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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. Excess mortality is a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under ‘normal’ conditions.1 In this case, we’re interested in how deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic compare to the average number of deaths over the same period in previous years. it is comparing total deaths to a projected number of deaths based on past history. a misleading statistic as it totally ignores the actual deaths from other causes in the current year. what actually happpened is those "other" deahts have been reclassed to Covid deaths- while total deaths have been consistent with total deaths of prior years https://www.rightwirereport.com/2020/05/10/cdc-reports-26-3-less-all-deaths-in-2020-than-2018-gobbledygook-coronavirus-math/
  2. per CDC, 2020 total deaths consistent with prior 3 years what happened to the 200k of "Covid" coded deaths? seems a whole lot of other deaths have been coded as "covid" deaths due to financials incentives to do so
  3. great plan! just play with 10 can''t be any worse, huh
  4. when you sit him to get healthy- who plays the mike?
  5. Trump will have a substantial lead in the EC at the end of day Nov 3. then the fun begins
  6. they should because the mask is not stopping the virus
  7. short QBs can't see over the line smart OCs adjust to help with play calls and blocking schemes smart DCS take away the crutches and severely limit what a short QB can do Most are not worth the effort to compromise your offense Wilson is the exceptional talent
  8. you are correct, the public has no idea how a mask is helping they have no ability to evaluate what they are being told is complete bull hockey- even when Fauci himself lauged at masks better to understand there are treatments available and things you can do to enhance your immune system that would actually improve your odds of recovering why spend all of your intellilect on defending hiding behind a mask that won't protect you why is the media not promoting the treatments?
  9. even in current "hotspots" around the world- the mortality rates are not skyrocketing they are in fact still dropping 95% of those testing positive do not have symptoms and are not sick of those that get sick, 99.7% successfully recover use treatments the the media continually tries to sabotage take zinc - which boosts your immune system to stop the replication of the virus the proper plan would be to spread it as quickly as possible to use up the remaining hosts masks are a joke because it is a physical impossibility for a mask to stop a .27 micron virus particle
  10. yet Fauci's March comments mirror accepted "science" for all years prior to March 2020.
  11. more bullcrap "studies" designed to produce fear porn -that nothing works on the vrius It is accepted "science" that early treatment is critical yet this "study" ignored early treatment as a key variable from the link- "The trial participants were treated at 405 different hospitals around the world, each with their own treatment protocols, so factors beyond remdesivir may have impacted patient survival, he noted. In addition, remdesivir may still offer benefit to patients if given early in the course of their illness, but that wasn't specifically addressed by the new study, Dr. Maricar Malinis, an infectious diseases physician at Yale University, told the Times. when is "science" just marketing pushing an agenda
  12. not if he gets appointed to the Supreme Court by Trump much longer impact
  13. why are you so convinced that it is imperative to hide from testing positive? most positives are not sick even if sick, 99.7% successfully recover there are multiple effective treatments available if you do get sick why wallow in the fear?
  14. stop what ? a virus from which 99.7% successfully recover do healthy things and get treated early problem solved
  15. not by the CDC, the WHO or the media - during this pandemic why is that?
  16. they don't mitigate anything they enhance the spread by freeing droplet bound virus particles to travel farther
  17. if so, why isn't this being promoted as important for all Americans to protect themselves why promote fear porn
  18. cool - you used big words However, According to the laws of physics (which have not been suspended during this pandemic), it is impossible for aerosol particles of .27 micron to be blocked by even N-95 masks with .5 micron holes. Every breathe taken through a mask frees whatever virus was attached to a droplet and turns it into a floating aerosol , freed to venture the world
  19. do your precautions include taking Vit C, Vit D and zinc?
  20. seems the Senate was fully aware of the dirty tricks being perpetrated during the Obama administration now that the curtain has been pulled back on an attempted coup by those same Obama officials against a duly elected US Presidient why are you so flabbergasted that Scalia's death probably was not natural His death was mysterious, not investigated, no autopsy - and conveniently cleared a seat on the Supreme Court for Obama to fill in their arrogance, it was a slam dunk Hence, why O'connell did not reward their duplicity
  21. unwillingness to consider a replacement is probably in direct reaction to how Scalia's seat became available
  22. if there was any concern for the health of all these hospitalizations, then there should be massive education campaign on how people can be treated and not live in fear.
  23. there is immediate way to generate tests now if you are breathing, assume they ran your PCR test at 45 cycles, you are positive and call it a day
  24. well many stealth deaths have not been reported, of course dead people are still locked in their homes and have not been counted yet
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