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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. You're either joking, or you haven't ever watched a Rams game.
  2. Quick sidenote about that place: Nobody ever peed standing up there.
  3. Let's just get the smart-ass response of "he gets injured" out of the way first. Disclaimer: I'm a sucker for the blazing fast guys. I held out hope for Roscoe Parrish and TJ Graham longer than most so take this all with a grain of salt. Having said that. I love watching this guy play and I think he needs to be used more. The separation he gets is not something I've ever seen from a Bills player. Yes he gets hurt a lot, but he's not a wimpy player. The guy goes into the middle and will take a hit to make a catch. For those who have seen their share of Niners games, what role do you see him playing in Roman's offense? I can't recall if they had a guy like him before. Brandon Lloyd is fast, but not really the same kind of player. From everything Rex and Roman have said, it seems like they prefer size and power over the small, fast guys. Watkins and Goodwin on the ends with Woods in the slot would scare defenses (if we had a QB, that is).
  4. He thought that because he had our resident used-car salesman named Russ Brandon on his side. Luckily the Pegulas didn't listen to him. I'm just hoping the days of this guy slithering himself into football decisions are over for good.
  5. RalphOP83 is female? Or did he mistype fiancée? Either way, thanks for your insight as always madam/sir!
  6. Baccari Rambo should be elite based on his name alone. I was actually disappointed he only got two picks against Rodgers. I was expecting at least 4.
  7. You have to have a brain to get a concussion. Lucky for him, he didn't have to worry about that.
  8. Favourite Keith Rivers memory from the past year? Him not touching Arian Foster to mark him down after Foster fell after a catch and run late in the 4th quarter. Foster got up and gained a few more yards for the first down. Guy just stood there watching him then realized too late. Moron. Technically, this is my only memory of the guy. Good riddance.
  9. This is simply just not true. Edwards had probably the best game of his career the week after against the Chargers. And EJ wasn't progressing at all this year. Not saying he never will, but its just not factual to say he was better than he was last season (even though he wasn't all that great then either).
  10. He's the best player on our team. So in fairness, they should trade their best player for him.
  11. I hate that EJ is so awful that I actually was ecstatic when they named Orton the starter. And sadly I would feel the same if it happened again.
  12. I forgot about that particular CBA rule. Thanks to those that pointed it out. Having said that, it's still kind of strange that Wood, Dareus, Freddie, Mario and Kyle Williams have all stated on separate occasions that they have yet to speak with Rex but didn't mention once that it was because they are not allowed to. That's pretty much the entire leadership core of the team and if he's allowed to call and at least say hello, you'd think he would have done that with at least one of those guys by now.
  13. I love the hire, but I find it really weird that he hasn't contacted the players personally yet.
  14. I'm thinking people who don't like Stevie believe: 1. Only Bills players drop passes. 2. Football players should be seen and not heard. I wish he could go to a team with a decent QB. He had three really solid years with Ryan f'n Fitzpatrick throwing wounded ducks every week.
  15. What the hell? In what world is that even remotely true?
  16. The biggest lie in this thread is about how there's been a bunch of posters in the past that spread false rumours. That doesn't happen often here, so all these fools using that excuse are full of it. Also, the whole "he didn't put it in a way I thought was right"....who really cares what form you like or not? You do realize how arrogant that sounds coming from a nobody on a message board. Truth is, 99.9% of posters on here don't offer anything other than their opinions (myself included). The select few that do should be given preferred treatment for the betterment of the board. Tim Graham is one of those people. What does it matter to people here if they find him overly sensitive? He had inside info and was willing to share it with us here for a while. Classic cutting-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face kind of mentality. Here's an idea (which obviously won't fly)...how about next time someone posts what they claim is privileged info, instead of wanting to slam them, just ignore the thread.
  17. Classy guy... http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/07/15/5044910/panthers-greg-hardy-arrives-for.html#.VNjPZS6GrFo Edit: And just like that, the charges against him have been dismissed.
  18. Not sure which of your statements is more ridiculous.
  19. Imagine this was any of the previous Bills coaches that had done this. The board would have imploded. Truth is, if Belichick did it on purpose, he's an idiot. Odds are, he just got caught up in the moment, regardless of what he said in his presser afterwards.
  20. Nickell Robey should be given a chance to win a starting spot. He's smaller than Leodis, but he has the best instincts and closing speed of anyone on the team. He can do more than just cover the slot receiver.
  21. Its because they have Tyrion Lannister on the payroll. Everyone loves that little guy.
  22. Wow. That is a completely crazy thought that I never would have considered. Imagine that somehow was found to be true.
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