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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. why did he get treated earlier is covid a surprise for most people who get sick if people are sick, go get treatment again- don't hide in your closet and hope you don't die
  2. that's only because the MSM has convinced people that the very affordable and available zinc +HCQ treatment should not be used it's better to hide in your closet until you die if you do actually get sick
  3. He could not infect anyone I saw him wearing a mask all is well
  4. what is that supposed to accomplish? 1 team has more than 1 positive test
  5. do tell
  6. Hopefully, he took HQC again- which is the cheapest drug to benefit the most With a reliable treatment, no need for masks or counting cases
  7. so what treatment will Trump will be able to show conclusively works to cure symptoms from teh virus 1. zinc & HCQ 2. blood plasma 3. remsvidor 4. other?
  8. Follow the real science Physics mandates that micro-particles smaller than .27 microns can not be stopped by mask material with stopping power in excess of .5 microns extra bonus is that masks and gaiters free up whatever virus was in moisture droplets into an airborn airesol
  9. there are plenty of treatments available to treat the flu which is why the recovery rate is 99.7% obsession on "cases" and apopoletic reactions are strictly political theater
  10. please provide link to this "overwhelming" evidence can't be that helpful if mask wearers are not allowed to attend church or football games
  11. The CDC instructions direct 45 cycles be run - which generate 35 TRILLION copies of the tested generic material
  12. could be finally be starting Trump has been moved into protection - under guise of virus
  13. why quarantine won't wearing a mask for 14 days protect everyone? after 14 days, no mask needed since he will be immune
  14. should not be a problem interaction within 6 ft are what the masks are for
  15. no surprise ALL electronic communications are stored in UtAH
  16. for 5,000 fans, may not be worth the cost and headaches of complying with Covid protocols
  17. everyone waiting for the big drop is missing the opening rounds The background is being laid in the Flynn court when the indictments finally come, the facts will already be disclosed and much easier to smooth the chaos
  18. sure sounds like Sullivan is playing a role to help lay out the coup and the players- for the court record by delaying, all of this evidence is being exposed and put on the record
  19. As with most things in America, there are 2 sets of rules The ones you cite apply to employees working for the govt for the benefit of the people seems Fauci is working outside the application of those rules another construct like the Federal Reserve - which is privately owned CDC is a Private Organization - Not Government ... https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/disease/cdc-is-a-private-organization-not-government/ Some people have questioned my concern over both the CDC and John Hopkins University is a PRIVATE organization where the CDC accepts private funding - NOT ONLY GOVERNMENT! The CDC is quasi-government under the Department of Health and Human Services which strangely has sources of funding that are predicated on the fact that it also has a private 501(c)(3) public charity, like the Clinton ... CDC Foundation | About | CDC https://www.cdc.gov/about/business/cdcfoun.htm The CDC Foundation helps the CDC save and improve lives by unleashing the power of collaboration between CDC, philanthropies, corporations, organizations and individuals to protect the health, safety and security of America and the world. Since 1995, the CDC Foundation has launched approximately 1,000 programs and raised over $740 million. Public-Private Partnerships and CDC https://www.cdc.gov/partners/index.html CDC works with the private sector because public-private partnerships advance CDC's mission of protecting Americans. Americans--and CDC-can accomplish more working together than separately. Learn how to connect with CDC and access resources available to private sector organizations. CDC exposed as private corporation colluding with Big Pharma https://www.intellihub.com/cdc-exposed-as-private-corporation/ The CDC, by definition, is a private corporation working on behalf of its stakeholders, which include key players in the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries that profit from the spread of disease, not from real prevention and cures. Robert Kennedy Jr: CDC is a privately owned vaccine company https://eraoflight.com/2018/12/08/robert-kennedy-jr-cdc-is-a-privately-owned-vaccine-company/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claims the CDC owns patents on at least 57 different vaccines, and profits $4.1 billion per year in vaccination sales. According to RFK Jr., the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma.. Greenmedinfo.com reports: Mr. Kennedy told EcoWatch, "The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry.
  20. Fauci stands to reap millions from his/CDC vaccine patents of course, this is in addition to his patents on the virus itself not much need for a vaccine when the fear about the severeity of the virus is stripped away to show a 99.7% survival rate
  21. CDC numbers say hospitalizations and ICU occupancy below levels from 12 months ago yet Fauci continues the fear porn
  22. that would be great but only if he can heal up all of the injuries adversely impacting the defense there are at least 4 key guys playing hurt
  23. Rand Paul challenging Fauci on herd immunity stopping the number of cases, not masks or lockdowns https://www.marketwatch.com/story/watch-fauci-schools-rand-paul-on-herd-immunity-youre-not-listening-2020-09-23
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