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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. White has already looked better than Spiller
  2. this is news? Inciteful local media coverage of the Bils has been pretty much non-existent since the Courier Express went under.
  3. too bad we did not have the quality coaching to match the talent- especially on the defensive side of the ball. Walt Corey was a complete joke and wasted a good portion of Bruce and Bennett's careers as pass rushers. Keeping Corey was all on Marv
  4. now that depends what your ultimate objective playing Thigpen will get you a lot closer to Andrew Luck than a real QB would
  5. salary dump - plain and simple on a team devoid of talent on the OL- another mindless costy cutting move that leaves the team without a backup C. at least sign some scrub that can play C before cutting your only other option.
  6. This Chan wants to run a spread option Siince Tebow has underwhelmed and Brady Quinn has looked good, that 4th rounder for Lee may be enough
  7. that's what you've got 50 years and that's what you consider top flight hires at GM and coach boy - you've got me
  8. in 50 years of ownership, Ralph has gone outside the organization and hired a well regarded and well paid head coach just ONCE (Chuck Knox) and hired a well regarded and well paid general manager just ONCE (Donahoe) Polian and Butler were internal promotions that Ralph lucked out on - but eventually fixed the success they brought by firing them. That's an incredible record of failing to even try to win.
  9. of course we will sign an OL - from someone's practice squad or off the street they will have immense talent not tapped by the prior team which will be realized by the tremendous teaching coaches in Buffalo
  10. surprised Overdorf hasn't put him on IR yet
  11. it seems $2.5 million can buy you a Hall of Fame jacket, but not the respect that goes with it
  12. Chan not having not much interest in Wins sounds like the regular season 1 on 1 situations is what you create with drills in practice, Pre-season games are a tool to prepare to play real games for a team that has no idea how to win- it would be a good idea for the Bills to actually put some emphasis on playing to win under game like conditions.
  13. bottom line is the Bills did not make a superior offer designed to sign Clabo and they are riding the spin that they did
  14. where's JW when you need him?
  15. more BS spin from OBD about players shown the door "not wanting to be here" don't recall any direct quotes from Incognito about refusing to play in Buffalo
  16. this is such a BS argument The Bills had 2 NFL caliber OL on their roster 2 years ago in Incognito and Scott - both of whom are light years better than what we have yet, the Bills chose not make them offers Incognito was a RFA who had no choice but to play for the Bills
  17. by the 2nd game, the bills could be endorsing their rebuild plan by cutting their starting QB nice straw man The Bills never release any "official" word on anything, including contracts which are filed with the league and NFLPA, let alone offers to free agents. Such is the case with the draft, where no one takes responsibility for any of the picks and no one is accountable.
  18. why indeed? could because it is typical OBD operating procedure to overstate their pursuit of talent to placate the fan base while having no intention of spending any serious money at all - especially on the OL.
  19. big reason why the team looks like crap is the spectacular coaching they have been receiving most of the guys Chan brought with him from GT are inept and it shows in the performance on the field most of these guys get worse, not better for example, what's with all of those drops
  20. makes sense he can get thrown back into Fitz from there just as easily from C
  21. OL problems will disappeaar magically until the team drafts or signs real NFL OL players. Chan knows this will not happen in Ralph's lifetime, so he needs to get running QBs to mitigate the problem. The Bills will bring in either Tebow or Pryor. The clown show continues - just change the names
  22. "Could it be Ralph is blocking any more free agent pickups?" For 18 years since Polian left, someone in Ralph's Inner Circle (Jerk) has aggressively prevented the addition of any serious talent to the OL, especially at the OT positions. Spending ONE premium pick on an OT in 18 years is not just an aberration, but a downright vendetta. not expecting that to change anytime soon.
  23. The Clabo situation is another is a long line of Bills propaganda fabrications. Spin the story of big interest Clabo and do just enough to create the story line to feed to the fans. However, the team had no intention of doing what was needed to actually sign and pay the guy Perfect result for the Bills, good PR with the fans for chasing a top FA, but no actual cash outlay by the Bills Bottom line is the Bills still have huge holes at both OT spots
  24. now this is a really funny comment as it relates to the Bills brain trust and the OL The team has proven conclusively over the last 18 years that they are completely inept when it comes to identifying, acquiring and coaching OL talent. McNally was the only with half a clue. He's long gone, along with his diamond in the rough We are left with the Buddy and Chan show. After 2 full years of buuilidng the team in their image, Buddy comes to teh conclusion that they are short of OL talent http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-bills-offensiveline So to solve the depth problem, Chan takes his most consistent OL starter in Levitre and makes him a backup - depth problem solved. Of course the interior of the OL now has as many holes as the OTs, but that's why we got mobile QBs. That continuity and consistenty thing with the OL is way overrated - just ask Chan
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