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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. we would not be so confused, if in every other post you were not defending the Bills in some manner.
  2. you are correct Dick will be the coach until Ralph dies. no way he eats $6 mil AND the salaries of the whole staff AND hires another coach
  3. so your point is the Bills knew Whitner was too hurt to play, yet activated him anyway and went into the game with only 2 healthy OTs which quickly blew up on them thanks for that insider insight
  4. maybe if Hardy showed some actual WR skills, you would have a point until then, tall it is
  5. Hardy is tall - he does not need reps to fine tune his only attribute
  6. that is some serious work there finding a 1st round WR talent that the Bills did not know existed pretty much sums up the pre-Polian scouting capabilities at OBD.
  7. Bradford is the typical Bills pick draft a guy that is already broken and has proven to be made of porcelin. then wonder why he is out of football in 3 years after putting him behind a sieve-like OL
  8. sounds like a great plan - in fact very similar to the same plan the Bills have used to stock their OL since Polian left pretend that castoffs and scrubs are NFL caliber players and then get some some inept OL coaches to mold them into a studly bunch by the way- your assessment is completely off base inexperience has not been the problem with the OL for the last 15 years, lack of talent has been the problem
  9. if this defense was as good as you say it is in the first 3 quarters, then they should be able to generate a few 3 and outs to get our offense back on the field. unfortunately, as you correctly state, the defense stays on the field by design - letting teams move up and down the field at will, but generally keeping them out of the endzone. of course, the other team knows the Bills tendencies as well, and they are willing to moe slowly and not take risks- knowing full well that the Bills defense will eventually exhaust itself by playing its idiotic bend but don't break philosophy.
  10. Ralph will not fire Dick with 2 years left on his contract, no matter how many games they lose. a timely free agent signing in the off-season and the lemmings will be back setting more season ticket sales records.
  11. maybe the D would not be so tired if they made plays for the 1st 3 quarters and did not give up an average of 250 yds on the ground good to see Bills fans adopting America's motto - it's not my fault blame the offense, blame anyone but the defense on the field for not being able to stop the other team
  12. good time to start looking for an NFL caliber training staff to prevent all of those injuries.
  13. unless it's Larry Felser, what "insider" info would a newspaper reporter have as a scoop the clowns covering the Bills have no inside info and have less understanding of the Bills than most posters on this board.
  14. what were they thinking - the front office clown show was laughing its ass off at the $15 million they saved by gutting the OL and still set season tickets sales records
  15. yeah- he really sucked at QB after the first few
  16. it's not cheating the safeties up that was the problem with Edwards at QB. Teams left the safeties to cover the WRs deep since there was little risk of being beat, or of the ball even thrown. They then brought the CBs and /or LBs to choke off the flats and short zones so Trent had no where to go with his checkdowns. even better for the defense, they were also able to choke off the run game by concentrating their defenders within 3 yards of the line of scrimmage.
  17. you are absolutely correct about Lynch he is nothing more than a highly drafted dumb thug he still does not know which hole to run to which is why he hesitates so much and constantly gets hit in the backfield.
  18. most offensive player has to be TO if he's not dropping the ball outright, he does not even try to catch like that long pass that fell at his feet. offense started making some plays when they finally gave up on TO and started targeting Evans.
  19. sure they added 3 guys to the OL - good moves at the same time they cut 3 NFL caliber starters and saved $15 mil leaving gaping holes at both tackles. If they had a clue, they would have builit around their pro bowl LT and not the son of a wellknown NBA player. they do just enough to keep the fans banboozled, but not enough to actually build a winner
  20. finally spent a premium pick on an unmotivated fat pig RIGHT tackle OL yet they passed on a bona fide LT who had not given up a sack in his career stupid is as stupid does
  21. the NFLPA hard at work protecting its players and their working conditions they also can't do enough to hinder effective drug testing worthless
  22. "but I'm leery of spending a high pick on a LT." you are correct. why waste premium picks on the OL when they can be spent on small DBs to play 10 yards off the ball. the Bills should continue with the same plan they have used for the last 15 years - where they pick up scrubs, castoffs and end of the draft rookies- give them inept coaching and then cross their fingers and expect them to play as a top flight OL. how can you argue with the success the Bills have had at fielding such an awesome OL?
  23. you are evaluating Russ are the wrong set of criteria he got a big bonus for cutting $15 mil out of salary which he did not reinvest in players - so it went right to Ralph's pocket. Ralph is happy camper - big plus there Russ gets big bonus for saving for Ralph money - big plus there too bad you are concerned more with the product on the field than these 2 or you may see things differently too
  24. I can understand your confusion It must be really hard to figure out that Bell is screwing up when the ref calls his number for penalties more than 5 times a game
  25. Bell will be the starter at LT next year no matter how he plays this year. The clown show has determined that he is next great UDFA to superstar story - so our QB is stuck with a revolving door until the front office (and their disregard for the OL) is replaced
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