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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. calm down Russ we know that's how its been since Polian left and we know how successful its been how about we try it like the real NFL teams do
  2. Before hiring a coach, even a highly paid one, the Bills need to build a professional front office with a real GM in charge. The coach reports to the GM High profile coaches that need both roles do not work, especially one that has never done the GM role before
  3. "He definitely could build a team that is made to play in Buffalo (of course, we only had 2 home games under 40 degrees but still)." Why so sure?? what single shred of evidence in Cowher's career as a COACH supports that he has any clue whatsoever on evaluating talent and building a team? He may be able to coach a blue collar team, but even that is questionable as he screwed up more home playoff games with superior talent than any coach available.
  4. call it the Bogdan effect the long running myth that the Bills brilliant scouts find any slob off the street to play OL, like Crafts, Jerry Ostrowski that mentality still exists as a never-ending tribute to Linda Bodgan
  5. this is true Weis is only on the list because he would come cheap since ND is still paying him
  6. so what prevented Weis from hiring a top defensive coordinator at ND? the HEAD coach is responsible for the whole team, not just his schematically superior offense Weis already showed what you can expect from him as a HC in Buffalo overhyped and underperforming but at least he would come cheap since ND would still be paying until he got fired in Buffalo
  7. As you state, the fans have not seen enough of Brohm to tarnish visions of his being the savior. Hence, the Bills need to protect that perception to allow Brandon to use Brohm as this year's TO to sell tickets. The beauty of Brohm is that he is dirt cheap but will still hype the fan base to sell tickets.
  8. all of these QBs are a tease now that Locker is staying in school none of them are worth a top 10 draft pick
  9. only in Bizarro Bills world does a marketing guy with a baseball background lead the search for the top football guy. sounds like something from the script of Major League
  10. sounds about right to have a player scout head the search for a GM
  11. you forget that Dick was not fired. Dick chose to resign after he was told he would be fired after the season. Ralph will try to Dick him out of his unpaid future year's salary because he "quit"
  12. what GM search? the Inner Circle Jerk lives on
  13. this is true but pointing out the obvious will not be treated kindly
  14. 1. Ralph and his Inner Circle have proven over 50 years they can not identify what a top flight football guy looks like maybe its time for Ralph to get some help and hire a consultant like Ron Wolfe or an executive search firm to identify the qualifications needed and the best candidates the best he could do last time was bring in the Marv to set the franchise back 5 years 2. by the way, Ralph had no clue what he had in Polian when he promoted him over Ralph's hand picked disaster, Terry Bledsoe. At the time, Polian was the cheap in house promotion favored by Ralph to fill most vacancies. 3. You guys did such a good job with breaking that Inner Circle story that you forgot to identify who is in it and how do they enforce accountability for the stupid decisions they make
  15. cleveland did it this way last year. their GM is suing them, they hired Holmgren and will soon fire Mangini overall, it worked well
  16. 1. we historically draft to fill self-created holes - so we are limited to what is available at that position and don't select top talent 2. the mid rounds are wasted are filling the team with special teams players who have no shot to be starters 3. Most of the time, the Bills pick players who they play in different positions from which they played in college - thus increasing the likelihood of blowing the evaluation. 4. The coaches can't recognize talent and misuse what they do have (See Fred Jackson)
  17. why the wait? the longer the Inner Circle stays intact, the more likely there will not be any changes The Bills need an outsider to help them put together a real NFL front office & GM - leaving this task to the Inner Circle or the marketing guy is just pissing in the wind Bills should have hired a consultant or search firm by to conduct this front office "revamp"
  18. so the marketing guy is going to hire the football guy that makes even more sense only in bizarro Bills world
  19. What has done to show he can run a whole program as a HC? With the best players in the country, he coached ND into the toilet. the excuse is that the defense was the problem. well guess what - he's the head coach responsible for the whole team. There's no cop-out because he didn't know defense and by the way, why will he handle the defense any better if he's head coach for the Bills. no thanks to Weis and his schematic advantage
  20. you're the one with the direct connect to Ralph- why not ask a few follow up questions that get beyond the well playing sound bites? In 50 years of ownership, he has not hired someone for the GM job from outside the organization that has worked out. How is he now going to find a qualified GM when his Inner Circle is the source of most of the problems in the organization? Sounds like that same Inner Circle is doing the looking Inquiring minds want to know
  21. bag of coke and house of ho's
  22. of course, the ads would be pointless if there were not so many stupid, greedy "investors" trying to get something for nothing
  23. 50 years of history says otherwise big moves only come when ticket sales tank in Ralph's world the significant shakeup was firing Dick why don't you call him up since Christmas has past and ask him who is qualified in the organization to direct this major overhaul of which you are so confident.
  24. so Weis recruited the best players in the country and coached them into the toilet sounds like a perfect fit for the Bills where we need the coach to get the most out of a less than average talent pool
  25. Schobel does not want to retire he is just starting on his plan to get more money, just a little more subtle than usual
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