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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/mike-tannenbaum-mark-sanchez-ny-jets-quarterback-2012-qb-receive-five-year-deal-article-1.1036636?localLinksEnabled=false great news!!! i'm of the opinion that this guy is one of the worst starting qbs in the league, if not the worst
  2. No no...I was referring to Rogers, not Florence in the Jabari comparison. I was Greer's biggest fan and I see a little bit of his skill set in Rogers and believe he will turn out to be a better player than Aaron Williams.
  3. I agree with those who say he's the best CB on the team. Wish they had kept Jabari Greer and McGee stayed healthy. CB would have been a strength on this team, instead of the cringe-inducing mess it's been the last few years.
  4. They should cut him asap. Doesn't matter if he was getting paid minimum wage. He sucks and talks too much. More importantly, he is taking up playing time for the guy who I believe will emerge as the Bills' best corner (after McGee goes down in week 2) next year: Justin f'n Rogers!! He reminds me of how Jabari Greer looked when he was here. I hope Wannstedt sees what George Edwards couldn't.
  5. guess i`m in the minority, but i`d be pretty pissed seeing that if i was a patriots fan ya, the pc answer is its only football and life goes on, but you`d like to think that a guy who just lost in the super bowl just a few hours before wouldn`t be acting like he just won it...its not a romanticized notion, there are still players out there that care enough to not want to go party after a loss like that a bit of a stretch, i know, but imagine that was stevie after we had just lost the super bowl...this board would implode
  6. yup...that ankle sure looks terrible...i mean, the way he's moving there on stage, it looks like someone just shot him
  7. haha...i knew that would go over your head...thanks for the laugh, champ
  8. on the infinitely miniscule chance that anyone from the bills FO reads this msg (on the 3rd page of a random thread), i say to you this: you people have been stupid for long enough, maybe try being competent on for size, you just might like it...start by re-signing (or, failing that, franchising) your best receiver...thanks
  9. excellent post! possibly the best one i've ever read on this board it leads to one question though...how did you find out where leodis mckelvin lived?
  10. And to think, if Stevie had caught that OT pass against the Steelers, MD would be wreaking havoc for someone else. It would have been next to impossible to screw that pick up and I'm glad they didn't.
  11. as crazy as it sounds, i'm with you here there's a possibility that this team won't be in buffalo for too much longer and it would be great if they just went all-in for the next couple of years again, its probably just a pipe dream, as i doubt he'd want to come here and may not be the same player anyway, but if those two points didn't apply, i think the bills would be stupid not to give up the farm to get him i've always thought he was the best qb in the game and could have done a lot more with a better team and better coaching around him, but my opinion of his talent shot up exponentially this year with how pathetic the colts were without him...i don't think its a stretch to say he's the most talented qb to play the game in the last 30 years it would still be a longshot to win the super bowl, as so many other things have to fall into place, but i think we'd be a contender...he's the one player you can say makes that much of a difference
  12. Not debating who's at fault for his current situation, but I feel bad for the guy. Thought he was great on and off the field his one year here. It can't be easy going from having it all to having nothing. I always got a kick out of his antics. Just think he was too honest about his feelings at times and the media ran with it.
  13. The Bills have played (and subsequently lost) to the NFC representative in the Super Bowl for the last five years running. Considering they only play 4 NFC teams a year, that is quite the coincidence.
  14. I agree. I don't see what's so special about him. I think that Justin Rogers actually showed more potential in the limited time he was in there.
  15. He's been hired, according to Mort.. anyone know anything about this guy?
  16. This is the only thing you've said in this thread that makes sense. You're right, you don't get it. That's because you don't know anything about football. At the end of the day, whether you're a fan who understands the sport or not, the thing we all have in common is that we want the Bills to win. The Peters trade was not an example of a team that shares that philosophy. End of story.
  17. CJ Ah You did the right thing by moving on with your life.
  18. This Stevie controversy is mind-blowing. I can't believe that there are people who actually want him gone. "Fans" who are picking on the only guy who did anything to respond to the taunting the Jets threw our way in the first game are an embarrassment and deserve the crap product they've gotten the last 12 years. If some other guys on this team had half the passion he does, we wouldn't be lamenting another lost season. Unfortunately, there's too many current players/fans that have no problem bending over and taking it up the you-know-what under the cloak of "beat 'em on the scoreboard" and "act like you've been there before". Give it a rest. Its a game of emotion and if somebody disrespects you, I'll take a guy who will fight back in any way possible, even if his team's losing. The guy adds some colour and excitement to the deep, dark abyss that is our football team but we should low-ball him or run him out of town because of what is essentially three 15 yard penalties? I'll take the 7 points and a kickoff from the 20 every time he gets a TD rather than watch our stubby-fingered QB throw to donald jones as his top wideout next year.
  19. Considering they gave the Josh Reed of QBs a 60 million dollar deal, the Tony Romo of WRs should be paid handsomely. Perfectly stated. This is a no-brainer. Sign him. There's no reason not to, there's just excuses. End of story.
  20. Indeed. The Bills finish 6-11 after their final game on December 32nd this Sunday.
  21. I think some people forget just how good Bruce Smith was. He's the all-time leader in sacks while playing in a 3-4 defense. That is just unbelievable. One of the greatest players in football history and the best Bill ever in my opinion. This Pierre-Paul fellow has quite a way to go.
  22. I don't think you can read too much into what he was saying. He just speaks in public so infrequently that we hang on his every word when he rarely does. Realistically, it seems he was just making an off-the-cuff blanket statement. I doubt he's much involved in personnel decisions anymore.
  23. actually we do..and its in seattle he'll probably be suspended by then anyway, right? right???
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