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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Those are overly simple and meaningless stats without context. Not many players could have been successful with that dumpster fire of an offense last year. Even on that big run in Chicago in OT, there was a blocking assignment missed by the guard that Wood made up for with his own stiff arm to the rusher. The line was absolutely atrocious this past season.
  2. Even the Fred supporters are kind of selling him short here. I thought he played really well last season relatively speaking. He was hurt, he played behind an awful o-line that had defenders in the backfield before he got the ball half the time, he had no QB support which led to opposing defenses selling out for the run, and he had crap offensive coaching. Look at how CJ and Bryce Brown did in the same situation.
  3. I love what Fred brings in regards to intangibles, but forgetting all that, and strictly speaking in regards to on-field play, how could anyone think that he's not better than Bryce Brown? I don't understand the front office wanting to cut him, especially if they are in "win now" mode. His salary is paltry in the grand scheme of things.
  4. So our owner understands offensive football better than our gm. Nice. If true, thanks Terry! This is a close second to you keeping the team in Buffalo.
  5. If this is true, which I'm guessing it is, that is grounds for firing Whaley on the spot.
  6. If they're doing this based on analytics, then they are working analytics wrong. Idiots.
  7. Would it matter if he was 24 instead of 34? I'm pretty sure you aren't even aware that he has less career carries than McCoy. Look beyond his age. Look beyond the fact he's never actually been a burner. Look at what he was able to do with that awful line and with Marrone as a coach compared to the other running backs on the team. The guy has been underrated his whole career from a national standpoint. It shouldn't be that way in Buffalo where I'm guessing people actually watch the games.
  8. Not outrush. He won't be given the same opportunity as McCoy to do that. But, as he's done in the past, he will outplay this latest hotshot running back if given the chance. As in, he will look more effective and get the yards that someone else wouldn't.
  9. Great post. Everyone is giddy about the off-season but there is very little critical thinking going on here. McCoy has had a great line his whole career and has had two great offensive coaches. Look at how the backup RBs have fared in the Reid/Chip systems. If they keep Fred (which I hope to God they do), I think by the end of next year, he'll have outplayed McCoy.
  10. Seriously, eff this team if they cut Fred. What analytics are they looking at to tell them Bryce Brown and possibly Bilal Powell are better options at running back? Can't just be salary if we're in "win now" mode right? The guy has never had a line nor a QB to play with. And he's had one good offensive mind (Gailey) since he's been in Buffalo. I can't think of many players who could have done as well as he has. And the thing is, he's still really good. But the resident ageists can't see beyond their myopic view of what a running back should look like at 34. Sadly, it appears as though a few of them work at OBD. Also, some food for thought: He has less career carries than McCoy.
  11. I'd like to see him do well. He was always a likable guy. The Eagles would probably be the best place for him but they already have sproles so I doubt that happens. Just hope he leaves the afc east.
  12. Apologies...I didn't see that the cap hit was down to 5.6 million. That's some good restructuring by the Bills. Still don't like the trade, but that's not a prohibitive number. Now re-sign Hughes, and get Bulaga and Iupati please.
  13. It's not my money. I don't care how much he gets. Just saying I'd prefer to have Kiko plus whatever money saved to get someone else as opposed to McCoy.
  14. McCoy at 16 million vs. Kiko at less than a million. Way to go Bills.
  15. Haha..good find Might have to borrow that one
  16. Sorry mr dog. Definitely wouldn't want to fight you. Your arms must be massive from all that water you carry for the Bills.
  17. This is insanity. There are probably people here who would justify if we had traded Dareus for McCoy. "He's immature anyway" "He will want too much money" "The defense was fine without him that one series" "We have Corbin Bryant" Whaley (and Rex, who actually might have had the final say) got fleeced here badly. A premier receiver just got traded for a 5th round pick. We gave up a potential superstar linebacker for a running back with more career carries than Fred Jackson. Let that sink in.
  18. Its ok...we have Kik...oh wait, never mind.
  19. Kiko 100%. This trade sucks. An LB group of Kiko-Brown-Bradham + an extra 9 million dollars sounds a lot better than what we have now. Serious question for the pompom-waving crowd...how much of a difference would McCoy had made to this team last year? Point being, the RBs weren't the problem with the inept running game. It was the line and the coaching. A few days later and I'm still pissed about it, and amazed that so many are thinking we came out on the better end. Not only do I hate the trade, but put me in the 'fire Whaley' camp.
  20. I wonder if Chip Kelly has stopped laughing at us yet, especially after seeing this trade. Whaley has done some nice things here and there, but he needs to go. The Bills need a GM who understands positional value and the salary cap if they want to compete with the big boys. This guy is just winging it.
  21. I don't want Steppenwolf in this division. Sign somewhere else, please. Or better yet, sign with Buffalo.
  22. Didn't we draft this guy? Or was that Clay Matthews? Oh wait...it was Aaron Maybin. I always get the three of those guys confused.
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