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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. He's not. He was open all year. Our QBs just suck.
  2. I hear you, but I think as fans of a team, we sometimes have an inflated or deflated sense of a player's worth. Perhaps I'm overrating Stevie in the same way I believe you are underrating him, as I'm a huge fan of his and I actually love his personality. I also think he's an excellent player. The problem is that, like I've stated earlier, his best attributes are not easily quantifiable. He's not exceptionally tall, strong, or fast. But his ability to create separation and get open is among the best in the league and unless a player is a total mismatch (which you can say for maybe 4 or 5 players in the league), that is the top attribute to have for a receiver, in my opinion. People point out him throwing up his hands after that pass by Tuel, but fail to point out him running after the Colts DB and stripping him of the ball and recovering it late in the 4th quarter last year after yet another horrible Fitz pick. That doesn't fit the narrative of him coming up small in big moments, so its conveniently glossed over. At the end of the day, a WR can't throw the ball to himself. His production is dependent on the QB and scheme. I don't think you'll find many people who would say Larry Fitzgerald isn't an elite receiver. But look at his stats over the last five years. He's had one year of 1400+ but the rest of the time, he's been just above or below 1000. And then look at his stats when Kurt Warner was his QB. If you put Stevie Johnson on that Denver team in 2012 when Peyton Manning gets there, and Eric Decker was here, we're not having this conversation.
  3. Now Eric Decker is better than Stevie too? What is wrong with bills fans?
  4. I couldn't agree more. The guy is in way over his head. And that video is hilariously spot on. Never seen it before but what an apt example!
  5. This is just wrong on every level. He hadn't missed a game until this year. The last two were not injury related anyway. And only the simplest of observers would think his lack of production is due to anything other than the trainwreck at qb.
  6. Therein lies the question. Would they prefer to pay out more actual dollars and have more cap room by keeping Stevie? Or pay less actual dollars and have less cap room when they sign some jobber to replace him for 3m a year? It's the Bills. So I don't have a good feeling about this.
  7. The team doesn't care about the cap hit. They're never close to the max anyway. But they will save real money by cutting him. And that they do care about. If this does happen, its business as usual at OBD. One step forward, two steps back.
  8. How could anyone not love this guy??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qOQ17zKaU8
  9. So you don't consider what he dealt with a real problem? And the fact he has millions of dollars should somehow afford him less empathy? That's ridiculous. And where are you getting him using the national stage to seek approval? I don't remember anything like that happening. As for walking away from the money...he may have collected his salary last year, but going forward, he knowingly put his career, and therefore, earning power at risk. And he's not throwing away a five figure salary by quitting like any other random guy in his mid-20s. Regardless of whether you or anyone else would have handled it differently is not up for debate here. He didn't have it in his mental makeup to confront the guy and felt helpless. Unless you lack basic empathy, how can anyone feel anything but bad for him? Who said anything about courageous? Some people are just born without that confrontational gene. He doesn't need to be vilified because of it. Its not like he did himself any favours by leaving the team. Btw, Chan got fired over a year ago.
  10. Come on man. You're one of the best glass half-empty posters on here. I mean that in a good way, honest. Don't fall into the "if that was me, I'd have..." line of thought that plagues this issue. The fact that he was willing to walk away from all those millions you refer to because of this should help you understand how handcuffed he felt.
  11. Assuming he has options, which is no safe bet, I doubt he'd want to play in the same division as Miami. He seems like a nice guy and he's got talent. Why wouldn't you want him on your team? The things he dealt with were way over the top. I doubt its that bad in a locker room with Fred Jackson and Kyle Williams as your team leaders.
  12. The fact that there are some people out there who still want Ryan Fitzpatrick anywhere near this team's roster makes me sad.
  13. I'd take it a step further. I say he sucks and has no business being even on a CFL roster. A team would be crazy to even give up an 8th round pick for him. Did you see him drop the ball against the Steelers the other day?? What kind of player can't catch a ball that hits him in the hands? Even I could have caught that. Sure he's had a couple of decent years stats-wise, but imagine a decent receiver playing with the likes of Ryan Fitzpatrick, Trent Edwards and EJ Manuel. My God...can you imagine the numbers??? I certainly think 2000 yards is not out of the question. And imagine the guy didn't have tattoos, didn't flash jewellery and only spoke in cliches??? I'm getting so excited. I better stop before I soil myself. Now back to reality. This is from last year, but I hope everyone remembers how he schooled the new "best corner in the game" last season. And that's after some pretty good games against the old best corner in the game. The guy is awesome. Better than even some of his supporters think. He has a truly unique talent at getting open that can't defined by the conventional measurables spouted by the mouth-breathing media. Just because our team has sucked in what feels like forever, doesn't mean we've been completely devoid of talent. Some fans sure make it feel that way.
  14. I wish they would bring back dick enberg. He was my favourite. Maybe that's just because he was the tv voice of bills teams that were actually good.
  15. Best qb ever? Maybe. Maybe not. More importantly, with four super bowls in a row, the Bills of those years would be considered the greatest team ever. And that would have been way cooler.
  16. There are no set rules. Just need the right combo of players, coaches and bounces to win it. Teams with crap o-lines have won too.
  17. At the other end of the spectrum is Ryan Fitzpatrick. How many times did he go to throw a ball, and it would slip out of his baby-sized hand and fall backwards? It became simultaneously more tragic and comical every time. Can't believe he's carved out a prolonged career with how limited he is physically. Kudos to him, I guess.
  18. Are the players allowed to date other members of the team or do they have to wait until the season is over? Because apparently Shaud Williams has a huge gay following in Austria.
  19. No offense, but you seem to have a very myopic view on this. You make it seem like the O-line isn't a factor in how teams 'move the chains or get to the qb'. Perhaps you should throw on a tape of Super Bowl 26 I think you should look at the difference between a good LT and a bad LT instead of contrasting a good one and a HOFer. If Cleveland had called up this year and offered Trent Richardson up for Cordy Glenn, would you have done it? He was taken third overall as a playmaker. My guess is no, and even though the Browns have Joe Thomas, I think that until they actually ripped off the Colts, they would have preferred that they had drafted Glenn in 2012. Its a team game, and every starting position on offense and defense counts. QB far more than others, granted. Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson are likely the two guys that you can say are inarguably the best at their positions. Skilled positions. If we go by your super bowl metric, how many championships have they played in? In any case, I'm all for taking Robinson at #9 if he's as good as people are making him out to be. I don't watch enough college ball to know myself. I'm looking at replacement value and I think the RBs and WRs are actually pretty good on this team, as is the defense. The QB is the big question mark but picking one at 9 doesn't seem like a viable option. The O line could use an influx of talent, in my opinion. The stats may not show it, but to me they looked like the weakest group out there (other than special teams).
  20. I'm choosing to be cautiously optimistic about this move. Everyone loves Pettine, and hated his predecessors Wannstedt and Edwards, but I think its fair to say that Pettine had more to work with last season (Alonso, Lawson, Hughes, Robey, etc). The results certainly showed a big improvement, but its not like this defense was lights out. There's still room to get better. I guess what I'm trying to say is that its more about the talent on the field than the coaches and the Bills certainly do have enough to be a really good defense again next season.
  21. That was their identity in the media, yes. But I am inquiring on more of a fundamental level. How good are the players on that defensive roster? Did they underachieve? Overachieve? I haven't even heard of most of their secondary.
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