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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. early returns say otherwise there aren't enough bogus mail in ballots to save Joe
  2. Trump holds Texas, Georgia, Ohio and Iowa. Trump takes AZ, NC, Wisconsin and Michigan and Florida. VA is toss up PA will be contested by late vote count, but PA will be irrelevant by late tonite. blacks and business owners in NY revolt and Trump breaks even in popular vote House and Senate go Red in complete repudiation of the Biden Crime Family
  3. red wave starting to form Texas and Florida already past the point of no return for Biden Ohio soon to follow
  4. Trump 319 Trump 306 and popular vote win
  5. House is in play if Trump wins the popular vote which is looking likely with Rs deciding their vote will matter in NY and CA for discussion on EC
  6. don't vote for Biden that's his plan
  7. too bad he didn't hire him during the super bowl run
  8. no problem red wave is coming Rs to control both House and Senate
  9. maybe he knows a magic way to fix a busted up shoulder
  10. Trevor Lawrence has always been the plan
  11. https://swprs.org/the-suppressed-danish-mask-study/ masks don't work comprehensive study being suppressed by major medical journals - to avoid having peer review status and released to public -
  12. Except Marchibroda, Marv haired crap for coordinators mega demerits for keeping Walt Corey around to suppress the impact of Bruce Smith read and react - my ass
  13. America strikes back indeed Red wave rising blacks voting for Trump in record numbers NY is in play due to the horrors inflicted by Cuomo and de Blasio https://www.zerohedge.com/political/will-non-political-silent-majority-stop-left
  14. to be powered by the Rube Goldberg magic box of never-ending & free electricity (no coal, oil or natural gas used in the creation of said electric)
  15. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/covid-casedemic-bidens-dark-winter-plan from the article The first one I will call solving the “casedemic.” This is the elevated number of cases we see nationwide because of a flaw in the PCR test. The number of times the sample is amplified, also called the cycle threshold (Ct), is too high. It identifies people who do not have a viral load capable of making them ill or transmitting the disease to someone else as positive for COVID-19. The New York Times reported this flaw on August 29 and said that in the samples they reviewed from three states where labs use a Ct of 37-40, up to 90% of tests are essentially false positives. The experts in that article said a Ct of around 30 would be more appropriate for indicating that someone could be contagious - those for whom contact tracing would make sense. . Doctors do not receive the Ct information from the labs to make a diagnostic judgment. read the article for what comes next
  16. more likely he has taken refuge in a country with no extradition
  17. good news no need to worry about Trump refusing to leave looks like he will dominate by end of election day, including the popular vote, and Rs to win in both Senate and House lead will be too big for bogus ballots to matter
  18. too big of an assumption the better question is will Joe continue to hide in his basement after Trump wins and the DOJ comes to prosecute his treasonous acts Will the Ds throw Joe under the bus as a sacrificial offering?
  19. Covid eradicates the flu couldn't be the big Covid surge is just mis-classing the regular flu to Chinese flu https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/seasonal-flu-rates-plunge-baffling-experts-who-predicted-deadly-superbug
  20. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/follow-science-12-million-covid-deaths-edition 1 million or 1.2 million deaths worldwide sounds like a big number and on its own you can use it to club “Covidiots” into silence, that is, until you actually look at it. Right now the slope of the case count far exceeds the slope of the fatalities. For the fatalities to come in anywhere near the Second Wave of 1918 scenario, the slope of the fatality line needs to blast off in a near vertical line right now. In the Ivor Cummins interview he mentioned Dr. Sunetra Gupta’s work indicating that COVID seems to peter out when it hits 20% of the population (but I can’t find the cite). If true, it is hard to envision a scenario where that is mathematically possible. If not true, and we’re about to experience a Second Wave of fatalities, it would be impossible to occur without seeing it in the data and right now, all of the data, everywhere is showing either a moderate rise with seasonality, or an aggregate, overall decrease in fatalities. All of this should be good news, but for some reason, people become very upset when you try to walk them through this. I’m open to all logic, data and science based objections or counter-points to where I am wrong on this, bearing in mind that “SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO THE GOVERNMENT AND SCIENCE” isn’t a logical, scientific or data driven counter-argument.
  21. it is unfortunate that we have such a large sample size of Milano off the field to determine the impact of his loss
  22. would it be voter fraud if the Rs did the same thing this election that the D's have perfected?
  23. Shefter says no positive tests today that means everyone is negative, including all Bills TEs
  24. yes - if they continue with the soft vanilla zone packages they have been playing no - if they play real NFL D designed to confuse a rookie
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