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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. To sum up, the bills trade a draft pick for a guy who can't even crack the starting lineup, but when he finally does due to injuries, he fumbles the season away. That's so buffalo.
  2. Goddammit Whaley. Don't let EJ friggin Manuel be your downfall.
  3. As an added bonus, you're now qualified for an interview for the Bills head coaching job.
  4. Much cheaper than hiring a czar. Gotta make back that 4m somehow. Umm.."Pegula is cheap!"?
  5. If I'm not mistaken, money owed on coaching contracts is negated if the coach gets another job. N'est pas?
  6. I don't see that at all. Every team has the underdog mentality drilled into them. That's not anything new. Its the first thing you hear, even from championship teams. As for being physical, I think you can thank the defense for that. Guy was hands off in regards to the D. He also clashed with chippy players on the team, so what does that tell you about how he wanted tough teams? Doug "I don't like fighting...it doesn't belong on my field" Marrone deserves credit for hiring two good defensive coordinators (and that's assuming he was the driving force behind both of those hires, which I'm not entirely sure of). And that's it. He honestly did absolutely nothing else positive for this team. This is why I say that when you look at it as getting the most out of what they were given, he really is the worst coach of the drought era. The other guys had their issues, but no coach squandered as much talent as this jobber.
  7. My question would be: What are your thoughts on the QB position here? Russ Brandon's question is: What do I have to do to get YOU in this car?
  8. If we all just could have kept our mouths shut about how clueless he was, the Jets would have hired him.
  9. There's a special place in hell reserved for dimwits who use "but what has team x won with player y?"
  10. Please post more. This was excellent. I keep reading this message as if it were song lyrics and I can't stop giggling.
  11. He has made that o-line look pretty good with not always a lot of talent. Wilson helps with that, but their run game always opens up big holes.
  12. Awesome..thanks for your candour. After reading whatever I did on the QBs from last year, I also thought Bridgewater would turn out as the best of them all. I feel even more strongly about that now after watching him play this year. I think he'll be the best QB to come out of the last two drafts actually.
  13. Bandit...what is your track record like when it comes to scouting QBs? You seem to be quite knowledgeable. I don't watch college football so I rely on the opinions of others to decide who the Bills should draft... For example, there were some people here screaming for the Bills (or any team) to draft Russell Wilson and that he would be a superstar.
  14. Does any of this talk about him having leverage and making demands have any factual basis behind it? I feel this is going to become another one of those things that people here repeat often enough for it to become a truth. This can't all be stemming from that completely speculative Schefter tweet, right?
  15. Guess Oakland is looking to build a monorail? How awesome would today be if both Marrone and Brandon are gone? Late Christmas gift to Bills fans.
  16. I don't want to jinx it (knocking on wood as we speak) but I feel better about him leaving today than I did the last two days. Please go Dougie...and take your crack offensive staff with you. It would be a great New Year's gift to Bills fans. Other than maybe world peace and an end to hunger, there's nothing more I want today than this.
  17. Great list..can't argue much of what's here. A contender for top play could be the game-winning (almost...2 seconds to spare) TD by Watkins against the Vikings.
  18. McCown is the one guy who's decent here. But its strange that you'd like him if you think Schopp is a "condescending prick". Bobcat is in a league of his own when it comes to condescension. Its quite funny at times, actually.
  19. Ya, I was really pissed when he wouldn't respond to me on this message board. Having said that, Fred Jackson outplayed him (and every other hot shot RB the Bills have had) when he was here. If they had traded Freddie to Seattle and kept Lynch, he would have been a perennial all-pro.
  20. Wow...lots of crybabies on this board. Just don't listen if it bothers you that much. Truth is, he's very good at what he does. Easily the best on that station. I would never call in to the show as I don't need to hear the sound of my own voice on the radio, but I agree with a lot of what he says. Even on things I don't, he provides good entertainment value. And I find that a lot of what he says is the harsh truth and people just don't like to hear it. He's not paid to be a cheerleader. He gives credit where it's due, but nobody acknowledges it. He's been singing the praises of the defense all year, as they've earned it. He calls out the offense and the offensive philosophy, as they've earned it also. You may not believe it, but people in Buffalo are spoiled when it comes to radio when you compare it to the stooges we have here in Toronto. We have two 24-hour sports radio stations and they are filled with people on par with the likes of Paul Hamilton (uninformed dinosaur) and Chris Brown (and his rose-coloured glasses).
  21. I'm praying this happens too. I keep checking here and on twitter hoping to see it.
  22. You can win being nice. Marv was, by all accounts, a nice guy. They had way too many injuries on the defensive side of the ball during his time there. And he probably should have hired a better D coordinator. As for Marrone, what makes you so sure of that?
  23. I don't follow the Bears too closely, but does anyone else think Trestman is getting a raw deal here? He did make Josh McCown look like a star in that offense last year. Cutler seems to have a lone wolf kind of mentality and I don't think Trestman was able to get him to buy in to his system. If I'm not mistaken, even Brandon Marshall was taking veiled shots at Cutler near the end of the season.
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