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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. He just holds the ball so carelessly. On his next carry, where he had a good gain, he was still carrying it in such a non-chalant way. He will screw up again. Its just a matter of time. Can't win with loser players like that.
  2. Nonsense. Stop giving this terrible coach a pass on this.
  3. Take out the word "dressed" from the thead title and you have an even more accurate statement.
  4. He's good. And he's always been good. Problem is, any front office that realizes this already has a good QB. Sign him for a few years. With a competent coach, this team is a contender.
  5. No chance in hell the Bills win the Super Bowl this year.
  6. Nicely put. I wanted the Bills to keep him too. Not like they didn't have the cap space. The defense has gone up against two top tier QBs this year and gotten beat pretty handily both times. Please don't tell me Byrd couldn't have helped. It's all hypothetical now, but imagine this year's defense with a healthy Byrd and Alonso. It would have been so much fun to watch.
  7. That is sheer lunacy. Fitzpatrick is horrible. How many times do you need to see the ball slip out of his baby-sized hands to see that? Nice guy, sure. Train wreck of a QB. Orton is much better than Fitzpatrick. Be happy we were able to snag him and enjoy competent QB play for the first time in a decade. Because knowing the Bills, they'll let him walk at the end of the year and we'll be right back to square one.
  8. Fitz is the only Bill I can think of that I felt bad hating. He seems like a good guy. But man, did I hate the guy. Strictly for on field play, of course. You just knew that no matter how hard guys like Freddie played, Fitz would blow it somehow. At no point did I ever feel we had a shot at anything other than 8 wins.
  9. I like Mario and all but this is just insanity. He's not even the best player on the D-line. Dareus is. Watt might be the best player in the league right now. Single-blocked? Maybe by accident. I've seen Mario get single-blocked this season more than Dareus. Having said that, I don't believe this to be an effective measurable as not all offensive plays are created equal.
  10. Awesome...thanks for sharing KtD. Did he put you on his porn mailing list?? (too easy...) Did he say anything else about Marrone? On maybe, possibly replacing him at the end of the year? If not, can you just say he did? I had San Fran in my survivor pool this week and refused to split an 1800 dollar pot between four people earlier this week. I need a pick-me-up!
  11. Jim Norton is getting a bad rap here. The offense playing with cement blocks for shoes is all Marrone, in my opinion. Fire this meathead into the sun and we have ourselves a very dangerous team.
  12. Mark Barron is on the trade block?? Isn't that who the Bills were targeting when they picked Gilmore? What happened to him? He was supposed to be the next stud safety.
  13. Simple explanation: We have a meathead as a coach who doesn't understand basic situational football.
  14. Thought the line played well, all things considered. Sprinkle in some non-idiotic playcalling and the Bills could have scored 40 pts in the first half alone.
  15. Kyle Orton is a really good and underrated QB. I was ecstatic when we signed him and knew it was just a matter of time before he started. Now, all we need is a halfway decent coach and this team is in great shape.
  16. He's the best player on the team. They better pay him.
  17. You sound like a scorned lover. Hell hath no fury and all that... http://blogs.democra...-history/?p=397 Read Marcellus Wiley's quote in there. Probably carries more weight than good ol' Bucky Gleason. If Flutie doesn't get benched, the Bills just might have won the Super Bowl that year. You'd still probably hate him, but more power to you.
  18. I like hypothetical trade scenarios too. For those who would do this trade in a second (again, assuming Indy would agree, which they never would), at what point would you say "too much"? Who else would have to be added? Dareus? Aaron Williams? Kiko? I know some people would trade all 53 players but that is ludicrous, no?
  19. Need to mention this for my own sanity before moving on to tomorrow's game. May have been stated here somewhere but I feel as though it deserves a little more scrutiny. At the end of the first half, Spiller fumbled and New England recovered and had the ball at the Bills' 42 yard line with no timeouts and six seconds left. Pretty much out of field goal range. The only thing they can do is throw a hail mary or a quick out pattern to gain some quick yards for a field goal. Football 101 would tell you to cover the near sidelines and have a couple of guys deep to cover the bomb. What do these monkeys in Bills jumpsuits do? Rush 2, and send 9 guys deep and give New England the quick out pattern with nobody covering the receivers. They practically handed them 3 points. That wasn't the difference in the game, and there are a lot of other stupid coaching moves this moron keeps making every week but this was a blatant black and white, non-subjective type of supreme coaching idiocy that really pissed me off. And nobody in the media even asked him about it. It was exactly like the end of the Monday nighter against the Cowboys from 2007 where Jauron did the same thing (giving an uncovered Patrick Crayton a free 7 yards or so after recovering the onside kick) and allowing Folk to kick the winning field goal. To be honest, I have been skeptical about this coach since his first game last year when he challenged a fumble that the Bills didn't recover anyway. He's a completely clueless meathead out there and it's embarrassing. Like many others, I feel this team has what it takes to win the division and maybe even do some damage in the playoffs. I think Orton is good enough at the moment. But it seems as though the coaches are going to sabotage the season.
  20. Thanks mrags! Was saving my thousandth post for a Bills playoff game. But needed some answers asap... And any input is appreciated. And thanks to the rest of you for replying. What about the big tree inn? Whats the deal with that? Andre mentioned it in his HoF speech.
  21. Hey folks, going to the game this Sunday...had couple of questions that maybe some of you could clear up.. 1) Got seats in the 6th row (lower bowl) right around the 45 yard line. Pretty cool as I've never sat anywhere other than the cheap seats. But I was wondering if that might be a "not-so-sweet" spot of being too far from the players, yet too close to them so the view is obstructed by not being able see over their heads. Has anyone sat in a similar area? 2) For tailgating, if I don't bring my own food, do people sell theirs out in the parking lot? Or are there vendors that do so before the game starts? Same question for beer just in case we are unable to get any. 3) Any good places to eat/hang out after the game? Anchor bar? Maybe within walking distance so we don't have to sit in our car waiting for traffic to clear? Thanks
  22. No disrespect to Watkins, but this is the guy I wish they had drafted.
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