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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. First off, neither Sherman nor Revis should be the measuring stick for cornerbacks. Good players, but overrated and overexposed in the media. Patrick peterson is the best cb in the game. Secondly, it's possible that Gilmore ends up being somewhere between a bust and the best corner in the league. It doesn't always have to be one or the other. Like leodis, he's got a lot of raw skill that needs to be harnessed. Luckily he seems a bit brighter than mckelvin (not a high bar, admittedly) so there's a good chance we have a pretty good player here. Give the guy a break. He's been pretty good all things considered.
  2. You do realize this is a function of the trainwreck we have at quarterback, right?
  3. Looks like someone drafted him way too early in fantasy last year also. It was second round for me. I feel your pain, bro.
  4. He always seemed like a nice guy. Hope he's well. That win against the patriots wouldn't have happened if he didn't break up a classic fitzpick in the end zone in the 4th quarter.
  5. Not sure what many of you are going on about. Whaley admitted that their offer wasn't as good as what he got from New Orleans. Would he have signed if the Bills offered that too? Who knows, but in my opinion they should have tried. Say what you want and drink the koolaid if you must, but players like Byrd don't grow on trees. He made game-changing plays and is one of the best at his position. And we aren't speaking of a long snapper here. I get that it's the off season and everyone's glass is half full. But to me, it looks like the same polished turd in the Bills front office. As usual.
  6. I think for the most part, fans will pick the era they grew up watching. There's a certain cynicism that evolves the older you get and you lose that child-like appreciation for things. Music is the same way. Or maybe it's just that the Bills have sucked for so long.
  7. Thanks 26! You're always on the ball. My goal is to break a news story before you one day.
  8. That says more about the team that is laughable, don't you think?
  9. It will prove to be another typical Bills blunder in a few years. A few intelligent posters are here trying to explain to some of you why and you don't seem to get it. This team that is "going all in" for the playoffs let their all pro safety walk for nothing and traded their best receiver for nothing. There will be growing pains for Watkins this year and I don't think anyone would have expected him to make Stevie irrelevant in year one, if ever.
  10. And they keep losing. There's a disconnect somewhere, wouldn't you agree? Be honest, do you think the Bills offer was as good or better than what Byrd got from the Saints? And that he left even then because he wanted out of the city?
  11. You know you've been a Bills fan too long when you don't want the players getting these kinds of accolades for fear they will become to expensive to keep.
  12. Dude, we're Bills fans. We all need help.
  13. Same here. Wide receiver is the most overvalued position in football due to its reliance on the guy throwing him the ball. If Manuel doesn't improve by quite a bit, Sammy Watkins will not be able to help this team. And if by chance Manuel does improve, these receivers that everyone complains about would have looked a lot better anyway. Calvin Johnson is probably the best receiver in football. He was also part of the only 0-16 team in history.
  14. He was a seventh round draft pick and was not handed anything and not given anywhere near the rope high picks get. To say he's not a hard worker is not only false, but completely dismissive and foolish. For the life of me, I can't figure out why people don't have anything but love for the guy. Classic underdog story. Loved the fun vacuum named buffalo and it's fans. He was nothing but positive his whole time here. Is it the tattoos? The fact he raps? It can't just be that he dropped that ball against the Steelers right? The one that would have got us to 4-12 instead of 3-13?
  15. Dont be so sure. It's possible he just wanted Kelly to come out of retirement after watching some EJ game tape from last year.
  16. That's not entirely accurate. He has never been hit in stride the way Goodwin has. I prefer Goodwin also but Graham takes far too much abuse here. He's not bad as a deep threat. The problem is the qbs suck.
  17. He's just trying to be supportive. This guy can't hold a candle to Spiller. Who himself can't hold a candle to Freddie.
  18. Perfectly stated. The pompom waving crowd doesn't seem to understand this.
  19. One small point. The falcons had Matt Ryan at the time. We have knee j
  20. Next to Stevie, the most underrated player on the team. So...the most underrated player on the team. Eff you Whaley.
  21. He put up some pretty good stats with Ryan $hitzpatrick at qb. Not sure why people here think some of us are overvaluing him. He's actually quite underrated in my opinion. How well did Larry Fitzgerald do the last few years before Carson Palmer came in this past season? Yes, we've been garbage for a long time. Doesn't mean we haven't had some really good players in that time.
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