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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. That is the logical thing to do, I agree, but being a fan of this team is inherently illogical as it is. I suffer from the same sickness that many do on this board so my priority is the game Sunday afternoon. Anyone?
  2. Fellow fanatics, I'm going to South Beach this weekend and wanted to know if there's anywhere close by that will show the game this Sunday. I know there's a Bills bar in Fort Lauderdale, but that's not an option. Assuming there are no Bills bars close by, has anyone had any success in finding a bar that is amenable to playing the game with audio and everything?
  3. http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/crime/Dareus-brother-killed-in-shooting
  4. he usually does have good coverage...he just has no football sense...he could have easily batted that down, or maybe even come down with it if he timed his jump properly
  5. This team really is cursed. I just knew a key guy would blow an acl and be out for the year in the opener. Was just a matter of who, not if. God hates us.
  6. I thought Gilmore played well. He got beat on a couple of perfectly executed plays, but at times he looked like the physical corner this team needs. It wasn't his fault he was told to play 10 yards off his man. For f's sake, his twitter handle is BumpNrunGilmore...let the guy play his game! McKelvin and Williams are useless. I really wanted them to put Rogers in. Was he even active? I didn't see him on the field at all.
  7. Thanks for pointing this out. How is this douchebag's dirty plays not a bigger deal? He went low at FJ's knee, and he did the same to Spiller soon after. Not to mention the late hit out of bounds. When will this team grow a pair and stand up to these kinds of guys? Wilfork does the same thing.
  8. Some great evidence put out by the posters here about Fred being near the end, but I'll put my money on the guy who continually overcomes the odds to do it once again.
  9. Justin f'n Rogers! I think he's already better than Aaron Williams. Reminds me of Jabari Greer when he was here.
  10. Speaking only for myself, I haven't really thought about too much else this week other than the game Sunday...totally neglecting work/family/etc..you know, all the stuff that doesn't really matter. As for the lack of action here, I agree. It's been quiet. I think that's more just a combination of nervous paralysis and the fact we have hashed and rehashed every imaginable topic already.
  11. Great work TKIG..looking forward to checking up on your site throughout the year.
  12. These are great..they finally got around to the Bills today: http://deadspin.com/5937604/why-your-team-sucks-2012-buffalo-bills
  13. This is an interesting debate. Its too bad simpletons like dc tom can't add anything to the discussion but some comic relief. Count me as one of those who are against it though. You wouldn't be able to regulate steroid use by making it legal anymore than you can regulate the thousands of other legalized drugs that people are addicted to (painkillers, anti-depressants, etc.). If athletes are doing them now while they are illegal, what makes you think they won't take that extra dosage behind closed doors to gain even more of an edge? The steroid issue is just a derivative of the bigger picture of having a level playing field, and that's what the real debate essentially is. More intensive testing and stiff penalties (criminal even) is the only answer. Athletes wouldn't cheat if they knew they were certain to get caught. Right now, the possibility of getting away with it is there and that needs to be eliminated.
  14. just trade him for gronkowski and be done with it pencil, meet eraser
  15. One guy that has flown under the radar and has kind of been forgotten is Justin Rogers. In my opinion, he looked really good last year in the limited role he had. He reminded me of Jabari Greer the first year or so when he had to fight for playing time. A lot of fans knew he was good, but because of his lack of pedigree, he had to wait longer than he should have to become a starter. This isn't to pile on to Aaron Williams, but I feel that people are pinning their hopes on him because he was a second round pick, not because of anything he's shown so far. I thought he was below average all year and I didn't see any progress later on like some people are saying. Obviously they're both really young, and maybe AW will end up being the better player, but as of right now, I'd say Rogers is hands down a smarter and better DB. Hopefully he gets a chance to show it this year. My ideal depth chart for CB would be: McGee Gilmore Rogers (who becomes a starter after the inevitable McGee injury) Brooks Williams (every other player, coach, trainer, office staff) McKelvin
  16. - out-physicalled - out with a knee (or any other body part) - i have to do what's best for my family (during contract talks) - the only people that matter are in this dressing room (meaning, the fans can go screw themselves too) - nobody believed in us - and the bills drop another heartbreaker
  17. I wish Dick Enberg would come back to CBS. He was my favourite. But maybe that's because he called a lot of the important Bills games. Haven't had many of those recently.
  18. i noticed it too...he's usually pretty accurate, so i did find it strange i think he's alright all in all, but the one thing i can't stand is him repeating the word 'touchdown' after every bills td..he has to say it at least twice, usually more
  19. guess i can go back to being a cm punk fan again
  20. https://twitter.com/JayGlazer bummer...i was hoping he still had something left..doesn't seem like it
  21. obviously if they win, they become more likable, but i think the OP's point is the individual personalities on the team and how easy it is to root for them i agree, this team, without some of the egos like they've had in the past, combined with a bunch of late-round or undrafted longshots is a likable bunch...probably the most likable that i can remember having said that, i believe that the main missing ingredient on this team will prove to be some sandpaper...in football, you need to have a few nasty, take-no-prisoners kind of players...as much as we hate wilfork, he's a perfect example
  22. no way you really believe that if so, would you be willing to put some money on it? i'd take the other side of that bet (where pats win 10+)
  23. Even though this means he'll be rested for the game here in Toronto, I don't think its a big deal. Maybe its just being spoiled seeing Freddy do this thing the last few years, but I find Lynch to be quite overrated anyway. He's an average RB at best. Not sure how he made the top 100 players list (even though that list is a bit of a sham).
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