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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. The CDC instructions from June 12 mandate running 45 cycles for the PCR test mere coincidence that "2nd wave" also started in the south Many cases, minimal sickness
  2. bogus test results happen when you duplicate genetic material thru 45 cycles - resulting in 35 TRILLION copies The PCR test has no utility at any point after 30 cycles - 5 MILLION copies which is plenty to identify the targeted material highly likely that the NFL, after teh false positive fiasco, has mandated that its contracted labs test at no more than 30 cycles no surprise that NFL has essentially no positives or sick players / coaches
  3. Highly unlikely that Biden will be indicted His involvement is being clearly laid out now. Trump can elaborate in debates Hopefully, there are significant traitors who will plead prior to election If Trump loses, indictments before the election are meaningless anyway. Dems will not prosecute Knowing there is going to be massive chaos around the actual election, may be better to not give the left explosive material for the MSM to twist
  4. anybody care to check out defense (or lack thereof) from around the league seems to be a systemic problem
  5. police folllowed your advice knocked and announced before entering got shot for their trouble
  6. or maybe, a vaccine is not needed for a sickness where 99.5% recover they developed the vaccine at the same time they developed the virus
  7. wrong Bush the 1st Bush, former head of the CIA, started spying on a massive scale However, it was illegal and behind the scenes The Patriot Act under Bush 2 legalized it, for the good of the country
  8. luck played a small role in that decision the only luck was that Josh was not picked #1 the intangibles of Josh are why they targeted him the year before they drafted him
  9. sounds like Sweden has serious problem 27 people in hospitals for the whole country 2 in ICU lock it down!
  10. If Biden was dead, the ballots are wrong anyway becasuse no VP sounds like another way to delay the election
  11. that's teh obvious answer would they substitute someone else, like Hillary
  12. how hard to Lynn push to get Tyrod on the field sounds like getting a pain shot in the locker room immediately before the was a pretty desparate move
  13. knowing that Biden is such a liability, why hasn't he had a "accident" before the convention? who is the presidential candidate if he disappears now?
  14. of course not. The CDC is too busy trying to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas
  15. if you are convinced the Pats did not cut off the mic at 15 sec, why would they not leave it open all the time no wonder Brady "found" the open receiver so quickly, all the time pretty easy when your headset is telling you where to throw and where the blitz is coming from no blind side for Tom
  16. more background on judiical appointments https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/because-he-is-latino-the-glorious-history-of-the-democrats-filibuster-fight Former Judicial nominee Miguel Estrada. Go back to February 2003, the first weeks of a new Republican majority in the Senate, when Democrats were blocking a vote on D.C. court nominee Miguel Estrada. Liberal writer Dahlia Lithwick at Slate covered the upheaval around the filibuster and chastised Republicans for “the grotesque claim that Estrada is being blocked because he is Hispanic.” But of course, that was why Democrats were filibustering Estrada. In November 2001, as Democrats debated whether to undertake an unprecedented filibuster of President George W. Bush’s judicial nominees, liberal groups met with Senate Democrats. According to leaks from Senator Dick Durbin's emails to DNC donors: he identified Miguel Estrada (D.C. Circuit) as especially dangerous, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment. "Especially dangerous, because ... he is Latino." Party of decency strikes again...fourteen years before Merrick Garland
  17. saw this on another site regarding the audacity of Trump, breaking precedent, to nominate a SC replacement in an election year. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/supreme-court-why-no-justice-has-beenconfirmed-in-the-fall-of-a-presidential-election-year/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=right-rail&utm_content=top-stories&utm_term=second So, in the history of our United States: -There have been 29 times in which a vacancy came up during an election year. Of those 29 times, the sitting president has nominated a replacement 29 times. That's batting 1000 for us sports fans playing at home. Every single time, the sitting president has made a nomination. 1. In 19 cases, the president’s party held the Senate; a. 17 of the 19 vacancies were filled, the exceptions being the bipartisan filibuster against Lyndon Johnson’s nominees in 1968 and George Washington’s withdrawal and resubmission in the next Congress of a nominee who was ineligible to be confirmed (he’d voted to create the Court, and the Constitution made him wait until there was a new Congress seated). b. Nine of those 17 were confirmed before the election, and eight after. Three were confirmed in lame duck post-election sessions even though the president had just lost reelection. 2. In ten cases, the party opposing the president held the Senate; a. only one of the ten got a nominee confirmed before the election, b. two were confirmed after the election when the president’s party won the election, and c. one (Dwight Eisenhower’s nomination of William Brennan) was a pre-election recess appointment that was confirmed by the new Senate in the new year after Eisenhower was reelected. . So, it's not really unprecedented at all. Pretty much standard practice that Pres makes nomination in ALL cases and likely that Senate confirms if of same party as Pres.
  18. didn't think anything could beat the Statin drug annuity scam
  19. Tyrod did not play due to adverse reaction to a pain killer shot could be Lynn pushed him to take the shot for the team and is now feeling guilty about Wally Pipping him
  20. "packing the court"- is such a copout to not push to fill the seat after trying to execute a coup- who in their right minds doesn ot thing the D's will pack the court at the next avaialble opportunity
  21. the CDC instructions (p 26) mandate that all PCR tests run for 45 cycles (to generate 35 TRILLION copies) why would 45 cycles be needed if testing is supposed to be at 40 cycles- (which is way too high anyway)
  22. BS on your "factual" stmt that virus 1. is not airborne 2. mostly attached to droplets link the science
  23. prior to 2020, the science was clear masks do not work to stop microscopic airborne particles physics does not allow a N95 mask with stopping power of .5 microns to stop covid airborne particles no bigger tha .27 mircrons
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