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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. The laws of physics mandate that .14 micron virus particles can not be stopped by a filter material that can only stop particles down to .3 microns. You might as well as wear a hairnet on your face
  2. https://www.captainsjournal.com/2020/05/24/asymptomatic-sars-cov-2-carriers-are-not-very-contagious/ shocking revelation that asymptomic carriers are not very contagious due to low viral load of the virus
  3. be sure the mask is stylish, as that is the only value it brings masks can not filter out Covid virus particles since they are too small
  4. chuck Knox returned the team to relevance for a while
  5. different outcomes, like below
  6. wearing a hairnet on your face is as effective as wearing a mask Physics does not support any mask propaganda microscopic virus particles of .14 microns can not be stopped by mask material that at best (N-95) filters down to .3 microns
  7. if you die from takingHydroxychloroquine to combat COVID-19, is it listed as a death from COVID as everything else, or does it get specail treatment?
  8. they were a big deal at the time just not hyped enough to shut down the world
  9. that would be correct so don't hold your breathe for a viable vaccine However, shots of "the cure" will be forced on the public in record time
  10. a COVID-19 vaccine will be available on the same time line as the vaccines for the prior severe outbreaks of SARS, MERS, H1-N1
  11. the "science" and physics are that COVID -19 particles average .06 to .14 microns in size. the N-95 mask filters to .3 microns the basic laws of physics dictate that a filter with .3 micron stopping power will not, and can not, stop particles half that size. it does not matter how masks are the nationwide narrative, the laws of physics do not cease to exist just for this "pandemic" Masks can not stop the transmission of COVID-19 particles especially cloth masks which have far less stopping power than N-95 marks, are ill fitting and touched all the time Worse is that due to the ill fitting nature of most masks, the particles go around as much as through the mask. consider this: 1. if masks were so fool-proof, why would you need to keep 6 ft of distance? 2. if you could control the transmission by physical means like masks, why no big push for gloves?
  12. this is correct the virus is a nano spec particle visible only by electron microscope even the N95 mask will not stop particles in or out so cloth masks are about as effective as a hairnet in stopping transmission of the virus worse, reusable cloth masks which collect viru particles, serve as a breading ground for the virus which speeds the spread much fsate than without a mask
  13. the "experts" and their models have been wrong every step of the way without the nursing homes already infected, there is no easy target for the virus to make a second "wave" to overwhelm the hospitals
  14. how many hospital beds in WNY with 200 COVID patients, looks to be ample capacity to deal with any surge seems "flatten the curve" was replaced with "find the cure" and the benchmarks reflect as much
  15. sacrilege for stating the above
  16. Accuracy of COVID-19 tests coming to market uncertain https://www.startribune.com/accuracy-of-covid-19-tests-coming-to-market-uncertain/569570582/ blurbs from the article “A Star Tribune review of hundreds of pages of regulatory filings from the first 30 rapid tests to detect COVID-19 found that most test makers are doing the bare minimum amount of validation work before putting their wares in clinicians’ hands.” “Most of the 30 or so lab-based rapid-detection tests that detect genetic traces of the virus were validated using 30 “contrived” samples of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — not a clinical trial with hundreds of specimens from real patients, federal filings show. “ “Federal records show that the Mesa and Abbott Labs point-of-care tests were validated by scoring 100% accuracy on 30 positive samples and 30 negative samples. “
  17. testing would be important if the tests were reliable letting companies release test kits based on 50-100 person trials is not doing much for reliability perhaps more time could be spent on validating the technology in tests before forcing maximum testing on the public
  18. https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report The 7 day moving ave of new Georgia cases does show a decrease at the time of re-open 14 days ago. As in NY, Atlanta may be the outlier in the state. As noted, the chart does show a continuing decrease in new cases, which directly contradicts the NBC "news" report 54% increase
  19. how accurate can the test be if it is dependent on sticking it a certain distance up your nose rumor is that the strain in NY is similar opt he strain in Europe. The Wuhan strain was tracked on in Oregon and west coast The development of multiple distinct strains makes it almost impossible to ever develop an "effective" vaccine.
  20. Butler was a very good talent evaluator. However, he was not very good at any of the GM skills beyond that, including team building strategy. Maybe it was Littman's directive, but Butler delegated all understanding of the salary cap, which was new then
  21. People have been brain washed into believing this is some never before seen alien virus It is clearly a derivation of the "coronavirus" virus family -- as evidenced by its name As such, it exhibits many of the same characteristics- such as a the seasonal nature of the beast, immunity once infected and others Perhaps a detailed review of the coronavirus strain would provide more detailed guidance than the fearmongering being pushed in the media
  22. likely that results from week ends are underreported and do not hit the chart until mid-week when entered to system. this roller coaster is pretty consistent the last week is much bigger which coincides with availability of more tests
  23. why is it pre-ordained that GB will replicate the success from last year they hit lightning in a bottle look at Jax for a comparable so close to a Superbowl they believed and re-signed Bortles have not come close to winning again, let alone the Superbowl The mgmt team has a plan "process" which Rodgers does not seem to buy into
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