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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I wasn't referring to Greg Gabriel. Marv Levy (the GM version) Danny Crossman Waldorf and Statdler...I mean Overdorf and Littman And that's just off the top of my head when it comes to the Bills. As for it resulting in a bad product and all of us being stupid for buying into it, I don't think any fan on here has gone a week without having that very thought.
  2. You give some of these guys way too much credit. A lot of them are morons and come across their jobs through favouritism, nepotism, and any other -ism.
  3. Excellent post. Just reaffirms my belief that this team would have made the playoffs last season with even average QB play.
  4. If Whaley was on the ball, he probably could have gotten Andrew Luck for a six pack, some Doritos and half a container of Percocet early this morning. Wake up Doug!
  5. Unfortunately, I think you're spot on. Ever since that first mind-boggling challenge in the opener, he's done nothing to show that he's sharp enough to compete with the big boys. I know interviews and press conferences don't tell the whole story, but compare him to even pettine and there's a stark difference. Marrone isn't shy with the media yet comes across as a complete meathead. Pettine seems a lot more intelligent and football-savvy. We finally have some talent on the team and we still can't do better than 6 wins. I'm thinking after another year or two, Marrone will have proved himself to be even worse than his predecessors. I hope I'm wrong too.
  6. Phase one of the UB plan is complete. Phase two: spread rumours of khalil Mack being a raging alcoholic who abuses farm animals. He drops to 9, we pick him and start planning the super bowl parade.
  7. Brady? Tom Brady? You wouldn't want him on your team? I give up...
  8. I understand that sentiment. I don't agree though. You know what you're getting with him. Which is not much. I'd rather have an unknown wildcard at backup and hope you accidentally hit the lottery.
  9. If you cut him, who's going to bring the comic relief of tripping on the grass on his way to the open flat for an easy touchdown?
  10. It's apparent that we haven't seen good qb play here in forever that fans are wishing to bring this clown back. Seems like a nice enough guy but I hated every second of the Ryan Fitzpatrick era. Just symbolized the years of mediocrity and irrelevance this team has been in the past decade-plus.
  11. Luckily they franchised Byrd and can use him as trade bait.
  12. The pats have to grant him the release. He has to want to come here as there will definitely be other suitors. And finally, the Bills have to want him and be prepared to pony up. I just don't see it happening. But it would be great.
  13. Probably solves the run defense issues. Can't see any mutual interest though with the respective stages the bills and him are at.
  14. Asked for his release....grew up a Bills fan. Get him!
  15. No way. The guy is old, obnoxious and has a history of locker room issues. He's not the same player as he was years ago. Ice up, son.
  16. I don't get this signing. Robey was great last year. Certainly better as a cb3 than Gilmore and Leo were in their relative positions. The upgrade, if there is one, will be marginal. Either way, one of them is getting bumped to the 4th cb spot. Good for injury insurance, I guess. Otherwise, seems like a lateral move.
  17. He's better than any qb on the roster right now. Sadly, that's part of the reason why there's no chance the bills sign him. EJ and his comfort level are first priority.
  18. "Youboty myboty" was probably my all time favourite screen name on here. Wonder where that guy went. Also, "fat kid from hook". With a picture of the kid from the movie as his avatar.
  19. Everybody wants to play for them. Why they don't get Brady some receivers is beyond me. Not too concerned with this signing. They're likely gonna beat us twice again next year with or without him anyway.
  20. A friend of mine, who watches every Rams snap religiously, says he is - and I quote - "a bag of ass".
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