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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. why? he makes 2x what NFL coaches make he has none of the stress no stupid fans backseat driving his every move
  2. you are correct the rioters, looters and armed thugs terrorizing cities are what its all about these peaceful protesters represent the will of the masses People want their homes and businesses destroyed- payback for systemic racism
  3. more evidence that death counts are highly inflated https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/florida-says-it-will-give-more-scrutiny-to-covid-19-deaths/ar-BB1aiJCf “Fatality data reported to the state consistently presents confusion and warrants a more rigorous review. Of the 95 fatalities reported to the state yesterday, 16 had more than a two-month separation between the time the individuals tested positive and passed away, and 11 of the deaths occurred more than a month ago,” the Department of Health said in a press release late Wednesday. Hospitalizations for the disease, however, have remained roughly stable over the past month, with between 2,000 and 2,200 being treated in Florida hospitals, according to a state online census of hospital beds. Those figures compare with peaks of close to 10,000 in late July.
  4. the sexual deviants would prefer she be underage
  5. Instead of serving as a bulwark against a nationwide outbreak, New York became "Grand Central station" in the spread of the virus across the US, an outbreak that is now working its way across the Midwest. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-cuomos-missteps-allowed-covid-19-overwhelm-us
  6. Funny- I don't see Trump's picture below
  7. you left out pedophilia, human trafficking, sec abuse, blackmail, extortion, drug running, money laundering
  8. more likely Hillary makes an appearance as VP and Kamala suddenly has an attack of conscience ans shoots herself in the back of the head 3 or 4 times
  9. my mistake the name calling is back
  10. excess deaths is a model projecting what deaths should have been in 2020 yet actual deaths are in line with last 3 years that's what happens when all other deaths are coded as Covid
  11. Probably because Europe ramped up their PCR tests to 45 cycles
  12. 1/3 of all college football players were infected must have been miraculous recovery should publish what was used to cure them
  13. with the number of "registered" voters exceeeding the population count in may jurisdictions, you should play the over
  14. not seeing much name calling in PPP not seeing much of anything in PPP looks to be mission accomplished
  15. anybody think there may actually be some consequence at the polls in response to the draconian lockdowns - especially in areas that are well past peak voters not pleased with losing their businesses and livelihood due to "science"? what about the violence and destruction not prevented by their elected representatives? or are you firmly convinced that it's all just Trump's fault
  16. even better- the huge need for ventilators was only due to bad diagnosis early on. The virus did not bring on pneumonia and loss of lung muscle, but instead oxygen shortage simialr to high altitude sickness Oxygen is the answer, not ramming ventilators down their throats early treatment with zinc, HQC and z-pack will solve most cases within a day or 2 those that don't believe in the zinc treatment can then get to the front of the ventilator line (no waiting)
  17. any update on the carnage in the Big 10 from myocarditis?
  18. not if there is plenty of capacity if health was a major concern, why are not out-patient treatments being pushed by the media maybe those hospitalizations are from the flu
  19. why are not the mask working to stop this plague positive test only due to 45 cycle counts yet minimal sick deaths not spiking way to push an agenda
  20. it's worked for the black vote since at least LBJ
  21. see my other post why don't you address the point you brought up- running PCR at an absurb 45 cycle counts under than generating bogus positive tests for healthy people - WHY?
  22. agree about Fauci disagree about the results of the "study" it is designed to produce fear porn -that nothing works on the vrius It is accepted "science" that early treatment is critical yet this "study" ignored early treatment as a key variable from the link- "The trial participants were treated at 405 different hospitals around the world, each with their own treatment protocols, so factors beyond remdesivir may have impacted patient survival, he noted. In addition, remdesivir may still offer benefit to patients if given early in the course of their illness, but that wasn't specifically addressed by the new study, Dr. Maricar Malinis, an infectious diseases physician at Yale University, told the Times. just marketing pushing an agenda
  23. just to clarify prior to June, testing was being done primarily on those with symptoms- thus a positive result could be visually confirmed prior to June, availability of tests increased, but positive cases did not in June, positive tests went thru the roof - although not many of the positives were actually sick the instructions from the CDC to testing labs on linked below. this was updated on June 12 on pg 26, item 3(f) the CDC is directing labs to run 45 reps (cycles) in all tests _ resulting in 35 TRILLION copies of the tested material Other scientists maintain that running the test at anything more than 30 cycles (5 million copies) is not valid due to picking up non-covid and dead genetic matter The NFL chief medic has acknowledged the above reality- https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download WHY IS THE CDC MANDATING RUNNING TESTS AT 45 CYCLES? what I saw at the White House ois a bunch of people tested positive a few, including the Pres as an older at risk person, were treated in the early days and fully recovered just what most Americans should be doing no hiding in their closet or relying on their mask to save them
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