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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Spikes is not a key cog on the field. He may bring some intangibles, but there's been games where he's played like 15% of the snaps.
  2. The head ref was the quickest I've ever seen to announce penalty calls. Guy looked like he wanted to get out of there quick.
  3. In lieu of Bill from NYC, who has gone missing the last few weeks, I'd like to offer up some of my own "game within the game" thoughts: 1. Marcus Easley is f'n amazing on special teams. I forgot how much of a difference he can make. 2. Aaron Williams makes some of the best diving tackles I've ever seen. Precise and violent. 3. Gilmore was very good against the run. He sometimes leaves a bit to be desired in the coverage aspect of his game, but he's a pretty good player all-around. 4. What the hell was Dareus doing out there at the end of the game with all the backups? The guy has been the team MVP this year...sit him down! 5. This game was a Corey Graham interception away from being a shutout. What an extraordinary performance by the defense. You can say all you want about how bad the Jets are, and that's what the media is focusing on, but that's still an NFL team, who is coming off their bye and beat the Steelers the week before that. 6. Bradham taking down Ivory by the dreadlocks was my favourite play of the game. Maybe season. That guy's name just sounds tough. 7. Marrone is completely clueless when it comes to time management. Yes, I know other coaches are too. That doesn't excuse it. What the hell was he doing at the end of the first half? Not that it mattered, but him calling those unnecessary timeouts gave the Jets an extra possession (that Decker almost scored on). This guy really just can't get out of his own way. 8. Just something to ponder...how do you think this team could do in a 3-4 with Kiko back next year? Not saying they should, as the learning curve would probably negate any benefit it may have. But the personnel might be better suited for it. Mario Williams was really good as a rush LB under Wade for a few games before he got hurt. Having said that, I'm more of the if-it-isn't-broke mentality. 9. We finally go for a 4th down, and that's the call? How about you just spread them out and sneak it? Marrone said there was a crease there but still. Why not go with the high percentage play there? 10. I love the way Robert Woods plays football. You need a guy with his kind of feistiness. 11. Scott Chandler...congrats on having the best TD celebration this season. Someone had to pick up the slack for Stevie. Didn't think it'd be him. 12. That was one of the most fun games I've seen the Bills play in a while. I always wrestle with whether I prefer the Bills to win going away or in a nailbiter. I still don't know which is better, but last night was great. 13. Finally, great job by all (except two) of the fans last night. It sure did sound like a home game from watching it on TV. How about from now on, whenever a fan runs onto the field, they are fair game to be dealt with by the players for about 60 seconds?
  4. Wow. Thanks for posting these. Can't see how they can get that all removed for Sunday afternoon.
  5. We need some new categories... How about these? Best hat? Jauron at st john fisher Best butchering of the english language? Mularkey Best beard? Chan Best impression of an extra from the walking dead? Jauron Most punchable face? Greggo Most likely to wear a raincoat with 10% chance of precip.? Marrone any others?
  6. Where's this coming from? Hoyer, by all accounts, has played well this year. And he was pretty good last year until he met Kiko. Guy is a good qb...they didn't need to draft Manziel.
  7. Nice thread idea... I'd go: Chan Jauron (he got more out of what he had to work with than greggo who had more talent) none...maybe mularkey by default? definitely none...these guys all sucked at this Chan...got some good tread out of fitzpicksix, as well as seeing the talent of stevie and freddie (eventually) Jauron? apparently the players loved him from what i remember i hated the entertainment value of the jauron years, but the fact he got to 7 wins three times with how crappy those teams are probably shows he's the best of the bunch excuse me while i go throw up now
  8. He had a "fumble the season away" clause. If he does, we get a 3rd. If he doesn't, we get a 4th. Lucky us.
  9. I wish they were playing in weather like this. Love those crazy games.
  10. It really is remarkable when you look at it like that. Our postseason drought baby is now 15 years old and is experimenting with drugs and alcohol with its fellow 10th graders.
  11. Gailey beat new england, which counts as 16 wins, so he's the real leader here.
  12. Just for fun, let's bring this stat back up... Assuming every team has an equal chance at the beginning of every year to make the playoffs (obviously not always the case, as some teams are better than others), the odds of missing the playoffs in any given year are 62.5%. Missing three years in a row...24% Missing 15 years in a row.... Wait for it..... 0.09% That looks like 9% at first glance, but in actuality, it means that the odds of missing the playoffs 15 years in a row are less than one in a thousand. Now factor into the equation that the Bills haven't even been close to a playoff spot save for 2004, and haven't played any meaningful games in december other than that one year. FFS, the patriots have played more meaningful games in February than the Bills have in December. Now also factor in that the Bills haven't even sucked enough to get a top two pick in any of those years (and only two in the top 5..not including the trade up for Watkins) and the odds become astronomically low. Buffalo Bills football, ladies and gentlemen.
  13. I'm pretty sure you get the point. Assuming you do like the job Marrone has done, can you give me an example or two on what it is specifically that fans should be happy about with him? None of this "the team is playing hard for him" gibberish. Going to Orton might be the only smart thing he did, and that was probably decided out of job preservation. The team has had success because of the side of the ball that he does not have nearly as much to do with. He's an offensive guy, and our offense consistently underachieves. Not even because we don't have talent there. Why is that so hard for some people to come to grips with?
  14. I really hope that whoever decides this doesn't look at a set number of wins required to make a decision one way or another. A coach should be able to maximize the talent on the field and give his team the best chance to win. Not continually get in the way, like this guy has done since he got here. As a poster here has repeated...the 2014 Bills are 12 win talent with 2 win coaching. They are winning in spite of the head coach.
  15. In my basement. In the dark, next to the leaky ceiling. Wife beater, boxers, plaid robe, slippers. Cold pizza and warm beer. Anyone wanna come over?
  16. The weird thing is, its not like their offense has been playing lights out. Their defense and special teams have been opportunistic. Still, would have been awesome to see what he could have done here. But we can't. Because..obviously.
  17. I agree with most of what you posted here except the part about Marrone's strengths. What, pray tell, is he exactly good at? He's the worst coach of the drought era, and I'm not sure it's close. If you need analytics to help you make decisions, then you're not a good coach to begin with. I want someone who's common sense jives with what the analytics tells you.
  18. Best player on the team. Do whatever you can to keep him.
  19. He hasn't been a good returner for a couple of years now. His longest return last year was like 17 yards if I remember correctly. More importantly though, he's one of the stupidest players to ever wear a Bills uniform. He calls for fair catches at times when there's no need to. The guy has physical tools, but is just not someone you can count on.
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