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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Wonder if MW gets to at least keep the crayons that came with the playbook.
  2. I think this is pretty accurate actually. Would switch Jauron and Mularkey. Give any of the other coaches this roster and it's in the playoffs.
  3. He took out two defenders on Hogan's TD. Can't recall the last time I've seen a receiver do that.
  4. True. It's extremely difficult and shows incredible bravery to say the Bills will win on Sunday. Ugh...
  5. Thinking that they're not going to win doesn't make you any less of a fan. Hoping they don't does. I hate that kind of mouth breather mentality. If the Bills do somehow pull it off, anyone that comes on here at about 7:30pm on Sunday and says that they're not surprised is a liar or clinically insane.
  6. Do you mean currently? Or going forward? And how is that relevant to this discussion?
  7. Only if our idiotic front office didn't reach for a QB and just stayed patient for a year* *applicable to 2004, and possibly 2013
  8. This is so true. I've been saying that since his rookie year. The guy is just too fast for his own good. If he just waited a split second longer before hitting the hole, I'd bet he'd have a lot more success.
  9. I'm with you here. But you can't drown out the idiots on an anonymous message board. Just do your best to ignore it.
  10. Maybe it's preferable to have our defense score points and keep our offense off the field.
  11. Yes, I think you're wrong. They've only gone up against two really good QBs and they didn't look good either time. Both at home. Having said that, three of their next four are against elite QBs. We'll see how they do.
  12. Drew Brees sucks! Guy can't play in cold weather. Peyton Manning is good unless the game matters. Total choker. Tom Brady? Nothing without Bill Belichick and videotape. Aaron Rodgers has only one Super Bowl appearance. Overrated. Ben Roethlisberger? Too fat. Will probably contract diabetes soon...not worth the money.
  13. So this makes it the second QB who has progressively gotten worse with this coaching staff. Orton started off pretty good and has tapered off. Same with EJ last year. Although he did have a good game against the Jets later on. Maybe just a coincidence. Maybe not.
  14. Ya, who would want possibly the best qb ever to come here. No thanks. We're good with ej fitzortwards.
  15. Haha...that's sad, yet quite funny Honestly though, if I can guess pre-snap whether it's going to be a run or pass and be right 9 out of 10 times, how hard could it be for the group of professionals they are going up against?
  16. Of any of the former players they have employed, you'd think he'd be at the top of the list. I have a feeling things will change for DT with Pegula in charge. Especially if they drop that used car salesman Russ Brandon.
  17. A question with a question. Fine. I'd like him to be able to manage the clock. At least as well as some kid playing Madden can. What's your ideal scenario? So sitting players because his coordinators told him to is nothing to be alarmed about? Him agreeing with them to bench Urbik is bad enough. Him disagreeing and then caving in to them is worse, if that's what you mean. Thanks for playing. Some experience? The entirety of his experience is on the offensive side of the ball. He is incompetent for various reasons. One of which is the fact that the offense has regressed under his watch. Like I said, I give him credit for hiring a good defensive staff and staying out of the way. But that's really it. Come on man...he punted on 4th and inches in the KC game. Wasn't that long ago. And also another 4th and one in that game for good luck! ...Still waiting for one tangible example of what his defenders like about him.
  18. He was an offensive lineman as a player. And he coached tight ends and offensive linemen before becoming an OC in New Orleans. His experience lies on the offensive side of the ball. Can't see how that's even debatable. However, I do agree with you that he's not an offensive specialist. A specialist implies some level of competence. As for your second point, if he's allowing the three phases of the game to be run by his coordinators, what exactly is his job during the game? Other than deciding to punt on 4th and inches or flipping a coin to decide whether he should use a timeout.
  19. I'd really like to know what defenders of Marrone like about him. Some tangible examples. None of this "they play hard for him" crap. Not even sure how true it is, but in any case, that's such a low bar to set. Players played hard for Jauron also. I'll give him hiring two good defensive coaches and getting the hell out of the way. But what else is there? By all accounts, his specialty is offense. The offense has added better players, yet gotten worse. Everyone is quick to blame Hackett for the offense, yet also say the defense is run by Schwartz. If true, what is Marrone's actual function here? What I've seen in the time he's been here that can be directly attributed to him: - horrible clock management - gutless 4th down play calling - mismanaging the roster (sitting Urbik was borderline criminal...the line looks so much better with him in there, as even the average fan could have predicted) - bumbling press conferences where he tries to explain some of his bone-headed decisions Maybe he's a nice guy behind the scenes. Maybe he's not. But the guy is a complete meathead as a head coach and we'll never make the playoffs with him. Such a shame, as this is actually a pretty talented team and a coach's primary function should be to get the best out of the roster he is given. In that respect, I really think he's the worst coach the Bills have had in the 25 years I've been watching this team.
  20. Definite screw-up by one of the two. But as I mentioned in another thread, the Jets shouldn't have even had a drive at the end of the half if we had managed the clock better on the previous drive. Marrone mismanaged the timeouts. Again. Rinse and repeat.
  21. No sir. His clock management is still awful. That end of half possession where they almost scored on the bomb to Decker should not have even taken place. Less practice time and they do better...sounds like they need to keep him away from the team more often!
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