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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. So that's where the logical discussion of this move is taking place. Reading some of the comments on here is making my head hurt. He's an excellent player that we got rid of for basically nothing. This is an unbelievably stupid move and typical of the mouthbreathing crowd to be happy about it. We are the laughing stock of the league yet again.
  2. What a stupid stupid stupid effing team. I hate being a bills fan. Go tear it up back home in San Fran, Stevie.
  3. It's not a knock against Watkins. By all accounts, he's super talented. But as you saw last year, EJ was incapable of making those safe, easy throws you speak of. His screen passes were atrocious. I just don't think teams like the Bills should be giving up future first round draft picks unless its for a potential franchise QB. Sammy Watkins was not the difference between 6-10 and 10-6 last year. Our receiving group was actually good already.
  4. Why would a bad team trade a first round pick to draft a receiver when they don't even know if they have a QB to throw him the ball? This is such a stupid move.
  5. I doubt that. In my opinion, it was lack of confidence in his own ability by Manuel.
  6. For that matter, Graham gets a lot of hate on here, but he also was running open all season long. I don't think he's as tough or sure handed as Goodwin, but our QBs could never hit him in stride.
  7. I've been rewatching some of the games and my God is Goodwin fast. It's hard to appreciate at first glance. He seems to have good hands too. I really think we found a diamond in the rough here. They just need to get him the ball. I think John Murphy said it best...it looks like he's about go airborne when he starts accelerating.
  8. You won't find it on Google. Check out AltaVista or Lycos. And only using Netscape navigator.
  9. You need to rewatch that last drive you keep referencing. And then buy a Fred Jackson jersey.
  10. Word at the time was that Denver wanted Miller regardless because they had taken Tebow in round one the year before. No joke. Just goes to show you the plight of a Bills fan. We miss out on Cam because of Luck staying in school. Denver didn't even want Newton because they had Tebow. Peyton Manning gets hurt and Indy finishes last and drafts Luck. Denver signs Manning. It's almost comical.
  11. Please. Fred Jackson won them that game on the last drive. Everything was a checkdown and Fred made all the right plays driving down the field, including purposely dropping one to stop the clock. I do remember Manuel unnecessarily whipping the ball to CJ who was five yards away and wide open. The ball obviously bounced off him and landed exactly where no defender was. He got very lucky on the drive everyone points to. And people also conveniently point to his apparent clutch play in the Atlanta game and leave out how he threw a horrible pass into a defenders arms that was dropped right before Stevie got stripped on the last drive. Sorry to break it to some of you but EJ sucked pretty badly last year. It's ok to acknowledge that and still have hope that he can be a good qb in the future. It's been done before.
  12. Andrew Luck really screwed us by not declaring that year. We would have had Cam Newton.
  13. We have talent everywhere except for coach and qb. Unfortunately the two places you need it most. Hopefully Manuel steps it up this season or all this offseason chatter will be for nothing.
  14. Unless he's bringing Matt Ryan with him, what does it matter if he reminds people of Julio Jones. If the Bills really are going to sink or swim with Manuel, then get some oline help or just draft for the defense. Our skill position players are actually quite good compared to the rest of the league.
  15. How about the last place team get the first 53 picks, the second gets the next 53, and so on? That's almost 1700 picks. Pretty sure a couple of tbd posters could get selected that way too.
  16. I agree. But perhaps not for the same reason. I think we are more than adequate at WR. More than adequate at every skill position on the offense for that matter. Other than the one that matters most of course. This offense - and team for that matter - hinges on how ej performs. O-line or Aaron Donald please. Assuming they won't pick a qb regardless.
  17. I love that this discussion comes up every off-season and then Freddy goes out and kicks ass again and again. He doesn't fit into this little box of football assumptions that many of you can't see outside of so it's always "ok, THIS is finally the year he slows down". I say pay the guy 5 million bucks a year for as long as he is able to keep playing. It's not my money and it's not like we'll ever be close to the cap. He's been one of the only reasons to watch the Bills the last few seasons and he's earned it, in my opinion.
  18. If pun intended...very cheeky.
  19. I'm with you man. The guy is the worst receiver in the history of football. I'm including the cfl too. We had a supernova at qb by the name of Ryan Fitzpatrick and wasted all his talent by saddling him with this scrub as his #1 receiver. Everytime I think of this wasted opportunity, I get this queasy feeling, pass some gas, and have a cigarette in your honour, curitibia.
  20. Are you sure that's it? What about Easley? He just needs a chance to start. Hogan too. He's always open. Don't sleep on Kauffman...he's a total wild card. All these guys are so obviously at least equal to Stevie if not better. They make way less money and they don't rap and have as many tattoos. Actually, if you really think about it, can anyone honestly say for sure that Brian moorman couldn't be a better receiver than Stevie? How do you really know?
  21. You are assuming a lot here. I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, and I'm not saying you're right. What I'm saying is that it is enough to go by just facts and conclude that not re-signing him was a bad move. It is not a fact that: 1. he wasn't committed to what the bills are doing 2. the money was used to upgrade the team - if you look at the alternative of not signing those guys and franchising him 3. holding him hostage would cause problems in the locker room 4. byrd wanted to go to a winner (maybe he just wanted to get paid..all hypothetical) 5. byrd didn't want to re-sign (he stated he wanted to test FA and was open to re-signing with the bills) Also, please give me some examples where a team (preferably one with a competent FO) let go of an all-pro for nothing even though they could have franchised him and didn't have a blue-chipper waiting in the wings to replace him. Fact remains, this team is worse off without him, and they let him walk for nothing when they didn't have to.
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