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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Should have kept him and booted Meathead Marrone.
  2. By no means do I think he's not still a really good player. But top 40 in the league? A few years ago, easily. When he was the only one on that line busting his tail every play and was single-handedly dominating games, it was a treat to watch. Perhaps I'm wrong. Overrated might not be the right term (would have to see the rest of the list), but I certainly don't think he's as good as he once was. Imagine he got to play with players like Mario Williams and Marcell Dareus a few years ago.
  3. What an odd career trajectory for KW. He went from being criminally underrated early on to being a bit overrated lately in just a few short seasons.
  4. No offense, as you are just one of many people that use that overly simplistic barometer, but that is the worst argument to make for/against a singular player's abilities. You can say Reed is the more accomplished player, but that is more of a function of the team he was on...specifically a certain #12 throwing him the ball. But on pure talent, Moulds was clearly better.
  5. Moulds was the most talented receiver I've ever seen on the Bills and that list includes Andre Reed.
  6. I think we have stumbled onto a solution for the "sam watkins nickname" thread. Great job, Sherlock!!
  7. Haha..what do those silly Canadians know about the sport anyway? Hockey should be played with no offsides? I'm guessing you don't really know much about the game. You ought to give it a shot. It's quite good.
  8. The injury time aspect isn't completely black and white. The referee won't stop the game if a team is just about to shoot it into an empty net to tie the game. Its more of a judgement call when the required time has passed. The next goal kick, or throw-in, or even clear into midfield brings about the close to a game.
  9. Funny poll. The inherent message, and usual Bills battling cry: hey, we're not the worst at (insert position here)...woohoo!
  10. I prefer football to futbol also. But its just a matter of opinion. If you look at it from a global perspective, football is nothing compared to soccer. Its a localized sport popular only in north america. The Super Bowl seems big, but it still pales in comparison to a World Cup final. There's a more majestic feel about it and its the biggest stage in sport.
  11. And what does he offer, exactly? Terrible accuracy on any pass that isn't a screen or a quick slant. No arm strength. Costly interceptions at the wrong time (he defines what it means to be a choker, yet that label was applied solely to SJ). A ball that slips out of his tiny hand on at least one futile pass attempt a game. A wedding ring and an oversized helmet. That's about it. Nice guy, sure. But I wouldn't sign the guy if he agreed to play for minimum wage. Not just the NFL minimum. I'm talking 8 bucks an hour.
  12. Considering he went in the sixth round, every team screwed up their previous picks. Including the team that actually ended up drafting him.
  13. Sammy Whatupkins Sammy Whataplaykins Sammy Whaaaaat!kins Sammy we gave up What?kins
  14. It seems erroneous to say that he's guaranteed 60 million. NFL contracts are always poorly reported.
  15. If Kaepernick is worth 21m, what's Luck worth? 25? 30?
  16. I'm betting its those six guys who take their shirts off at December home games and spell out B-I-L-L-S-! on their chest.
  17. Don't forget clowney. Sign him too. 8-8, here we come!
  18. I guess they could have said they liked their fashion sense or whatever, but that'd be kind of weird.
  19. I will. And so should you. Because it will prove the front office is out to lunch.
  20. That's nonsense. All he does is produce when he's out there...same as he has his whole career. Like most, I watch every snap of every game. It is patently false to state that he has slowed down or lost a step. What more do you want? A touchdown on every rush?
  21. Hacketts scheme had guys running wide open all season long. He was not the problem.
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