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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Take it easy there buddy. Not sure why you're drunk on a Monday night/Tuesday morning but I hope you're alright. I agree that there haven't been any reliable reports of how much the Bills offered him. The three year 30m offer was just a rumour that was in fact hinted at being false by Byrd's camp if I recall. I don't think the Bills offered him a better deal than the Saints did, especially not last year, but that's just reading between the lines and guessing on my part. What I'm saying is that they should have franchised him. It gave them more time to work out a deal, either with him or another team, if they were inclined to do so. Regardless, you want facts...here are a couple: 1. Everyone is so sure he was feigning injury, yet he also wanted to play in the Cleveland game but our genius coach kept him out. 2. We will have more than 8.3m in cap space or could have easily made that room this year (byrds franchise number) 3. Byrd at that price for 5 games (which again is just conjecture on anyone's part) is still better than LETTING HIM WALK FOR NOTHING!!!! He is a really good player and could have made a difference even in those 5 games. Especially if we like to believe that the Bills are going to push for a wild card spot this year. 4. This so-called message it sends by keeping a player who wants to leave (which he also never stated) isn't any worse than the message it sends when you let a player dictate his future even though you hold the cards. Ok, number 4 is more of an opinion not a fact. But you see my point. If you take emotion out if this and strictly look at it in black and white terms of winning football games, this was a stupid move by the Bills. Any defense of it, and you're just making excuses for them.
  2. Only stupid teams pay safeties that much money. Would sure hate to be a Seahawks fan right now. They should have let him walk and let another idiotic team sign him like the Saints did with Byrd. Then replace him with a cheap scrub like the Bills are going to do. Enjoy your super bowl and exciting team for years to come, you clowns. Just know you'll never feel the joy of unused cap space like we do.
  3. "Fred's getting up there. We should look to draft his replacement this year." - Bills fans, every offseason since 2009
  4. he dropped a couple against Seattle, but I agree with your general idea He's better than most people think. Always running open, yet the qb can't get him the ball.
  5. Trent Edwards. In my defense, any qb that we would have picked would have had me elated after watching Jp losman.
  6. huh? What do you want him to be then? Last time I checked, you want your qb to be able to pass the ball.
  7. didn't Cam Newton throw for 4000 yards in each of his first two seasons? Not sure that's a good comparison.
  8. Even a rookie QB will make some "wow" throws from time to time. Something that gives you hope for the future. Does anyone remember many from EJ last year? I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting, but the only really perfect throw that he had to fit into a tight space that I remember was the TD flick pass to Stevie in the opener. And even that was off his back foot.
  9. Fun fact: if there had been 8 teams allowed into the afc playoffs the last 14 years, the bills would have made it in a grand total of zero more times.
  10. Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 2m Ralph Wilson called #Bills CEO Russ Brandon four days ago about a safety prospect he believed was a 3rd or 4th rounder. Amazing. Pretty cool.
  11. According to Tim Graham. RIP Ralph.
  12. This is good. Robey belongs on the field as the third corner.
  13. They should fake punt with him more. He's quite fast. A track athlete in college if I remember.
  14. This "he's a perfect backup" theme is hilarious. What you're essentially saying is he's great as long as he doesn't actually have to play.
  15. Sorry Ryan. You seem like a nice enough guy. But you suck as a quarterback and I'm glad you're gone. Good luck in Houston.
  16. I seriously doubt he starts. If they pick a qb 1st overall and have him sit in favour of Ryan f'n Fitzpatrick, then I'll never make fun of the bills front office again. Ok, that's a lie, but I still can't see that happening.
  17. St. Louis, Cincy, Buffalo, Tennessee and now Houston? How does this joker keep finding work? His agent must practice black magic.
  18. For the first time in forever, there actually aren't any dire needs on this team. We don't have pro bowlers everywhere, but all in all this is a solid team. The only places we suck at are qb and coach. Unfortunately, those are both incredibly vital. Since we can't draft a new coach, the bills should seriously consider an upgrade at qb without worrying about ej's feelings.
  19. For all you college football enthusiasts, where would Murray be ranked if he hadn't gotten hurt?
  20. I don't believe this 3 year, 30m number has any merit. It was simply the first figure to come out. Tim Graham he stated since that he's heard independently from two different sources that the number was in fact 7.5m for the first two years. And I would assume in that case, it was backloaded. If that's true, they pretty much pushed Byrd out the door.
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