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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. Duke gets a bad rap He will likely survive Contrary to popular opinion, Duke has good pedigree. coming out of college, he was a 1st/2nd round talent- who fell because of off field issues. His talent and is better than the drafted rookies. The key will be if his continued development turns into dependable production. He does seem to have Josh's attention on the field based on the number of targets Likely he had nagging injury for most of last season that hindered him.
  2. https://gothamist.com/news/coronavirus-statistics-tracking-epidemic-new-york charts clearly show the increase in cases tracks with the increase in tests performed the big item not increasing are death, which are consistently declining
  3. the brain trust in charge now did not give Rodgers the mega-deal that is hamstringing the team right now, he does not play to the level of that deal, although his ego says he does and he acts accordingly if he agrees to execute Lafleur's offense, he stays and plays but if not, the team now has leverage to move forward without him they are prepared to deal with the cap fallout and are done enabling his attitude
  4. GB has invested heavily in WRs in prior years my guess is GB thinks those WRs are good enough, since they did win 13 games last year. The problem is Rodgers won't throw them the ball anyway - his reads stop at Davante Adams The new GB coaching staff is going to take back this team Rodgers has been put on notice to get with the program and run the offense as designed They are not going to tie their careers to an aging prima donna and his free lancing ways If he plays within the system, he will play for 2 more years. If he does his own thing, you will see Love much earlier than expected.
  5. how will they know when they have a sucsessful vaccine? hardly anbody shows any symptoms when infected now
  6. how night and day could it be he took over in the Championship game somehow they made it that far without him
  7. playing at Alabama, behind an NFL caliber OL, masks many of his flaws and allows him time to throw to 2 top 15 NFL WRs. he is not likely to be in a better position in the NFL Alabama may not impact his future success, but it may be elevating the projectiobn iof that success for the draft that is- if he played elsewhere, he may not have been hyped as superman coming into the draft
  8. I saw you posted the below in the fact thread ________________________________________________________ K, i don't know how to read this article correctlytly, our fearless leader @Hapless Bills Fan will need to show me where the below conclusions are stated in the pre print( which i have not learned has not been peer reviewed..correct?) https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.05.20051540v1 Anyway, this is synopsis of what i saw on CNBC with their CEO. BioBot small starup that can analyse wastewater and understand where ceratin thisgs are happening..finding where opiod use is heavy for instance. CEO mentioned developing countires are using their tech to spot out breaks of polio before sysmptoms present. Today, she said they did a study of Wastewater on a portion of the Boston area on March 25 showed in an area with 2.3M people, there could be upwards of 115,000 infected. At that same time, there was 446 confirmed cases of the virus. ____________________________________________________________________ this equates to an infection rate of .38%. The death rate is a fraction of this If this is anywhere close to accurate, it totally destroys the gloom and doom forecasts calling for a continued shutdown additional testing should bolster the calls to re-open most of America
  9. their "bigger" study will have 450 patients, tailored to meet the pre-ordained, desired result Definitely enough to try to bury this cure, since it is a double blind study maybe they should just track the success rate of people recovering from the virus after taking the drug
  10. too steep? the package of picks the Bills gave up would have moved them from 22 to 18 in this draft not high enough to draft one of the top 3 WRs People confuse the # of picks with what can actually be acquired with the picks
  11. Where are you getting 27k deaths Below NYS site, as of 4/20, shows 14k fatalities - 90% of which have co-morbidity causes of death https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Fatalities?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n
  12. their per capita numbers are now similar to US, but they did not lock down seems to be working fine for Sweden they are much farther in developing herd immunity since they did not lockdown yet their numbers are no worse than the US which are skewed by the NYC cess pool
  13. https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Fatalities?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n From NY's own COVID site, 88.9% of those dead from the virus also were afflicted with at least one other serious illness In addition, 64% of the dead were over 70, with 84% over 60. The facts prove that this virus targets old, sick people and the plan should be revised to protect those most at risk while allowing the rest of America to return to sanity. For all of theh gloom and doom regarding the end of civilization, the total dead in NYS is less than 14k. hardly the projected millions dead on which the shutdown was predicated
  14. Wearing non-surgical masks is a good way to placate the masses into "doing" something not really buying that non-surgical masks are doing much
  15. untested is too kind uninterested in pass blocking in any form too 1 dimensional to be a Bill
  16. on the contrary, professional sports is high visibility and will lead the way back to "normal" it is always harder to re-start than stop. Sports will provide targeted start dates which will force some level of normalcy. Otherwise no politician will want to commit to "re-opening too soon"
  17. not much production lost ? - yeah not so Kenneth Davis could not catch a cold
  18. with Bill Gates blessing, we should have a vaccine well before one is available for the swine flu and bird flu from decades past
  19. the problem with most of the press cover CBs drafted high by the Bills is that they always played a soft zone with CBs 5-10 yards of the WR, thus wasting the very skill that cost them high draft picks
  20. would be interesting to see the corelation between the various stages of Covid cases and past flu shots my guess is the corelation is significant
  21. someone at the direction of the Bill Gates Foundation
  22. but they are not spending on quality or American made goods if they were, Walmart, with their Chinese goods, would be out of business
  23. The more important questions is why do US consumers and businesses continue to buy anything from China I know its cheaper - that's why it's Walmart's main source of product If you are going to continue to chase the lowest cost product, then quit complaining about cheap quality
  24. If Buddy could not see that Fitz sucks, then what does that say about his talent evaluation skills but it seems that Buddy did realize this - and is why he traded for Travaris.
  25. Whisenhut looked pretty good in the Super Bowl when he had a real QB (one that he resurrected in his offense) at least he recognized the reality that you need a QB and tried to find one - unlike certain GMs still with the Bills
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