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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I know its wrong, but anytime I hear about a story like this, the first thing I think is that I hope he's out until the week after they play the Bills.
  2. thankfully, buddy nix is on record saying he's not a mcnabb fan there aren't much worse option than signing mcnabb at this point, and i'm pretty sure the bills will stay far away
  3. no, that was actually against seattle be honest now...how many of you contributed to the bounty for these two guys?
  4. From what I've read in this thread, its pretty clear that many Bills fans are too used to watching terrible football if they think Kelsay should still be on the roster eating up 3 million in cap space. For that amount of money, he should at least be good at one aspect of the game. Bringing oranges for the team during halftime doesn't count. He's not good against the run. Everyone already knows about his pass defense skill. He's not fast, agile or all that strong, and he's only getting worse. He seems like a nice enough guy and I hope he proves the doubters wrong, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  5. This reminds me of that old 'masochism by catharsis' thread from a few years back..that was one of the best. The only good thing about these tough losses is that if and when the Bills ever do win it all, the victory will be that much sweeter.
  6. Toronto..aka Robert Redfordville. I pay a lot of money to have your team for one day a year (the preseason cuddlefest is just a tease..doesn't count). But you always go back home because we both know that's where you belong and where you're happy. As he says in the end, "She'll never look at me the way she looks at him."
  7. I think some of you are too used to crappy football if you actually think Kelsay adds any value to this defense that any scrub off the practice squad couldn't provide. It's human nature to be somewhat contrarian and that's what I feel some of you are doing here. But sometimes a spade really just is a spade. And if you watch the games, its pretty obvious that Kelsay just is not a good football player. There's no need to bring in stats to make a case for either side if you watch every snap of every game like many of us here do. As for the number, I think he should give it up. Mario Williams is a star player and he's indentified with #90. It sounds like it shouldn't matter with all that 'its a team game' rhetoric, but it does when it comes to the elite athletes. The gulf between the two players is so vast that Kelsay just comes across as looking petty.
  8. Actually that was John Carney. Seau was the last non-kicker to retire though. Why the NFL doesn't move to softer padding on the outside of helmets is beyond me. Its all about shock absorption. Seems like common sense.
  9. What exactly do you have a problem with in this article?
  10. Other than injuries, this is my biggest concern also. They don't seem to have any cocky, nasty, SOB kind of players who play with a bit of a dirty streak. Think Wilfork, JPP, Suggs, etc. Too many nice guys. Football is a game of emotion. It overcomes talent deficiencies at times, especially in big games. I'm hoping Dareus can partially fill that role, but they need some sandpaper. It's been missing from this team for a long time.
  11. Like many here I would presume, I watch and analyze every Buffalo Bills snap to some varying degree of detail. I could tell you that Jabari Greer was an awesome talent, as was Kyle Williams at least a year before they got any accolades. Again, not trying to sound self-serving, because I know there are many fans on this board who saw the same. I know there are fans out there that watch other games in similar fashion. So to you, I ask: How good is Mario Williams really? How was his supporting cast throughout his career in Houston? By that, I mean the coaching/scheme, as well as the other guys on defense. Was he a one-man wrecking crew or did he have a lot of support? Specifically before the 2010 season where Wade came in and changed their D to a 3-4. I was on a Texans message board right after the Bills signed him to find the answer to this question and a lot of them were saying that he was talented but lacked the fire and never really played up to his potential. Couldn't tell if that was just sour grapes or not. Still, not playing to his potential (which is not a good sign), but still putting up those numbers is quite impressive.
  12. Can't remember being more excited for a recent game than I was for the opener against New England on Monday night a couple of years ago (McFumbles). We haven't fared too well in primetime, but there's just a really cool vibe about playing on Monday or even Sunday night. I really hope the NFL gives us at least one of those.
  13. Buddy needs to act quick and go grab Brees in the aftermath of this. Put down the Maalox and get to it Mr. Nix!!
  14. Its the offseason and everyone is giddy about the Mario signing, but a dose of reality is in order. Florence sucks. Don't make any excuses for him because the other corners played behind the same front 7. McGee was solid when healthy, as he usually is. Aaron Williams did ok for a rookie. And I was really impressed with Justin Rogers when he got some playing time. Florence and McKelvin, on the other hand, are way below average and can't be counted on to get the job done. Will they play better with an improved pass rush? Of course, but so will everyone else. Having said that, if either of them have a significant role in this defense next year, it won't be a good thing. It's pathetic that with all the resources spent on the secondary during the Jauron years that it's not an area of strength with this group. Regular fans like me were screaming for them to re-sign Jabari Greer, who makes as much as Florence if I remember correctly (5m). But they let him go and he's now one of the best cover guys in the league.
  15. Let's be real. It's the NFL in 2012. Every team has holes. Even the ones who make the playoffs and win the Super Bowl. The Pats had the second worst pass defense in NFL history, and they were close to winning it all. And the worst (GB) almost went undefeated. To say that this signing doesn't make us a complete team is correct. But no team is. However, to say that this signing can't put us over the hump is what I don't agree with. Dareus was on the same island last year as Kyle has been on for the few years prior to that. I was excited to see what they could do together but that obviously didn't pan out with Kyle's injury. Now they are healthy, and you add Mario F'n Williams??? That is a defensive coordinator's wet dream. Just imagine what Tiger Woods' retarded half brother must feel like right now (George Edwards, that is). Assuming there aren't crippling injuries again (and I know that's a big assumption), I'd be very disappointed if this team didn't make the playoffs and even make some noise once it got there. We have a good coach on both sides of the ball now. Other than injuries, the only thing that can derail this team is Fitzpatrick. Hopefully he comes to play this year.
  16. a more accurate description would be: three men and a baby
  17. the fans at the game should start a may-ree-ooo chant couldn't hurt
  18. I'd like to see us sign Lee Evans. With some improved pass protection, I still think he's a good weapon.
  19. saying sanchez is 5-1 against the bills is like saying fireman ed is 5-1 against any one of us...he's had about as much impact on those games as the dirty one
  20. what are your thoughts on big-ups? and everyone knows that this is the most annoying thing in the world:
  21. actually no, it's far from meaningless...he just got a crapload of money and a lot of it guaranteed http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/7668318/new-york-jets-extend-mark-sanchez-deal-end-pursuit-peyton-manning i really don't get how professional football execs can be so stupid...the guy is terrible, especially considering the talent he is surrounded with on that offense
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