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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. from DeSantis press conf, 2 people at Orlando airport showed symptoms and tested positive. they tested the whole airport found 500 positives, no symptoms similar stories for migrant labor camps and prisons major reason why the count numbers are up and nobody is sick in hospitals also all people checking into a hospital for anything are getting tested. Many are testing positve with no symptoms, but it counts as a case and a hospitalization in the stats Testing is being done because there is a mandate for the states to test, Florida needs to test 30,000 per day
  2. no way to confirm if the case count is legit testing in the lab claimed >95% accuracy that a positive test did belong to a subject with the virus. only 60-70% accuracy in the total realm of infected subjects, as many infected generated false negative readings Recent case counts challenge the accuracy of tests. The bulk of those generating positive now show no symptoms. Since the PCR test does not isolate and test against the actual virus, there is no way to tell if these new positive case subjects actually have the virus. There will never be any visual confirmation of symptoms for the majority of the new "positive" cases. The testing accuracy may very well be closer to the 60-70% - which is no way to set national policy that graph is all projected numbers modeling at its finest you do realize that a well managed hospital actively plans to maintain 95% (in Houston) use of the ICU ward so they can, you know, make money and stay in business
  3. you highlight the challenge of with using PCR to test for the virus. The test is not binary- it does not prove if you have the virus or do not have the virus you are not testing the isolated virus. some brilliant scientist in a lab decided which portion of genetic RNA material should be tested then using best guesses decided which primers to bind to the RNA to create a fabricated DNA strip that can be compared to human DNA of course , none of this can be done without replicating that viral sample (and other genetic material in the swab) into 35 trillion items if the test is so specific, how can it be accurate when covid has mutated 18 times and changed the underlying genetic RNA material
  4. anytime your test requires the virus target (and everything else in the swab) to be doubled 35 -45 times, the test is subject to question at 35 times, you have increased virus in a single swab to 5 BILLION particles at 45 times, the particles explode to 35 TRILLION what could go wrong The PCR process was never intended to be used for diagnostic testing on any scale- due to the limitation of the very process at 45 times, positive tests are likely identifying some coronavirus since it is the most prevalent virus in the body (including the common cold) However, it may not be COVID-19 strain.
  5. based on studying real live infected people, the main WHO researcher determined that it was "very rare" for those without symptoms to spread the virus However, this conclusion was quickly condemned for not fitting the narrative The entire mask farce would be exposed since it would be clear that only sick people should wear them
  6. the hospitalization numbers surely show that we have been overwhelmed the heads of the 4 major Houston hospital chains said exactly that
  7. this is true by paying $85- you magically are no longer a terrorist threat maybe we can the same with masks the functional utility is about the same
  8. looks like the US is moving to herd immunity with limited stress on the health care system winning
  9. no mention of new cases in Florida below 6k the last 2 days- a drop of almost 40% from the heavily reported 9500
  10. maybe the lack of logic in the testing results is due to what's hidden in the black box of PCR testing Can anyone point to the standard for what triggers a positive covid test? It is not a binary system under which you have it or you don't the PCR test could show the existence of some coronavirus, but not enough to be considered a positive partly the reason the test has a 30% error rate how much is too much?
  11. 29 dead in Florida on Sunday ( out of 20 million) 25 of them in long term care facilities lock down the bars
  12. the death rate will continue to be low - as the low hanging fruit of deathly nursing home patients are not skewing the numbers in all current "hotspots"
  13. good news- case count is up- but hospitals can handle it https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/houston-hospital-boss-shatters-medias-covid-fearmongering-only-about-3-or-4-more-people-icu
  14. but the cases, the cases . . . https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/houston-hospital-boss-shatters-medias-covid-fearmongering-only-about-3-or-4-more-people-icu
  15. i guess it works great to generate revenue and billing for big pharma not so much at reducing the impact of covid-19 just look at the stats for what treatments were used in those that recovered should be right next to the case counts
  16. I have not seen any analysis of re-infections
  17. The TB-12 program now includes vitamin D, zinc and green tea His immune system will crush the virus if he happens to be exposed
  18. these dudes disagree in the NE Journal of Medicine article below https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2006372?fbclid=IwAR1EoJkVn0xxmfBb6RNhasEb2XXM6E2Lr-p7YOMrvMFl9iMBwKPQLl96lIo We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic. probably because they understand that under the laws of physics, a covid particle up .14 micron can not be stopped by a N-95 mask that only stops particles down to .3 microns. cloth masks and other face coverings are worthless, no matter who is wearing it
  19. good luck with enforcing your borders after years of dismantling the operations how do you enforce the rules with no employees or infrastructure no longer in place
  20. has anyone seen an actual photo of the "noose" that was found not the cut-off door pull the actual item in question
  21. European countries have no ability to control their borders with their fellow EU members. they ceded that ability to the EU.
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