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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. If he stays healthy, Freddie will play at an all-pro level. But he won't get selected because the process is stupid.
  2. Crap. Always liked Jabari. Humble guy, hell of a player. Many fans knew he was good way before the coaching staff caught on. Hated that they let him walk even though he wanted to stay here.
  3. I disagree about talent. I think this team is, in fact, a lot more talented than Bills teams of the past. And how competitive were they really? They finished 6-10 and four of those ten losses were one-sided. Every crappy team in the NFL has close losses that they lament..."if we had only done so and so.." I remember him mindlessly challenging a fumble in week one that the Patriots recovered anyway. I remember him sounding completely lost in post-game press conferences. I remember him picking a fight with the media early in training camp when he sounded completely out to lunch. He kept his buddy Crossman as the special teams coach despite the years of incompetence on his resume. Do any or all of these things make him a bad coach? Not necessarily, but they don't point to him being a good one either. He's known as an offensive-minded coach - a former lineman - and this offense was not designed to take advantage of the players' strengths. All of that blame gets put on Hackett, yet nobody mentions Marrone. The defense was the strong point of the team and by all accounts, he did not have nearly as much say on that side of the ball as he did on the offense. Unfortunately, a couple of years down the road, we will see that he is no better, and probably worse, than Gailey, Jauron, Mularkey, Williams. As for the Watkins trade, its no reflection on Watkins the player. I just think that a team in the Bills position should not be trading a first round pick for a wide receiver, no matter how good he is. A QB sure. But a superstar receiver does not get this team from 6-10 to 11-5 this year, even if his name is Calvin Johnson (who, incidentally was part of an 0-16 team). If the Bills were a perennial contender, and the pick was going to be in the 20s, then yes, I could see making this move. But my guess is, they will be picking in the top 10 again next year, and many people will change their tune then. It was a reckless trade, not gutsy.
  4. Yes. In fact, I don't believe they should have been hired in the first place. Marrone looks and sounds clueless, and his gameday coaching tactics (clock mgmt, challenge selections, etc) leave a lot to be desired. I suppose Whaley can be given the benefit of doubt as we don't know if his hands are tied or not by the stooges upstairs. But I think the Watkins trade was absolutely moronic and that was all him.
  5. I see the OP's point and he's right in a macro sense. The whole front office needs to be shown the door, from Brandon on down to the coaches. We are never going to become winners with those jobbers running the show. Having said that, an 0-16 season is not a prerequisite for that to happen, and would be downright embarrassing (more so when the Browns are at the podium with the first pick next year). I think any new owner will consider making changes whether we finish 0-16 or 8-8. For the sake of Bills fans, I certainly hope he or she does.
  6. A healthy kiko over the USA scoring a single goal at the world cup.
  7. That's just not true nowadays. You may have been right about that over ten years ago but with the advancements in health care (whether they are on the up and up or not is up for debate) have shown that athletes can and do come back as good as before. Sometimes even better.
  8. Are you just kidding around here or are you actually certifiably insane? You don't think losing Kiko Alonso is significant? You think Mike Williams and Brandon Spikes are more important to the Bills than him? I wish I shared your delusional Ned Flanders-esque optimism.
  9. Look up in the sky, you two. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope, just a joke.
  10. I just hope the Bills don't use this injury as an escape goat once the season goes off the rails.
  11. Not to nitpick but that's actually six players. Unless you're counting Cj and tj as a half player each.
  12. Sorry but this is a crippling injury. The defense is most likely going to have to carry the offense again and whoever replaces kiko will be a significant downgrade. Like someone mentioned earlier, the blow will be softened substantially if EJ can actually show some competence behind center.
  13. Maybe for you. But for many fans, it isn't hard to pick out the stars on a bad team if you watch the games. Fred Jackson has been a star for a while now. I actually feel bad for any bills fan who doesn't see that. Just because we haven't made the playoffs in forever doesn't mean we haven't had some very good players on this team.
  14. Eric Wood. I like the guy and he says all the right things but anytime he has a bad game or even a bad play, the blame always goes to the left or right guard. And that's not always accurate.
  15. Wil-Fork me....that's not a half bad roster. Also, there might be a slight difference in coaching.
  16. I have the opposite feeling. Usually I'm optimistic about them every year around this time, but not this season. It all stems from having little faith in the QB and zero faith in the coach after seeing what I saw last year. Losing Byrd, Stevie and Pettine doesn't help either. I hope I'm wrong though.
  17. Its bothersome how much more articulate and intelligent he sounds than Marrone.
  18. Is that a trick question or some sort of Jeopardy thing you're doing there?
  19. Andre Reed is a hall of famer, and deservedly so. It's not a slight against him in the least. As for being afraid to go over the middle? That's actually what he was known for, so anyone who says that obviously didn't watch him play much. I'm just saying that I believe Moulds had more talent. In my opinion, if you placed Moulds with Jim Kelly for most of his career, and Reed with the likes of Kelly Holcomb and Rob Johnson, there wouldn't even be a discussion as to who the best receiver in Bills history was.
  20. If by torching, you mean less than 200 yards passing, then yes, I suppose he torched us.
  21. I don't. Kick/punt returning isn't about straight-line speed until you've already passed the last defender. Its more about agility, following your blocks, and seeing the play develop. I'm with you in the sense that I'm skeptical about Watkins, especially considering the reckless way Whaley acquired him. But to use his kick returning abilities to make your point is misguided, in my opinion.
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