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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I'm not one of them. I would love that move. Get him a couple of knee braces and get in line for playoff tickets.
  2. This kind of jives with what Leroi (TBD insider) was mentioning last month. That the fans don't have any idea what's in store for them and that there is no real hope for EJ (which was all but verified when he was spoken of in the same vein as Tuel). Who knows what they're thinking of doing, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Fool me once...etc.
  3. Kane punched a Buffalo cab driver over a few cents. And then mocked it at their victory parade. He's a class A douche. I can't stand that meathead Gronkowski, but he's not in the same league (literally, and figuratively) as that rat.
  4. They did? It was 22-9. And that includes a BS safety. They most definitely did not "make us look like a joke".
  5. Seriously doubt that. The risk/reward ratio is just not there for that scenario. As good of a coach as he is, he can still make mistakes. And not calling a timeout there was a huge blunder that he got away with because of that stupid play call.
  6. I can't stand that meathead. Why does he speak like a black guy? Such a douchey poser.
  7. And new england hired the guy the Browns didn't want. Seriously, what do you get by constantly $hitting on everyone's posts?
  8. Music snobs are right up there with people who don't flush in public bathrooms in terms of obnoxious level. It's a personal preference! Get over yourselves. You didn't actually write or perform any of the songs in question here.
  9. No? NO??? Some people wouldn't want him on the team?? That's laughable. I'm guessing whoever feels that way owns a Chris Hogan jersey and/or is part of his extended family. The letter was nicely written. I also hate that cliche of "I'm worried about him" by people on tv regarding others they don't even know. It's so phony.
  10. "Chase" is not a QB name. Re-sign Tank Carder and see if he can throw the ball.
  11. My hope is that they actually do cater to their personnel and that's not just coach-speak. If we can't upgrade at QB, then yes, I'd agree with a heavy run attack. But I would have felt much better had they said that they understand how the league is now and that you need to have the opposing defense fear your passing game to compete with the big boys. But again, I don't take much of what was said today as anything important.
  12. As expected, a complete waste of time in terms of anything enlightening. They did speak about offense like it was 1975 though. Hopefully they put more emphasis on the passing game than they are letting on.
  13. If he somehow does get cut after this year like she's saying, the Bills should be all over him. He was nothing short of excellent in any games I saw the dolphins play. Just amazing closing speed.
  14. Vic Carucci ‏@viccarucci 1h1 hour ago New #Bills OC Greg Roman will concentrate mainly on run game. QB coach David Lee & WR coach Sanjay Lal will focus on passing game. 0 replies 22 retweets 10 favorites This structure seems weird. Can't say I'm a fan of it.
  15. Seriously doubt he'll ever have to worry about that scenario.
  16. Pretty sure LaCanfora is misinformed about this, as he's been known to be when it comes to Bills news. Having said that, I wouldn't mind this. Hackett got shafted here by Marrone.
  17. Fred has been an aging and slow running back for pretty much his whole career here according the same crap I read on this board every off-season. Newsflash: He's still far and away the best RB on this team. If the coaching staff does cut him, then we are in more trouble than most of us imagine. But I don't think Rex/Roman are that stupid.
  18. Manny Lawson is a pretty good player. Not sure why people don't see that. Everyone just remembers the 4th down against kc.
  19. He's played like two games! You definitely kick the tires on the guy if he can be had for cheap.
  20. Ya man...screw Tom Brady. Give me EJ Manuel and his regularly-inflated balls any day of the week.
  21. Who really cares though? This is such an insignificant topic. I, for one, appreciate her honesty. And I think she's pretty good in interviews. Much better than Terry Pegula, anyway.
  22. Thought about it... Still hate Marrone more
  23. The NFL is not a team game, as much as they'd love to preach that. It's all about the QB. Put Luck on this year's Bills, and we probably win the Super Bowl.
  24. If I had one wish for Bills fans it would be to appreciate the talent of Fred Jackson. With the clown show he's had to deal with around him in terms of coaching/qbs/oline, and for him to have done as well as he's done is nothing short of miraculous. I almost wish he was the one traded to Seattle instead of Lynch so he could get the recognition he deserves.
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