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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Keep em all. Winning is overrated anyway. As long as everyone has fun and nobody gets hurt, we're all winners.
  2. And if we had gone undefeated against new england over the last 15 years we would have made the playoffs once (maybe twice) and still never have won the division.
  3. If all you look at is numbers without any context, then of course you can come to that conclusion. What you're doing is just lazy analysis.
  4. I still maintain that QB-needy teams that passed on Teddy Bridgewater will regret it within 3 years. Almost no chance. His stock was rising as the draft approached. There were rumours he would go first overall.
  5. What are the contract situations for these two? Yes, I'm dreaming of a scenario where one of these guys leaves their team within the next year or two to come play for the bills.
  6. Switch their teams and the Seahawks would go undefeated.
  7. Bridgewater is going to be the best QB of the last couple of drafts. Guy is improving weekly and throws such a pretty ball.
  8. There actually is something sadly ironic about Chris Hogan wearing the number of the playoff drought. Just another $hitty player forced down our throats playing ahead of more talented players by a clueless coaching staff. With predictable results.
  9. He screwed up there for sure. But he also broke up a TD catch earlier in the game.
  10. Which QBs do you rank above him if you think he sucks so much?
  11. What is it that you'd like him to do exactly? Anytime he gets the ball, there's a defender in the backfield waiting to wrap him up. He's not that punishing runner that's going to break through that tackle. The guy needs a second or two to make a break. I think we've all been a bit spoiled by watching Freddie do his thing here with this horse**** offensive line. He's not perfect and doesn't always make the right cuts, but he's got talent that is not being harnessed.
  12. They should also get Belichick here as DB coach. And Jimmy Johnson as special teams assistant. Also bring in Parcells as the waterboy.
  13. 5) Over the next month and a half the Bills win in oakland, foxboro, indy, denver, foxboro again and then finally in arizona
  14. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what his job is then? And how is he a marketing genius? Any specific examples of this? Don't give this used-car salesman credit for selling "inventory" when he had nothing to do with it.
  15. Great work. Thanks again. Question...how does one get all-22 access? And is it available for download anywhere?
  16. Bradford is my vote also. Doubt it happens though. The Rams would be dumb to get rid of him.
  17. Weird that this guy is so far off the radar that he isn't even on that sorry list you provided... http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/bucs/what-has-become-of-josh-freeman/2210737
  18. He's conservative, not defensive-minded. Chan doesn't get blamed for the defense. He gets blamed for who he hired to run the defense. He managed the offense and did okay, relatively speaking. Marrone also shouldn't get credit for the defense, just credit for who he hired. He also manages the offense (with his sidekick) and the offense has been abysmal under his watch. He's a poor head coach and if this team ever wants to go anywhere, he needs to be replaced asap.
  19. Screw Cutler. If Trestman could make Josh McCown look like a pro bowler, there must be something really wrong with this guy to stink it up the way he has this year.
  20. Sorry KtD, but if you think that was terrific coaching, then I think your standards are way too low. Using timeouts there was a no-brainer that I don't think even he could have screwed that up. I'm referring to the times where there's a minute left on the clock at the end of the first half, and the other team is punting deep from their own side of the field and the clock is running down while he stands there looking completely clueless holding onto three timeouts. I'm referring to him gifting the Patriots three points at the end of the first half earlier this year when they had no timeouts and could only throw to the end zone or a quick out to the sidelines. These simple mistakes don't always seem like much but they add up. The worst part is that they are black and white decisions that are just not handled correctly because of nothing other than incompetence. This kind of stuff happens way too often. This is what I mean when I say they are winning in spite of him.
  21. It boggles my mind that more people don't see it like this. All you keep reading is "but we're 8-6". Correlation does not imply causation. I've mentioned in the past that I'd like someone to provide one concrete example of smart coaching by him. Have you ever even once thought "wow...clever tactic there, coach"? The guy's idiotic use of timeouts at the end of halves has me screaming at the tv almost weekly.
  22. The problem here is that if all you look at is the record, then of course you'll say that he's doing a good job. They have 8 wins for the first time in ten years. That's just myopic thinking though. I'd like to think most Bills fans are smarter than that. Just because a team wins doesn't mean they are well-coached. Conversely, just because a team loses, doesn't mean that they are poorly coached. Was Barry Switzer a good coach? He won a Super Bowl. Must be better than Marv then, right?
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