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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. If the Bills don't gut the front office, anything else they do will pissing in the wind. However, the lemmings in Bills land will set new season ticket records with any clown they hire as HC. highly doubtful Ralph breaks up the Inner Circle Jerk - which prevents any accountability for the product on the field. on the record, the most Ralph has said about the front office, is that it was a "possibility" he would look at changes. don't hold your breathe
  2. the Inner Circle Jerk is as much responsible for the lack of talent as the inept evaluators. by design, there is not a single person making the picks, so that no single person can be held accountable for the craptacular product on the field. since the priority has been to maximize profits (at the expense of winning games) accountability in the front office would not be a good thing since it would compromie the inner circle with new blood. which would lead to a conclusion that the emperor was wearing no clothers.
  3. if you need a magician to play QB to hide the crappy OL play, do you need a Barry Sanders clone at RB as well? seems a good OL would make the running game and passing game to without super stars in the backfield. The Bills have ruined at least 4 QBs by forcing them to play behind craptacular OLs. it would be so much simpler to just build a decent OL
  4. more likely it is that the one man penalty machine, Bell, has not been playing
  5. this is true but the supposed savvy Bills fan base will never be accused of being overly bright. It's that stupidity that has allowed Ralph to function with a junior high quality team for most of the team's existence. It is a outright sin that Brandon has brainwashed the lemmings that an NFL team can function at all without an OL or a front 7.
  6. in a game where the Jets run for 250 yards, how can your MLB not have a single tackle in the first half?
  7. don't mean to knit pick- but the bomb to Owens was an audible from a different pass play, not a run play. if you want to be a knit picker, at least get your facts right carry on
  8. at his size, probably could play him at S.
  9. maybe if he brings his videotaper to steal signals
  10. yes we could have especially since Brandon was already conducting his hardball campaign against Peters and a replacement to provide leverage should have been a top priority
  11. but Lynch is a high quality thug - too bad he still does not run the plays where designed
  12. The story of the Bills clown show. They did not have to "dump" Milloy - when they did If they had been smart, they would have held him until after the draft to see how it played out - instead of forcing themselves into a box and having to draft a safety capable of starting immediately. The self-created need was further screwed up by blowing the evaluation of Whitner and concluding that a small, slow safety could be an impact player - better than a stud DT. The decision making is further flawed in trying to make a small safety the cornerstone of their defense instead of stud DT Again - multiple stupid decisions compounding themselves into really bad results.
  13. you must be relying on Ralph's quote that there is the "possibility" that they will look at the front office as the basis for your conviction. 50 years of history says otherwise
  14. we did not need a DE to start immediately we did need palymaking LBs to start immediately (like Cushing) or a starting LT absolutely stupid to waste the #11 pick on an undersized, situational pass rusher - who has proven he can't even do that when the team has glaring holes elsewhere
  15. this guy sounds like he's the best LT on the team right now. (He better be as he probably will be starting this week) now if only he had a father that played in the NBA- he would be borderline Hall of Fame
  16. This is true Since Ralph would not know a top football mind to hire as GM, he should hire a consultant like Ron Wolf to help conduct the search. having Brandon, who will lose his job if he hires the best GM, conduct that search is complete idiocy - but typical of the moves Ralph makes all the time
  17. The Bills have not stated they will offer anyone $10 mil All talk of numbers is just media speculation growing out of the Vic Carucci article However, it would not surprise me that Brandon started the $10 mil rumor to get the fans all excited.
  18. what direction? they are still being run by the inner circle jerk the only thing they have done is get rid of another coach and not replaced him, forcing the additional workload onto the survivors. QB coach becomes the OC and the QBs regress dramatically - probably not related
  19. The $10 mil discussed in regard to Shanahan is as much lip service as the big offer they allegedly made to Peters, which in real dollars turned out to be significantly less than they claimed. Maybe there is some reality, but the devil is in the details about how much of the money is real and how it is paid out. Bills have not made any representations as to how much they want to pay. all conjecture has come from media speculation.
  20. probably about 10 years should do it
  21. what 1st round LT pick have the Bills blown? Mike Williams was always a fat unmotivated RT, and was always a stupid pick with the true LT McKinnie still on the board. In addition to playing in a conference which inflates his stats due to lack of defense, Bradford has injured his shoulder twice - the 2nd by basically falling down. Typical bills move will be to trade up to get the still injured Bradford - who will probably never duplicate his college success. remember before he got hurt, he played like crap against the Gators defense with some speed and talent.
  22. Many of the items you discuss above can be evaluated if the team were to actually practice with pads on as they are now doing with Fewell. Of course, it was tough for Dick to determine how productive any one was when most practices were indoors in shorts.
  23. Bills fans are pretty dense at times. There are very few "quality vet OL" available in free agency because teams are not stupid enough to let them get away. Trying to build an OL through free agency results in crap Bills need to draft quality OL every year with their premium picks to end up with a dominant OL
  24. I would be leary of any football guy who has been out of the NFL loop, for whatever reason. Mueller was not good enough to command another NFL GM spot so he went elsewhere. The Bills would be better off stealing a top GMs assistant, who has been heavily involved in the current operations of a successful franchise. Find the best GMs and then evaluate their assistants Pioli top guy was already snatched somebody working with Ozzie Newsome in Baltimore, for example
  25. probably out pimping the Bills for the new found commitment to winning- evidenced by the propaganda about making Shanahan king
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