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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Do you have any insight into this from OBD? Is it even true that they have already decided not to get rid of Crossman? If so, any concrete reasons why?
  2. Aside from not calling more designed screen plays or lining up CJ out wide, I was alright with his play calling. Also, he used a bit too much of the shotgun. Its hard to evaluate him with the triple turd sandwich served to him at QB this season.
  3. So essentially what you're saying here, and in your other posts, is that special teams don't really matter. You should apply for a position with the Bills. I think you have exactly what they're looking for.
  4. Anyone have that same all-too-familiar feeling after reading this? That "oh crap, not again" sensation that makes you frown, lower your head and exhale deeply. It happens the same way. New coaching staff/mgmt comes in. You don't know what to think of them but you're skeptical because you've been burned before. But you have hope because it might be different this time. Then one morning, you wake up, and before getting out of bed, you check the TBD forums on your smartphone like you do every morning. You're skimming the topics with one eye closed and something catches your one open glazed eye and any faith you had in the new regime is thrown out the window. "rumour: kelsay re-signing for 4 more years" "adam schefter is reporting the bills are extending dick jauron" "ryan fitzpatrick on verge of signing 59 million dollar contract extension" And today, "Crossman Retained" My first thought is always the same. What would I have to do to eventually become the Bills GM? Go back to school? Intern at OBD? Shovel Ralph's driveway? Because I really feel at that moment in time I could do a better job than these people.
  5. No. If I remember correctly, they finished behind Jax and baltimore, both of whom didn't make it at 9-7 also.
  6. Prediction: Marrone will go down as a worse coach than any of his predecessors over the last decade-plus of futility. This clueless jock is in way over his head.
  7. One of these things is not like the other
  8. Hope they just leave it as is. Also, what's kind of sad is that if they had this extra wild card team the last 14 years, we still never would have made it.
  9. The worst qb error they made in the last decade was selecting Jp losman. It potentially cost them Aaron Rodgers the following year.
  10. For the last 7 years, the bills have lost (and usually convincingly) to the nfc rep in the super bowl. Therefore bet the house on the saints to win tonight and the next two weeks after that.
  11. I remember that raiders game actually dipping down to -40 with the wind chill as there was a graphic on tv stating that was the temperature where Celsius and Fahrenheit were equal.
  12. Didn't Arizona get eliminated by sf winning on Monday?
  13. Couldn't agree more. Listen to pettine's presser from yesterday. He sounds so much more professional and knowledgeable than Marrone it's not even funny. Marrone comes across as typical jock-turned-coach who's platitudes are better served for the college or high school game. Are you kidding? They had one blown assignment on the second play of the game. Other than that, tb rushed for 85 yards and had 81 yards passing in total. This defense has more often than not been very good.
  14. Not for nothing, but technically ej Manuel is the more experienced nfl qb. Thad Lewis had only one start coming into this season. With even average qb play this team would have been in the playoffs this year.
  15. You might be right. If that's the case, then Marrone isn't the type of coach the bills should want.
  16. Cut Fred Jackson? What are you talking about? He has the most rushing TDs of his career this season, and his YPC is around his career average. Where do you see him slowing down? The only way you may be right is because the Bills have historically been shown to be incompetent when it comes to player evaluation. If they do cut him, it would be a stupid mistake. As did I. He is and always has been a better player than CJ. And Lynch, for that matter.
  17. The Bills are like heroin to fans. They don't need to be marketed. They sell themselves. Maybe some other fans are different, but I can't think of one thing they've done marketing-wise that made me spend an extra dollar on them. Like others have posted, their efforts seem very low-rent and unprofessional. Hiring Psy as halftime entertainment last season? What an embarrassment. Not only that, but Brandon comes across as incredibly smug and unlikable. He's like a slimey used car salesman when being interviewed.
  18. Not sure where the confusion is. Obviously Calvin Johnson is a more accomplished player than Stevie. The point is that even the best of them make mistakes. At crucial times also. What's myopic is wanting to cut SJ because he is "not a clutch player". First of all, the Bills haven't played an important game since 2004, so the term clutch is used loosely here. Secondly, the sample size is way too small. He's had two clear late drops, the last one occurring over two years ago. Yes, he should have held on to the ball tighter against the Falcons, but that was also a good play by the DB. You could easily point to him stripping the DB and recovering the fumble late against the Colts after yet another Fitzpick last year as a clutch play, but that doesn't fit the narrative, I suppose.
  19. I had completely forgotten about the Spencer Johnson to linebacker move from a few years ago. What a horror show that was.
  20. Calvin Johnson had a couple of key drops which may have cost them the game and now has nine on the year. So weird. I thought only Stevie dropped passes. Guess the lions should cut this bum also.
  21. With even mediocre QB play, this would easily be a playoff team. Every team, even the elite ones, have holes in the free agency era. Top to bottom, if you exclude the most important position, this is a pretty good roster. Manuel may yet turn into a good pro down the road, but he has ranged from bad to atrocious this season. Not sure why everyone thinks we would have been better off had he not gotten injured in Cleveland. Thad Lewis of all people came in and did a better job. A cast-off with less pro experience that Manuel at the time, for the record. Another myth is that he somehow keyed the comeback win against Carolina. He threw 5 yard passes to the RBs, one of which was an uncatchable bullet to CJ that should have been intercepted after it bounced off him. Fred Jackson willed the team down the field on that drive. The lob to SJ at the end was short and had no chance of being complete had the DBs not screwed up. Also, he threw what should have been a game-ending interception right before Stevie fumbled in the Falcons game. A horrible pass that the DB should have caught. The result of the fumble was obviously the backbreaker, but this was a more egregious error in my opinion. He's thrown a couple of nice passes here and there (the TD pass to SJ in the opener among them) but they have been so few and far between that they seem more like an anomaly than anything. Again, not saying that he is or isn't going to be a good player down the road, but his play really has been the biggest cause of another failed season this year. Whether that's his fault or not, in terms of him being ready to take the reins, is probably a more debatable point.
  22. Looks like he just copied and pasted what a lot of the simpletons on here have been posting. Get him even an average qb and let this anti-stevie movement die a quick, painless death.
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