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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Well, then just this past year, as he was reportedly more involved with the play calling. Anyone watch their games?
  2. For the experts out there.. How good was the talent on Detroit's defense the past couple of years? Everyone knows Suh is a superstar. Fairley, Tulloch, Ansah and Houston are anywhere from decent to solid from what I've heard. I don't watch enough of their games to have a solid opinion on them. I tried to find a decent Lions message board to see what they thought, but I can't find anything resembling this place.
  3. Maybe he'll sign with the Bills now that Schwartz is here. I'm sure that's just a pipe dream, even with the new hire. But imagine Suh on this D-line...wow!
  4. I would have preferred Wade Phillips, but perhaps this is the easier scheme transition. Also, how about a hand for the vaunted Buffalo media. Again, not catching a whiff of anything until it was already announced.
  5. There's no reason that they can't easily do all of the above. The fact that they've lowered fans' expectations this much is sad. Not much we can do about it though.
  6. I'm choosing to look at this as a positive. The longer Pettine was here, the longer Marrone could hide his own ineptitude and hold this team back. In my opinion, with our small market status and unwillingness to spend to the cap, we need to have a sharp head coach and Marrone is far from that. I think this move will facilitate a change in head coach faster. Just have to hope that the FO hits on that position next time.
  7. Great player. Maybe the best in the league. But guess who put up 8/115 and a td against him last year?
  8. Thanks. I watch that too. Fred is better. He proved it when Lynch was here. And he hasn't really lost a step, considering what I saw him do this year. Lynch is a really good player. Despite what some say, he hasn't changed his running style or is "trying harder" now that he's in Seattle. He was good here too. It's just that he's now a feature back in a league where some teams, like the Bills, use RB by committee. The stats are going to reflect that. And the one and only time Fred was consistently the feature back, he was leading the league in rushing before he got hurt. Fred is the better blocker and receiver. Their speed is similar. They both get that extra yardage when you think they're going down. Fred is smarter and shiftier. Leadership and other intangibles, there is no contest. Lynch has a cool nickname, was a first round pick and plays on a great team that is hyped by the media. He is supposed to be better than Fred, but he's not. Look beyond the ESPN highlights page. Fred Jackson is criminally underrated in the NFL world. Even amongst many Bills fans. Put him on that Seattle team in the same role and he'd do even better than Lynch.
  9. Fred Jackson is still better than Lynch. That fact hasn't changed since Lynch was drafted. I'd take our WRs over theirs any day of the week. Stevie is better than anyone on Seattle. They have the far superior QB and better coach. That's the difference. Be honest. How much better do you think the Bills could have done with whoever you're thinking of as the OC. Whether its Frank Reich or whoever. Remember who he was working with at QB. Manuel, Lewis, Tuel. Just let that sink in. And then remember, that this team put up almost 500 yards of offense on the Chiefs, and took the Bengals to OT, among other games. I watched the games, just as you did I'm sure. I saw TJ Graham open all season long on go routes, but without a QB who could get him the ball. He's not as bad as everyone here thinks. This season was such a wasted opportunity. They really were just a decent QB from being a good team.
  10. What are you talking about? The original post was about how we are comparable to the Seahawks right now save for a few positions. QB was not mentioned. I said that as of right now, Wilson is a decidedly better QB than Manuel. Not sure where the confusion is.
  11. You might be right. I agree with those who say that this was the most talented Bills team in a while and definitely was capable of making the playoffs this season and maybe even making some noise once there. But they were severely hampered by bad qb play. When you can have good days offensively with Thad Lewis and Jeff tuel as your starting qbs, you know you have some talent on that side of the ball. It just sucks that in what some people consider the ultimate team game, one position can make or break your team almost no matter how good the rest of the squad is.
  12. No, but he's not a good qb right now and not comparable to Russell Wilson as per the op's post.
  13. You declined to mention the two biggest things they have that we don't. A good qb and an unlimited supply of adderall.
  14. Biggest hole is qb but a close second is head coach, imho.
  15. You mean to say that you dreamt about Peyton Manning joining the Bills and he wasn't even the QB? Man, us fans can't even get our dreams right.
  16. I can barely understand what you're saying. And I'm sure you'd feel the same way if that was your wife or sister.
  17. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/columnist/brennan/2003-11-06-brennan_x.htm Ya...real class guy. Stop idolizing athletes, people.
  18. I hate most of the player moves this team makes but that one I was fine with. I doubt they could have gotten much more for him and Fred Jackson was (and still is, imho) the better player.
  19. He's the guy who flexed his bicep after delivering that cheap headshot to Freddie. Him hurting his knee after being juked out of his jockstrap by spiller two weeks ago was one of the highlights of the season for me. Hopefully that led to this.
  20. This is a long thread, and I don't expect you to read it all, so I'll save you some trouble. Nobody here is reasonably suggesting that special teams was the only weak spot and the cause of the 6-10 finish. Everyone can also agree that special teams are not as vital to a teams success as offense and defense. Having said that, its not something that a coach can gloss over either. You hire coaches who control certain parts of your team so having a good X, doesn't mean you are sacrificing a good Y. They are not mutually exclusive. This is why I don't understand some of the posters on here saying, for example, "the offense sucked, how can you blame the special teams?" The problem with the "its only one year, give them some time" mentality is that you can pretty much excuse anything that happened over the 16 games. Its not logical. Just like expecting a proven failure (Crossman) to finally get it in his umpteenth year and help your team. The guy has never shown improvement at any of his previous stops, and really has nothing going for him other than being chums with the head coach. Its easy to say its the players, not the scheme because there's no real way for a fan to prove either case. But looking at it from all angles, it sure appears to be the coaching. But with all of this, I believe the underlying reason why this thread has gone on for 20+ pages is because of what it says about the head coach. We all want him to succeed and be the guy we want him to be, but I'm finding it very hard to feel that way after his first year here. This decision doesn't help that.
  21. Nonsense. Fix the black hole at qb and watch Stevie flourish.
  22. I was hoping that he may have told you something different outside of the press conference. Something like "Obviously, I'm gonna fire Crossman, but I just want to cash in on the free dinner he promised me for hiring him first. Obviously."
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