therapy, came away with the low positive approach and passed it on to Allen...Brady came in and said, you don't need that because I don't need that, I'll stay calm especially if you start getting super amped up and I'll calm you down both with my words, but also with my play calling...
  22. This sitatuation has the feel of an episode of an early season Law & Order... I'm speculating, but there is a chance this is highly morally and ethically challenging and nuanced...thankfully if we assume he did put his hands on her neck and squeezed, he didn't crush her windpipe or something. I've been thinking about why Beane said what he said yesterday, and again I'm arriving at this being a super highly nuanced situation and a horribly toxic relationship, which doesn't excuse his behavior, but from a moral and ethical perspective it's a very different thing if he is a malignant narcissists who is perpetrating ongoing emotional and physical abuse (if this was the case I strongly believe Beane would have made him inactive and suspended him from the team) vs her being a malignant narcissist who is perpetrating ongoing emotional abuse for years and years and was utilizing reactive abuse to get him to react in a horrible way so she could make him feel shame in a calculated way. I'm not exusing the behavior, he could have killed her, but given the extremely limited information we have and Beane's support and what she texted out last time with the screen shots of Miller's texts, I am leaning towards this...and I have a theory on exactly what she was saying to get him to react and where she was saying she was traveling to, which I'm already wildly speculating enough, I'll leave it there.
  23. Yet how many coaches get fired and run clown show football operations? You're significantly undervaluing McDs strengths
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